The Cultural History of Marlborough, Virginia Part 33

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To 1 Tea table 18 To 1 bra.s.s chaffing dish 5 To 6 copper tart pans 6 Nov^r 4^{th} To 1 p^r mens yarn hose 2 To 1 silk Romal 3 To Expences Spotsylvania Court &C 1 7 4 To 1 p^r bellows To 2 funnells To Coffeepot, teapots, &c 7 To 1 Seabed Sheets Table Linnen &c 3 10 To Cash to Pitts to bear Expences at Court 2 9 To a pack of Cards 9 To 1 pair mens Shooes 5 6 To 1 silk Romall handkerchief 3 11 To 6-1/2 y^{ds} Cantaloons @ 9^d 4 8-1/2 17 To 16 q^r 22 y^{ds} Scotch Cloth @20^d-1/4 1 17 1-1/2 20 To p^d William Warrell Wages for this day 1 6 8-1/2 22 To 6-1/4^l tallow @ 6^d 3 16 To 3-1/2 y^{ds} Cantaloons & 40^l coll'd thread 3 4 To 1 maple knife & fork 1 25 To 154^l pork at 1-1/2 19 3 To 91^l D^o at 1-1/2 11 4-1/2 Dec^r 19 To 2 p^r wom^s Shooes 11 X^tmas To Cash for Lost at Cards & sundry Expenses 1 18 19 To p^d Thomas Morris for pork 6 7 5 To p^d Pitts Wages till February 4 19 9-1/2 To p^d Thomas Collins D^o till March 18 2 To 3 Ells y^d w^d Garlix 3/ 9 To sundrys from M^r Crompton p^r Acc^t 1 19 1-1/2 Feb 26 To 1 q^t rum 27 4 q^{ts} D^o 7 6 Mar 2 To 2 q^{ts} D^o 5. 1 q^{ts} D^o 7 2 q^{ts} D^o 8^{th}. 5 q^{ts} D^o 15 9 To 2 q^{ts} D^o To sundry Exp^s to this Day 1 10 To 2 q^t Rum 12th 2 q^{ts} D^o 15th 2 q^{ts} D^o 9 15 To 5 p^{ts} Rum 1^l Sugar & 2 y^{ds} Check 7 6 18 To 7 gall^s Rum & 16^l Sugar 2 9 6 To Cash for taking up W^m Hall's horse 10 To D^o at Stafford Court 4 To Sundrys to W^m Dunn 1 17 6 June 11 To cleaning out the house 6 9 To 1500 10^d Nails used about it. 11 3 To 1 doz. Canary 1 10 To p^d Tho^s Collins his Wages to May 11 3 To 2 doz & 8 bottles Claret 2 8 To 3 Cows & Calves & 1 featherbed 11 To 1 [?] Chints 18 To 21-1/2y^{ds} coll^d blew at 2.6 2 13 1-1/2 To 15 y^{ds} course Check at 16^d 1 To 12 y^{ds} best D^o 18 To Account Rum &c to this day 2 10 To Wheat Corn fowls &c 3 2 3 To sundrys of M^c farlane as p^r Acc^t 5 11 1-1/2 To sundrys of Alex^r Buncle as p^r D^o 15 17 9-1/2 To 7-1/2 y^{ds} y^d w^d Check @ 2/ to W^m Dunn 15 To 2-1/2 y^{ds} brown linnen @ 10^d to D^o 2 1 To p^d M^{rs} Bourne for sundrys 5 To p^d for a Coffin & digging ye Child's grave 1 5 To sundry Expences for fowls &c 17 4 To John Chinn's Acc^t ferrages &c for going to W^{ms}burgh 2 5 6 To 2 p^r Andirons 2 Trunks &c 2 7 6 To 2 dishes & 4-3/4 y^{ds} India Persian 1 13 1-1/2 To 1 p^r Shooes & buckles 6 To Cash to Bates to go for my horse 7 2 To D^o lost at Race & gave Scarlett Handc.o.c.k 2 12 To Cash for Exp^s 3 9 To John Barber for going to Gloucester 11 6 To gave W^m Johnson 7-1/2 To paid for Apples 6 To paid Eliz^a Rowsey Wages 6 9 To 5 gall^s Rum 1 5 To sundrys bought of Thomas Hudson as by his account 12 6 10 To 1 y^d princes Linnen W^m Johnson 1 3 To Cash for 1/2 doz. Spoons &c 4 10-1/2 To D^o for Exp^s on a Journey to W^{ms}burgh 1 19 3-1/2 To Mosley Battaley's Acc^t for his fee for 1726 2 10 To allowed him for extraordinary service 4 15 1 To Peter Whitings Account Palms & Sail Needles 2 6 56^1 Cordage 1 8 3 To Cha^s McClelland's Account for sundrys Going to Col^o Mason's for Eliz Rowsey 10 Going to York & sundrys 1 5 6 Going to Nich^o Smith's 10 To Rob^t Spotswood's Account for sundrys 1 10 To Geo. Rust's Acc^t for 1 Ironpot 5 To John Dagge's Acc^t of sundrys 1 Oven 17 6 Bringing over 10 Sheep from Sumn^{rs} 5 To John Randolph's Acc^t for Lawyers fees 4 2 To Esme Stewart's D^o for Toys 2 To George Walker D^o for Law Charges 4 15 5 To 2 Gall^s Rum of Simon Peirson 10 To John Maulpus's Acc^t for 2 bar^{ls} Corn 1 1 To Thomas Hudson's D^o for 2 bar^{ls} D^o 15 To Joshua Davis's D^o for paid Thomas Jefferies for a Gun 2 To M^r Graeme's Acc^t for sundry books 2 9 3 To Jn^o Quarles's D^o for 1 p^r sm^l Stilliards 7 6 To Hen Woodc.o.c.k's D^o for Ferrages 9 To Harry Beverley's D^o for Lawyer's fees 4 2 To Rob^t Wills's Acc^t for sundrys 18 8 To Rose Dinwiddie's Acc^t for 1 p^r mens yarn hose & 2 bush^{ls} Wheat 7 6 To Peter Hedgman's D^o for sundrys 2 2 7 To Mary Fitzhugh's D^o for 8 bus^{ls} Wheat 9 To Lazarus Pepper's D^o for Quitrent of 187 Acres of Land 4 6 To Quitrents of 2087 Acres of Land for the year 1725 2 8 To Cash Account for sundrys 11 8 To Rawleigh Chinn's Acc^t for sundrys 0 0 0 Keeping my horse for a Race 15 1-1/2 barr^l Corn 15 1 Shoat 18 Fodder 17^d 5 Geese 7/6 10 5 4 days hire Moll 1 3 Dressing Deerskins for Will Dunn 4 Plowing & fencing my Garden 1 4 A Gun 18 To Alexand^r M^cfarlane's Acc^t A Caddow & 1 p^r blankets 16 1 wom^s horsewhip 6 1 Gunpowder & 10^ Shot 5 10 1 womans bound felt 4 6 To 12^l Gunpowder & 20^l Shot 2 To Henry Floyd's Acc^t for 5 pecks Corn 2 6 To Ja^s Whalley's D^o for 7 fowls 3 To Ja^s Horsenaile's D^o for sundrys 1 19 9 To John Holdbrook's Acc^t for taylor's work 2 11 6 To John Tinsley's Acc^t for Fodder & tallow 14 To Hugh French's Acc^t for a Serv^t woman 12 To D^r Roy for a visit & medicines my Child 12 6 To Edw^d Snoxall's Acc^t for 1 bush^l hommonybeans 4 To Edw^d Simm's Acc^t for sundrys 6 11 11 To Ralph Falconer's D^o for D^o 1 10 To Tho^s Eves for fowls 4 6 To 1 olives 5 To 1 pair mens Shooes W^m Dunn 5 To 3 Ells Dowla.s.s D^o 5 6 To 1-1/2 bush^l Corn 3 To 3-3/4 y^{ds} Check for finding my Saddle 5 To 10 y^{ds} fustian 2/6 1 5 To 5-1/4 doz Coat b.u.t.tons 10^d 4 2 To 3 hanks silk & 2 hanks mohair 3 2 To 4 Soosey handkerchiefs [Note 9] 12 To 12 yd^s Check & 1 p^r mens gloves 4 To 2 yd^s Wadding 1 6 To 6-1/4 bush^{ls} Corn 13 To 2-3/4 bush^{ls} pease 11 To 2 bush^{ls} potatoes 4 -------------------- 285 2 3-1/4


Mercer's Reading 1726-1732

[From Ledger B]

_Mr. John Graeme_

1726 By sundry Book bo^d of him belong^s to the Hon^{ble} Col^o Spotswood. Viz.

The History of England 3 vols 4. 2 Clarendon's History 6 vols 2. 2 Tillotson's Works 15 vols 5.15 Plutarch's Lives 5 vols 1.10 Dryden's Virgil 3 vols 17.6 Cowley's Works 2 vols 13.

Milton's Paradise Lost 6.6 Secret Memories 7.7 Chamberlayne's State of England 6.6 Wilkin's Mathematical Works 5.6 Petronius 5.

Tilly's Orations 5.6 [Symbol: dagger]Bible 4 Hudibras 2 vol 5.3 Callipoedia 2.

Dunster's Horace 6.

De Gennes Voyage 3.

Banquet of Xenophon 3.

Congreve's Plays 4.

Lock's Essays 12.

Evelyn's Gardening 1.

[Symbol: dagger]Littleton's Dictionary } [Symbol: dagger]Present State of Russia } [Symbol: dagger]Sedley's Works } 1.

[Symbol: dagger]New Voyages } [Symbol: dagger]New Travels } [Symbol: dagger]Cole's Dictionary }

[All except those marked by [Symbol: dagger] are listed as returned on the debit side]

Law Books Bought of Mat Stotham May 1732 Salkeld's Reports 1.18.

Ventris's Reports 1.15.

Jacob's Law Dictionary 1. 8.

Maxims of Equity 10.

Cursus Cancellaris 6.

Hearn's Pleader 1. 5.

Lilly's Practical Register 2 vol 14.

Treatise of 6.

Laws of Evidence 8.

Laws of Ejectments 8.

The 5 last extraordinary scarce

_Account of Books lent & to whom_ (1730)

History of the Netherlands Jn^o Savage July 13 Coles's Dictionary History of the Royal Society Col^o Fitzhugh Rochesters Works Andrew Forbes Evelyn's Sylva Ralph Falkner Woods Inst.i.tutes 1^{st} Vol. Parson Rose Mathesis Juvenilia } Ozenam's Mathem. Recreations } Edmund Bagge c.o.c.kers Arithmetick Robert Jones 30 Mariners Compa.s.s rectified M^r Savage Travels thro' Italy &c Cap^t Hedgman Daltons Justice D^o

_A Catalogue of the Books bought March 1730 of Mr Rob^t Beverley_'s Reports temp Eliz^a Reg 1.10 Dalton's Officium Vicecomitum 1. upon Littleton 1.

c.o.kes 2^d, 3^d & 4^{th} Inst.i.tutes 2. 4 Cooks Reports 1.

Laws of Virginia fol^o printed two 1. 4 Compleat Clerk 12.

Swinburne [18th-century author] 12.

Laws of the Sea 14.

G.o.dolphin's Orphans Legacy 9.

Symboleography 14.

Sheppards Grand Abridgment 1.10.

Three Sets of Wingates Abridgm^t of Statutes 15.

Instructor Clericalis in 7 parts 1.15.

Woods Inst.i.tutes 2 vol 8vo 12.

Placita Generalia 5.

Tryals per pair 5.

Practical Register 6.

Law of Obligations & Conditions 3.6 Reads Declarations 4.

Clerks Tutor 6.

Prasca Cancellaria 6.

Fitzherberts new Naturabrevium 6.

Brownlows Declarations 6.

Clerks Guide 3.6 Melloy de Jure maritime 6.

Grounds of the Law 3.

Compleat Attorney 5.

Terms of the Law 5.

Finch's Law 3.

Doctor & Student 3.

Greenwood of Courts 3.6 Law of Conveyances 3.

Practice of Chancery 5.

English Liberties 2.

Reports in Chancery 3.

Meriton 3.

Exact Constable 1.

Littletons Tenures 2.

Written Laws of Virginia 25.

--------- 46. 7.6 Woodbridge of Agriculture The Compleat Angler Salmons Dispensatory The accomplished Cook History of the Royal Society

March y^e 4th 1730, I promise to deliver the above mentioned books being fifty two in number to M^rJohn Mercer or his Order on demand.

Witness my hand the day & year abovewritten.

Rob^t Beverley Test John Chew Copy


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The Cultural History of Marlborough, Virginia Part 33 summary

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