Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis Part 4

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"I hardly think it will, if you report yourself first," urged Hallam.

"But you'll be about certain to get your walking papers if you wait for the first information to come from other sources."

"Hang it," groaned Pennington, "I wish I could think, but my head aches as though it would split and my tooth is putting up more trouble than I ever knew there was in the world. And, in this racked condition, I'm to go and put myself on the pap-sheet. In what way shall I do it, Hallam?

Can't you suggest something?"

"Yes," retorted Hallam with great energy. "Go to the medical officer and tell him how your tooth troubles you. Tell him what you tried on sh.o.r.e.

I'll go with you, if you want."

"Will you, old man? I'll be a thousand times obliged!"

So the pair went off in search of the sick-bay, as the hospital part of a battles.h.i.+p is called. The surgeon was not in his office adjoining, but the hospital steward called him over one of the s.h.i.+p telephones, informing him that a mids.h.i.+pman was suffering with an ulcerated tooth.

Dr. Mackenzie came at once, turned on a reflector light, and gazed into Mids.h.i.+pman Pennington's mouth.

"Have you tried to treat this tooth yourself, in any way?" queried the s.h.i.+p's surgeon.

"Yes, sir; I was so crazy with the pain, while in Annapolis, that I am afraid I did something that will get me into trouble," replied Pennington, with a quiver in his voice.

"What was that?" asked Dr. Mackenzie, glancing at him sharply. "Did you try the aid of liquor?"

"Worse, I'm afraid, sir."


Pennington told of his experience with the opium pipe.

"That's no good whatever for a toothache, sir," growled Dr. Mackenzie.

"Besides, it's a serious breach of discipline. I shall have to report you, Mr. Pennington."

"I expected it, sir," replied Pennington meekly.

"However, the report won't cure your toothache," continued Dr. Mackenzie in a milder tone. "We'll attend to that first."

The surgeon busied himself with dissolving a drug in a small quant.i.ty of water. This he took up in a hypodermic needle and injected into the lower jaw.

"The ache ought to stop in ten minutes, sir," continued the surgeon, turning to enter some memoranda in his record book.

After that the surgeon called up the s.h.i.+p's commander over the 'phone, and made known Pennington's report.

"Mr. Pennington, Captain Scott directs that you report at his office immediately," said the surgeon, as he turned away from the telephone.

"Very good, sir. Thank you, sir."

Both mids.h.i.+pmen saluted, then left the sick-bay.

"This is where you have to go up alone, I guess," hinted Mids.h.i.+pman Hallam.

"I'm afraid so," sighed Pennington.

"However, I'll be on the quarter-deck, and, if I'm wanted, you can send there for me."

"Thank you, old man. You're worth a brigade of Darrins--confound the greasing meddler!"

"Darrin acted according to his best lights on the subject of duty,"

remonstrated Mr. Hallam mildly.

"His best lights--bah!" snarled Pennington. "I'll take this all out of him before I'm through with him!"

Pennington reported to the battles.h.i.+p's commander. After some ten minutes a marine orderly found Hallam and directed him to go to Captain Scott's office. Here Hallam repeated as much as was asked of him concerning the doings of the afternoon. Incidentally, the fact of Mids.h.i.+pman Darrin's report to the police was brought out.

"Mr. Pennington, I shall send you at once, in a launch, over to the commandant of cadets to report this matter in person to him," said Captain Scott gravely. "Mr. Hallam, you will go with Mr. Pennington."

Then, after the two had departed, an apprentice messenger went through the s.h.i.+p calling Dave's name. That young man was summoned to Captain Scott's office.

"I am in possession of all the facts relating to the unfortunate affair of Mids.h.i.+pman Pennington, Mr. Darrin," began Captain Scott, after the interchange of salutes. "Will you tell me why you reported the affair to the police?"

"I went to the police, sir," Dave replied, "because I was aware that many members of the new fourth cla.s.s are away from home for the first time in their lives. I was afraid, sir, that possibly some of the new mids.h.i.+pmen might, during one of their town-leaves, be tempted to try for a new experience."

"A very excellent reason, Mr. Darrin, and I commend you heartily for it.

I shall also report your exemplary conduct to the commandant of mids.h.i.+pmen. You have, in my opinion, Mr. Darrin, displayed very good judgment, and you acted upon that judgment with promptness and decision.

But I am afraid," continued the Navy captain dryly, "that you have done something that will make you highly unpopular, for a while, with some of the members of your cla.s.s."

"I hope not, sir," replied Dave.

"So do I," smiled Captain Scott "I am willing to find myself a poor prophet. That is all, Mr. Darrin."

Once more saluting, Dave left the commanding officer's presence. Almost the first cla.s.smate into whom he stumbled was Dan Dalzell.

"Well, from what quarter does the wind blow!" murmured Dan.

Darrin repeated the interview that he had just had.

"I'm afraid, Dave, little giant, that you've planted something of a mine under yourself," murmured Dalzell.

"I feel as much convinced as ever, Danny boy, that I did just what I should have done," replied Darrin seriously.

"And so does Captain Scott, and so will the commandant," replied Dan.

"But winning the commendation of your superior officers doesn't always imply that you'll get much praise from your cla.s.smates."

"Unfortunately, you are quite right," smiled Dave. "Still, I'd do the same thing over again."

"Oh, of course you would," a.s.sented Dan. "That's because you're Dave Darrin."

Here a voice like a ba.s.s horn was heard.

"All third cla.s.smen report to the quarter-deck immediately!"

This order was repeated in other parts of the s.h.i.+p. Mids.h.i.+pmen gathered with a rush, Pennington and Hallam being the only members absent. As soon as the third cla.s.smen, or "youngsters," as they are called in mids.h.i.+pman parlance, had formed, the orders were read off dividing them into sections for practical instruction aboard s.h.i.+p during the cruise.

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Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis Part 4 summary

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