Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 39

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No. 109. 79. The Alfa-Gatherer. By Lieutenant Palat. ("Marcel Frescaly.") From _Le Figaro_, April 3.

No. 110. 80. He. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 111. 81. 'Toine. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 112. 82. The Dowry. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 113. 83. The Funeral of an Indian Prince. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From _Le Figaro_, September 7.

No. 114. 84. The Jewelry. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 115. 85. The Five Senses. By Harry Alis.

From _Revue Politique et Litteraire_, October 2.

No. 116. 86. A Bombsh.e.l.l. By Leon Tolstoi.

No. 117. 87. A Day at Lah.o.r.e. By Robert de Bonnieres.

From _Revue Politique et Litteraire_.

No. 118. 88. Mario, Marquis of Candia. By Mario di Candia.

From _Le Figaro_, November 24.

No. 119. 89. My Tailor Abrahamek. By Sacher-Masoch.

From _Revue Politique et Litteraire_, May 22.

No. 120. 90. The Flesh-Eaters. By Olivier de Rawton.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 121. 91. Palabra Suelta No Tiene Vuelta. By Ricardo Palma. (Lima, 1880.)

No. 122. 92. The Diva. By Luigi Gualdo.

No. 123. 93. The Story of the Unfortunate Merchant. By Rene Ba.s.sett.

No. 124. 94. Bamba. By Eugene Forgues.

From _Nouvelle Revue_.

No. 125. 95. "Notre Pere Qui Etesaux Cieux." By Chas. Baissac.

From _Recits Creoles_.

No. 126. 96. "Red Minette." By Chas. Baissac.

From _Recits Creoles_.

No. 127. 97. Fight at the Mill. By Emile Zola.

No. 128. 98. Leo XIII. By Roman Correspondent.

From _Le Figaro_, February 27.

No. 129. 99. The Carp Herder. By Charles Richard.

From _Le Figaro_, December 15, 1883.

No. 130. 100. f.a.n.n.y Elssler. By Viennese Correspondent.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 131. 101. Lola Montes and Ludwig I. of Bavaria. By X.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 132. 102. The Art of Being a Bore. By "De Ferney."

From _Le Voltaire_, January 31.

No. 133. 103. Humanity of the j.a.panese.

From _L'Ill.u.s.tration_.

No. 134. 104. By the Balloon Post. By Alexis Bouvier.

From _Le Figaro_, January 29.

No. 135. 105. An Extraordinary Letter from Von Moltke. By Count Von Moltke.

From _Le Voltaire_, February 5.

No. 136. 106. Chinese Women. By Lydie Paschkoff.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 137. 107. A Haul at Madagascar in 1717. By Chas. Baissac.

From _Recits Creoles_.

No. 138. 108. Pierrot. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 139. 109. My Aunt Minon. By Chas. Baissac.

From _Recits Creoles_.

No. 140. 110. An Episode of the War in Soudan. By Victor Cherbuliez.

From an address before the _Cinq Academies_.

No. 141. 111. The Punishment of the Unfaithful Lover. By Sacher-Masoch.

From "The Mother of G.o.d."

No. 142. 112. The Sorceress. The Comte d'Avesnes. By Michelet.

From "La Sorciere."

No. 143. 113. The Great Fiddler of the Nineteenth Century. By "L'Homme Masque."

From _Le Voltaire_, October 8.

No. 144. 114. The Duello. By Ignotus. From _Le Figaro_, August 31.

No. 145. 115. How Balzac Found Names for his Novels. By Leon Gozlan.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 146. 116. Tchernyschevsky and the Women of Nihilism. By Victor Tissot.

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Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 39 summary

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