Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis Part 10

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"We're not," retorted Dan, with vigor.

"Why not?"

"This forenoon Pennington deliberately stepped on Darrin's shoulder, with such force as to lame it a good deal," replied Dan. "Our man insists that he has a right to rest his shoulder, and to wait until to-morrow."

"But to-morrow we have a short sh.o.r.e liberty at Hampton Roads,"

remonstrated Briggs.

"Yes; and during that sh.o.r.e liberty we can have the fight more safely than on board s.h.i.+p," insisted Dalzell.

"But we intended to devote our sh.o.r.e leave to pleasure," objected Decker.

"You'll find plenty of pleasure, if you accept our proposition," urged Dan dryly. "At any rate, we won't hear of Darrin fighting before to-morrow. He must have to-night to rest that shoulder."

"All right; so be it," growled Decker, after a side glance at Briggs.

"On sh.o.r.e, at some point to be selected by the seconds?" asked Dan Dalzell.

"Yes; that's agreed."

Details as to whom to invite as referee and time-keeper were also arranged.

"I suppose we'll have to use up our sh.o.r.e leave that way, then," grunted Pennington, when told of the arrangement.

"There's one way you can save the day," grinned Decker.


"Put Darrin to sleep in the first round, then hurriedly dress and leave, and enjoy your time on sh.o.r.e."

"But Darrin is a very able man with his fists," observed Pennington.

"Yes; but you're a mile bigger and heavier, and you're spry, too. You ought to handle him with all the ease in the world."

"I don't know," muttered Pennington, who didn't intend to make the mistake of bragging in advance. "I'll do my best, of course."

"Oh, you'll win out, if you're awake," predicted Mids.h.i.+pman Briggs confidently.

When the cadets were called, the following morning, they found the battles.h.i.+p fleet at anchor in Hampton Roads.



One after another the launches sped ash.o.r.e, carrying their swarms of distinguished looking young mids.h.i.+pmen.

The fight party managed to get off all in the same boat, and on one of the earliest trips.

Pennington was to have ordinary sh.o.r.e leave on the cruise, his fifty demerits to be paid for by loss of privileges on his return to the Naval Academy.

"Decker," proposed Dan, "you and I can skip away and find a good place in no time. Then we can come back after the others."

"That's agreeable to me," nodded Mids.h.i.+pman Decker.

In twenty minutes the two seconds were back.

"We've found just the place," announced Decker. "And it isn't more than three minutes' walk from here. Will you all hurry along?"

"The place" turned out to be a barn that had not been used for a year or more. The floor was almost immaculately clean. In consideration of two dollars handed him, the owner had agreed to display no curiosity, and not to mention the affair to any one.

"How do you like it, Darry?" asked Dan anxiously.

"It will suit me as well as any other place," responded Dave, slipping off his blouse, folding it neatly and putting it aside, his uniform cap following.

"And you?" asked Decker of his man.

"The floor's hard, but I don't expect to be the man to hit it," replied Pennington.

In five minutes both mids.h.i.+pmen were attired for their "affair." Between them the different members of the party had smuggled ash.o.r.e shoes, old trousers and belts for the fighters.

It being a cla.s.s affair, Remington, of the third cla.s.s, had come along as referee, while Dawley; was to be the time-keeper.

"If the princ.i.p.als are ready, let them step forward," ordered Mids.h.i.+pman Remington, going to the middle of the floor. "Now, I understand that this is to be a finish fight; rounds, two minutes; rests, two minutes. I also understand that the princ.i.p.als do not care to shake hands before the call to mix up."

Darrin and Pennington nodded their a.s.sent.

"Take your places, gentlemen," ordered the referee quickly. "Are you ready, gentlemen?"

"Yes," came from both princ.i.p.als.


Both men had their guards up. As the word left the referee's lips each tried two or three which the other blocked. Mids.h.i.+pman Pennington was trying to take his opponent's "measure."

Then Dave ducked, darted, dodged and wheeled about. Pennington had to follow him, and it made the latter angry.

"Stand up and fight, can't you," hissed Pen.

"Silence during the rounds, Mr. Pennington," admonished the referee quietly. "Let the officials do all the talking that may be necessary."

Dave, as he dodged again, and came up unscathed, grinned broadly over this rebuke. That grin made Pen angrier than anything else could have done.

"I'll wipe that grin off his face!" muttered Pennington angrily.

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Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis Part 10 summary

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