Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis Part 12

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"Have it your own way, then, Danny boy!"

When Darrin and his seconds left the barn they went off to enjoy what remained of the sh.o.r.e leave. Pennington's seconds finally, at his own request, left him at an ice cream parlor, where he proposed to remain until he could return to the big, steel "Ma.s.sachusetts" without exciting any wonder over the little time he had remained ash.o.r.e. Pennington had strength to walk about, but he was far from being in really good shape, and preferred to keep quiet.



From Hampton Roads the Battles.h.i.+p Squadron, with the mids.h.i.+pmen on board, sailed directly for Plymouth, England.

During most of the voyage over slow cruising speed was used. By the time that England's coast was sighted the third-cla.s.s middies found they knew much more about a battles.h.i.+p than they had believed to be possible at the start of the voyage.

They had served as firemen; they had mastered many of the electrical details of a battles.h.i.+p; they had received instruction and had "stood trick" by the engines; there had been some drill with the smaller, rapid-fire guns, and finally, they had learned at least the rudiments of "wig-wagging," as signaling by means of signal flags is termed.

It was just before the call to supper formation when England's coast loomed up. Most of the mids.h.i.+pmen stood at the rail, watching eagerly for a better glimpse at the coast.

Some of the mids.h.i.+pmen, especially those who came from wealthier families, had been in England before entering the Naval Academy. These fortunate ones were questioned eagerly by their comrades.

The battles.h.i.+ps were well in sight of Eastern King Point when the mids.h.i.+pmen's call for supper formation sounded. Feeling that they would much have preferred to wait for their supper, the young men hastened below.

After the line was formed it seemed to the impatient young men as though it had never taken so long to read the orders.

Yet there came one welcome order, to the effect that, immediately after the morning meal, all mids.h.i.+pmen might go to the pay officer and draw ten dollars, to be charged against their pay accounts.

"That ten dollars apiece looms up large David, little giant," murmured Dan Dalzell, while the evening meal was in progress.

"We ought to have a lot of fun on it," replied Darrin, who was looking forward with greatest eagerness to his first visit to any foreign soil.

"But how much sh.o.r.e leave are we to have?"

"Two days, the word is. We'll get it straight in the morning, at breakfast formation."

In defiance of regulations, Mids.h.i.+pman Pennington, whose father was wealthy, had several hundred dollars concealed in his baggage. He had already invited Hallam, Mossworth and d.i.c.key to keep in his wake on sh.o.r.e, and these young men had gladly enough agreed.

"Say, but we're slackening speed!" quivered Dalzell, when the meal was nearly finished.

"Headway has stopped," declared Darrin a few moments later.

"Listen, everyone!" called Farley. "Don't you hear the rattle of the anchor chains?"

"Gentlemen, as we're forbidden to make too much racket," proposed irrepressible Dan, "let us give three silent cheers for Old England!"

Rising in his place, Dan raised his hand aloft, and brought it down, as his lips silently formed a "hurrah!"

Three times this was done, each time the lips of the mids.h.i.+pmen forming a silent cheer.

Then Dan, with a mighty swoop of his right arm, let his lips form the word that everyone knew to be "tiger!"

"Ugh-h-h!" groaned Mids.h.i.+pman Reilly.

"Throw that irresponsible Fenian out!" directed Dan, grinning.

Then the mids.h.i.+pmen turned their attention to the remnants of the meal.

Boom! sounded sharply overhead.

"There goes the twenty-one-gunner," announced Darrin.

When a foreign battles.h.i.+p enters a fortified port the visiting fleet, or rather, its flags.h.i.+p, fires a national salute of twenty-one guns. After a short interval following the discharge of the last gun, one of the forts on sh.o.r.e answers with twenty-one guns. This is one of the methods of observing the courtesies between nations by their respective fleets.

Ere all the guns had been fired from the flags.h.i.+p, the third cla.s.smen received the rising signal; the cla.s.s marched out and was dismissed.

Instantly a break was made for deck.

The mids.h.i.+pmen were in good time to see the smoke and hear the roar of guns from one of the forts on sh.o.r.e.

In the morning the commandant of cadets, as commanding officer of the squadron, would go ash.o.r.e with his aide and pay a formal call to the senior military officer. Later in the day that English officer and one or two of his staff officers would return the call by coming out to the flags.h.i.+p. That accomplished, all the required courtesies would have been observed.

It was still broad daylight, for in summer the English twilight is a long one, and darkness does not settle down until late.

"Oh, if we were only going ash.o.r.e to-night!" murmured Hallam. There were many others to echo the thought, but all knew that it could not be done.

"Couldn't we find a trick for slipping ash.o.r.e after lights out?" eagerly queried d.i.c.key, who was not noted as a "greaser."

"Could we?" quivered Hallam, who, with few demerits against him, felt inclined to take a chance.

But Pennington, to whom he appealed, shook his head.

"Too big a risk, Hally," replied Pen. "And trebly dangerous, with that greaser, Darrin, in the cla.s.s."

"Oh, stow that," growled Hallam. "Darrin is no greaser. You've got him on your black books--that's all."

"He is a greaser, I tell you," cried Pennington fiercely.

There were a score of mids.h.i.+pmen in this group, and many of them nodded approvingly at Pennington's statement. Though still a cla.s.s leader, Dave had lost some of his popularity since his report to the police of Annapolis.

So the middies turned in, that night, with unsatisfied dreams of sh.o.r.e life in England.

Soon after breakfast the next morning, however, every mids.h.i.+pman had drawn his ten dollars, even to Pennington, who had no use for such a trifling amount.

As fast as possible the launches ranged alongside at the side gangway, taking off groups of mids.h.i.+pmen, everyone of whom had been cautioned to be at dock in time to board a launch in season for supper formation.

Pennington and his party were among the first to land. They hurried away.

It was on the second trip of one of the launches that Dave, Dan and Farley made their get away. These three chums had agreed to stick together during the day. They landed at the Great Western Docks, to find themselves surrounded by eager British cabbies.

"Are we going to take a cab and get more quickly and intelligently to the best part of the town to see?" asked Farley.

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Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis Part 12 summary

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