National Rhymes of the Nursery Part 16

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"In a cart with six horses," says every one.

"How shall we get her dressed?" says Richard to Robin, "How shall we get her dressed?" says Robin to Bobbin, "How shall we get her dressed?" says John all alone, "How shall we get her dressed?" says every one.

"We will hire seven cooks," says Richard to Robin, "We will hire seven cooks," says Robin to Bobbin, "We will hire seven cooks," says John all alone, "We will hire seven cooks," says every one.

_Hickory, d.i.c.kory, Dock_

Hickory, d.i.c.kory, Dock, The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory, d.i.c.kory, Dock.

_A Frog he would a-wooing go_

A Frog he would a-wooing go, Heigho, says Rowley, Whether his mother would let him or no.

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

So off he set with his opera hat, Heigho, says Rowley, And on the road he met with a rat.

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

"Pray, Mr. Rat, will you go with me,"

Heigho, says Rowley, "Kind Mrs. Mousey for to see?"

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

When they reached the door of Mousey's hall, Heigho, says Rowley, They gave a loud knock, and they gave a loud call.

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

"Pray, Mrs. Mouse, are you within?"

Heigho, says Rowley, "Oh, yes, kind sirs, I'm sitting to spin."

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

"Pray, Mrs. Mouse, will you give us some beer?

Heigho, says Rowley, For Froggy and I are fond of good cheer."

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

"Pray, Mr. Frog, will you give us a song?

Heigho, says Rowley, But let it be something that's not very long."

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

"Indeed, Mrs. Mouse," replied Mr. Frog, Heigho, says Rowley, "A cold has made me as hoa.r.s.e as a hog."

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

"Since you have caught cold, Mr. Frog," Mousey said, Heigho, says Rowley, "I'll sing you a song that I have just made."

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

But while they were all a merry-making, Heigho, says Rowley, A cat and her kittens came tumbling in.

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

The cat she seized the rat by the crown; Heigho, says Rowley, The kittens they pulled the little mouse down.

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

This put Mr. Frog in a terrible fright; Heigho, says Rowley, He took up his hat, and he wished them good-night.

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

But as Froggy was crossing over a brook, Heigho, says Rowley, A lily-white duck came and gobbled him up.

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

So there was an end of one, two, and three, Heigho, says Rowley, The Rat, the Mouse, and the little Frog-gee!

With a rowley powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!

_When I was a bachelor_

When I was a bachelor I lived by myself, And all the meat I got I put upon a shelf, The rats and the mice did lead me such a life, That I went to London, to get myself a wife.

The streets were so broad, and the lanes were so narrow, I could not get my wife home without a wheelbarrow, The wheelbarrow broke, my wife got a fall, Down tumbled wheelbarrow, little wife, and all.

_Goosey, goosey, gander_

Goosey, goosey, gander, Whither shall I wander?

Upstairs and downstairs, And in my lady's chamber;

There I met an old man That would not say his prayers; I took him by the left leg, And threw him downstairs.

_Robin the Bobbin_

Robin the Bobbin, the big bouncing Ben, He ate more meat than fourscore men; He ate a cow, he ate a calf, He ate a butcher and a half; He ate a church, he ate a steeple, He ate the priest and all the people!

_Rock-a-bye, baby_

Rock-a-bye, baby, thy cradle is green; Father's a n.o.bleman, mother's a queen; And Betty's a lady, and wears a gold ring; And Johnny's a drummer, and drums for the king.

_Tom, Tom, the piper's son_

Tom, Tom, the piper's son, He learned to play when he was young, But all the tunes that he could play, Was "Over the hills and far away."

Over the hills, and a great way off, And the wind will blow my top-knot off.

Now Tom with his pipe made such a noise, That he pleased both the girls and boys, And they stopped to hear him play, "Over the hills and far away."

Tom with his pipe did play with such skill, That those who heard him could never keep still; Whenever they heard they began for to dance, Even pigs on their hind legs would after him prance.


As Dolly was milking the cow one day, Tom took out his pipe and began for to play; So Doll and the cow danced "the Ches.h.i.+re round,"

Till the pail was broke, and the milk ran on the ground.

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National Rhymes of the Nursery Part 16 summary

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