National Rhymes of the Nursery Part 9

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Needles and pins, needles and pins, When a man marries his trouble begins.

_The Song of Five Toes_

1. This little pig went to market; 2. This little pig stayed at home, 3. This little pig had roast beef; 4. This little pig had none; 5. This little pig said, wee, wee, wee!

I can't find my way home.

_Apple-Pie Alphabet_

A was an apple-pie; B bit it; C cut it; D dealt it; E eat it; F fought for it; G got it; H had it; J joined it; K kept it; L longed for it; M mourned for it; N nodded at it; O opened it; P peeped in it; Q quartered it; R ran for it; S stole it; T took it; V viewed it; W wanted it; X, Y, and Z all wished a piece of it.

_Bat, bat_

Bat, bat, Come under my hat, And I'll give you a slice of bacon;

And when I bake, I'll give you a cake, If I am not mistaken.

_Old Mother Goose_

Old Mother Goose, when She wanted to wander Would ride through the air On a very fine gander.

Mother Goose had a house, 'Twas built in a wood, Where an owl at the door For sentinel stood.

She had a son Jack, A plain-looking lad, He is not very good, Nor yet very bad.

She sent him to market, A live goose he bought, "Here, mother," says he, "It will not go for nought."

Jack's goose and her gander, Grew very fond; They'd both eat together, Or swim in one pond.

Jack found one morning, As I have been told, His goose had laid him An egg of pure gold.

Jack ran to his mother, The news for to tell, She called him a good boy, And said it was well.

Jack sold his gold egg To a rogue of a Jew, Who cheated him out of The half of his due.

Then Jack went a courting, A lady so gay, As fair as the lily, And sweet as the May.

The Jew and the Squire Came behind his back, And began to belabour The sides of poor Jack,

Then old Mother Goose, That instant came in, And turned her son Jack Into famed Harlequin.

She then with her wand, Touched the lady so fine, And turned her at once Into sweet Columbine.

The gold egg into the sea Was thrown then,-- When Jack jumped in, And got the egg back again.

The Jew got the goose, Which he vowed he would kill, Resolving at once His pockets to fill.

Jack's mother came in, And caught the goose soon, And mounting its back, Flew up to the moon.

Apple-pie, pudding, and pancake, All begins with A.

_Early to bed_

Early to bed, and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

_When little Fred_

When little Fred Was called to bed, He always acted right; He kissed Mamma, And then Papa, And wished them all good-night.

He made no noise, Like naughty boys But gently upstairs Directly went, When he was sent, And always said his prayers.

_Sing a Song of Sixpence_

Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; Four and twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish, To set before the king?

The king was in his counting-house Counting out his money; The queen was in the parlour Eating bread and honey;


The maid was in the garden Hanging out the clothes, Down came a blackbird, And snapped off her nose.

_Old Mother Hubbard_

Old Mother Hubbard, She went to the cupboard, To give her poor dog a bone, But when she came there The cupboard was bare, And so the poor dog had none.

She went to the baker's To buy him some bread, And when she came back The poor dog was dead

She went to the joiner's To buy him a coffin, And when she came back The poor dog was laughing.

She took a clean dish To get him some tripe, And when she came back He was smoking his pipe.

She went to the ale-house To get him some beer, And when she came back The dog sat in a chair.

She went to the tavern For white wine and red, And when she came back The dog stood on his head.

She went to the hatter's To buy him a hat, And when she came back He was feeding the cat.

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National Rhymes of the Nursery Part 9 summary

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