The Cultural History of Marlborough, Virginia Part 32

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To 1 pair Iron Spansils[215] at 50 ----- Total [_sic_] 26010

Daniel Beach was janitor of the Court House, being paid 200 pounds tobacco annually 1700-1703:

1700 and 1701--"To Daniel Beach for cleaning the Court House"

1702 and 1703--"To Daniel Beach for Sweeping the Courthouse."


[214] A cl.u.s.ter or bundle of things tied up together; a quant.i.ty of things set thick together. [New Oxford Dictionary]

[215] SPANCEL: A rope or fetter for hobbling cattle, horses, etc.; especially, a short, round rope used for fettering the hind legs of a cow during milking. [New Oxford Dictionary]


Charges to Account of Mosley Battaley for Goods Sold by Mercer

[From Ledger B, p. 1]

s. d.

1725 October

12^{th} To Ball^{ns}. y^r Acco^{tt} Book A for (75) 3 10 3 To a Sword & Belt 14 To 1 Snuff 8 To 1 best worsted Cap 5 To 1 p^r Neats Leather Saddlebags 12 9 To 2 silk Romall handkerchiefs @ 3/ 6 To 1 p^r Seersuckers 1 13 To 1 fine Hat N^o 7 13 6 To Cornelius Tacitus in fol. 7

13^{th} To 1 p^r mens white topt Gloves 1 6 To 50 4^p Nails 2

14^{th} To 5-1/4 y^{ds} Broadcloath at 9/ 2 7 3 To 7 y^{ds} Shalloone at 2/ 14 To 8 Sticks Mohair at 3^d 2 To 7 doz Coatb.u.t.tons at 7-1/2^d 4 4-1/2 To 4 doz. breast d^o at 3-3/4 1 3 To 3 hanks Silk at 9^d 2 3 To 1-1/4 y^{ds} Wadding at 10^d 1 3 To 1 p^r Stone b.u.t.tons set in Silver 5

15^{th} To 1 p^r large Scissars 7-1/2 To 1 p coll^d binding 1 7-1/2 To 1 p holland tape 1 6 To 6 ells broad Garlix N^o F at 2/11 17 6 To 1 p^r womens wash gloves 1 6

19^{th} To 1 y^d black ribband 10 To 1 horn & Ivory knife & fork 1

21 To 1 fine hat N^o 7 13 6 To 1/4 y^d Persian 1 3 To 2 y^{ds} silk Ferritting at 5^d 10

22 To Cash won on the Race against Cobler 5

29 To 1/4 y^d broadcloath 2 3 To 1 q^t Rum 1 3 To a Sword & Belt 14 3 To Club in Punch 2 To 1^ sugar & 1 q^t Rum 2

30 To Club with Quarles 9

Novb^r 20 To 1 quire best paper 1 6

Dec^r 13 To 1 narrow axe 2 3 16 To 1200 10^d Nails 5 30 To 1 p^r Shooebuckles 7-1/2 To 100 6^d Nails 9 To y^r Stafford Clks notes 162^ tob^o 1 3

Feb 5 To Cash on Acc^t Thomas Harwood 10 ------------------- Mar 5 To D^o 18 6 11-1/2 ------------------- 21 To 1 q^t Rum & 1^ Sugar 2 3

Ap^l 3 To 2 q^{ts} D^o & 1 y^d Muslin 6

26 To 1 q^t D^o to Tho^s Benson 1 6

Sept^r 16^{th} To 1/2 y^ Druggett 1 10-1/2 To 2 y^{ds} Wadding 1 6 To p^d for rolling down Thomson's hhd. tob^o 10 ------------------- 19 10 1


"Domestick Expenses"

[From Ledger B]

s. d.


Sept^r 9^{th} To Cash for Exp^s at Stafford & Spotsylvania 1 3 To 7-1/2 y^{ds} Grown Linnen Sarah & Pitts 7 6 To 11 fowls & 1 quarter beef 17 6 To 100^ Sugar to this day expended 2 16 6 To Cash for Exp^s Urbanna 3 1-1/2 To Horsehire &c 6 To p^d John Marnix for bringing my Sloop 2^d 10 To p^d his ferrage 1 3 To Cash for Exp^s Poplar Spring 1 3 To Exp^s at Bowc.o.c.ks 10 To Exp^s at M^{rs}. Powers's 1 5 7-1/2 To a man to cart down Cook & barber 1 3 To Exp^s at Gibbons's 2 To Exp^s at Dalton's 15 To given Serv^{ts} at Col^o Page's 2 6 To 1-1/2 doz. red Port at 22/6 1 13 9 To 1-1/2 doz. mountain at 30/ [Note 1] 2 5 To Exp^s poplar Spring 2 3 To 1 bar^l tar & pitch for the Sloop 1 6 6 To 50^1 pork 8 4 To 25^l bisquet 3 6 To 1 China punch bowl 10 To 6 3 To 8^l Candles 6 To given Servants at M^r Standard's 3 1-1/2 To Ferrage & Exp^s Piscattaway & Hob's Hole 4 4-1/2 To Exp^s Ess.e.x Court & Ferrage at Keys 1 3 To p^d William Warrell Wages 1 To p^d Patrick Cowan D^o 1 2 11 To horsehire from York 2 To a Trunk 6 To a Saddle & Furniture self 3 15 To 1-1/2 y^d Cotton 2 5-1/4 To 1 horsewhip 6 9 To 1 p^r Shooes & buckles Pitts 6 7-1/2 Oct^r 2 To 2 silk Romall handkerchiefs [Note 2] 6 To 6 loaves 9^s 38-3/4^ double refin'd Sugar 2 18 7-1/2 To 2^l Tea at 15/ 1 10 To 6^l Chocolate 15 To 15-1/4^l Castile Soap at 13^d 17 1-3/4 To 15^l Gunpowder at 9^d 11 3 To 1 mans worsted Cap 3 10-1/2 To 1 Wig Comb & Case 9 To 1 purse wrought with Silver 2 3 To 2 p^r b.u.t.tons set in Silver at 3/ 6 To 1 p^c 9^d 14-3/4 Ells bag holland at 7/10-1/2 5 14 2 To 2 p^r mens fine worsted hose at 6/ 12 To 2 p^r mens fine thread D^o at 5/ 10 To 1 p^r womens silk D^o 12 To 1 p^r womens fine worsted D^o 5 6 To 1 p^r Scissars with silver Chain 10 6 To 1 box Iron & heaters 9 9 To 1 fine hat n^o 6 12 To 1 fine Dandriff Comb 1 6 To 1 ounce fine thread 7-1/2 To 1 fine hat N^o 7 9 To 30 y^{ds} fine Dutch Check at 2/6 3/15 To 1 m^s pins 1 6 To 2 p^c tape 2 4 To 1 hat N^o 5 gave Sam 2 6 To 1 quire best paper 1 3 To 1 Storebook 1 5 To 1 p^r Seersuckers 1 13 To 1 hoop petticoat 1 1 To 1 womans side Saddle & furniture 3 11 3 To 2 y^{ds} silver ribband at 22-1/2 3 9 To 1 hat N^o 12 9 To 1 y^d fine strip't muslin 6 To 1 y^d fine Kenting [Note 3] 4 To 4-1/2 y^{ds} white Cotton Sarah at 18^d 5 9 To 4-1/2 y^{ds} filletting D^o at 3^d [Note 4] 1 1-1/2 To 2 skeins thread 2 To 1 p^r wom^s wash gloves 1 6 To 1/4^l w^t bio: thread 1 5 To 1/2 doz: plates 7 6 To 2 porringers 2 6 To 1 p^r fine blankets 1 13 To 1 y^d fine strip'd muslin 6 To 1 Cadow Sarah [Note 5] 3 6 To Earthen Ware 10 To 1-1/2 bushel Wheat 4 6 To 2 fowls 10 To Battalay's Account for Rum both in day 2 1 3 To 1-1/2 y^d red Cotton 2 5-1/4 To 1 p^r womens Shooes 3 6 To 1 p^r patterdashers [Note 6] 14 3 To 5 Candlesticks 17 6 To 1 Bed Cord 2 To 3 maple knives & forks 2 Oct^r 22 To Cash lost at a Race 2 To Tho^s Watts for Ditto 10 To Expences there 1 4 To 6 y^{ds} silk ferriting at 5^d [Note 7] 2 6 25 To 16-1/2 y^{ds} Cantaloons at 7-1/2 for Pease [Note 8] 10 3-3/4 To 1 P^r mens thread hose 5 To 1 p^r mens silk Ditto 1 1 To 2-1/4 y^{ds} fine Kenting at 4/6 10 1-1/2 26 To 1 p^r wom^s worsted hose 3 To 1 knife & fork 8 27 To a Steer 1 11 9 To 2 yew haft knives & forks 1 3 28 To 2 q^{ts} Rum 4 6 To 1 yew haft knife & fork & 1 p^r Studds 1 10-1/2 29 To 1 p^r Salisbury Scissars 2 6 To 1-1/2 Gallon Rum 4 6 To 1 speckled knife & fork 5 Nov^r 4 To 1 writing Desk 5 16 8 To 1 Gla.s.s & Cover 8 9 To 18^l Pewter at 1 8 To 6 tea Cups & Saucers 14 To 2 Chocolate Cups 2 4 To 2 Custard Cups 1 9 To 1 Tea Table painted with fruit 16 4 To 6 leather Chairs at 7/ 2 2 To 1 sm^l walnut eating table 8 To 1/2 doz Candlemoulds 10


1. "Mountain: 5. (In full _mountain wine_). A variety of Malaga wine, made from grapes grown on the mountains."--_A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles,_ Sir James A. H. Murray, ed., vol. 6 (Oxford, 1908), p. 711.

2. "Romal: 1. A silk or cotton square or handkerchief, sometimes used as a head-dress; a thin silk or cotton fabric with a handkerchief pattern."--Ibid., vol. 8, pt. 1 (Oxford, 1910), p.


3. "Kenting: A kind of fine linen cloth."--Ibid., vol. 5, (Oxford, 1901), p. 673.

4. "Filleting: 2. a. A woven material for binding; tape; a piece of the same; a band or bandage."--Ibid., vol. 4 (Oxford, 1901), p.


5. "Caddow: A rough woolen covering ... 1880. _Antrim & Down Gloss._ (E. D. S.) _Cadda_, _Caddaw_, a quilt or coverlet, a cloak or cover; a small cloth which lies on a horse's back."--Ibid., vol.

2 (Oxford, 1893), p. 13.

6. Patterdashers. Probably the same as "spatter-dash. A legging or gaiter extending to the knee, worn as a protection from water and mud." Webster's _New International Dictionary of the English Language_, second ed., unabridged; Springfield, Ma.s.s., G. & C.

Merriam Co., 1958.

7. Ferreting. Same as "Ferret. 2. A stout tape most commonly made of cotton, but also of silk; then known as Italian ferret." Murray, _op. cit._, (no. 1) vol. 4 (Oxford, 1901), p. 165.

8. "Cantoloon. _Obs._ A wollen stuff manufactured in the 18th c. in the west of England." Ibid., vol. 2: (Oxford, 1893), p. 79.

9. "Soosy ... 1858. Simmond's _Dictionary of Trade._ Soocey, a mixed striped fabric of silk and cotton in India."--Ibid., vol. 9.

pt. 1 (Oxford, 1919), p. 428.

s. d.

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The Cultural History of Marlborough, Virginia Part 32 summary

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