Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 41

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No. 181. 151. "Los Postres del Festin." By Ricardo Palma.

From _La Raza Latina_, February 29.

No. 182. 152. The Blessed Bread. By Francois Coppee.

From _Le Figaro_, March 6.

No. 183. 153. The Invitation to Sleep. By Francois Coppee.

From _Le Figaro's_ "Contes d'ete."

No. 184. 154. Cousin Rosa. By "Almaviva."

From _La Epoca_, March 17.

No. 185. 155. The Chemise of Margarita Pareja. By Ricardo Palma.

From _La Raza Latina_.

No. 186. 156. The Just Man. By F. Luzel.

From Luzel's Collection.

No. 187. 157. Saint Peter's Betrothed. By De Luzel.

No. 188. 158. Fantic Loho. By Luzel.

From "Breton Legends."

No. 189. 159. The Adventures of Walter Schnaffs. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Contes de la"

No. 190. 160. L'Abandounado. By Rene Maizeroy.

From "The Love That Bleeds."

No. 191. 161. Flaubert at Sparta. By Maxime du Camp.

From _Revue des Deux Mondes_.

No. 192. 162. Daddy Goat and Daddy Tiger. By Pa Lindor.

From _Le Courrier des Opelousas_.

No. 193. 163. The Great Chinese Vase. By Edmond de L.

From _Le Figaro_, February 17.

No. 194. 164. The Two Porcelain Vases. By Charles Richard.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 195. 165. A Bit of Jewish Folk Lore. By Leopold Kompert.

From "Scenes du Ghetto."

No. 196. 166. A Story of the Ghetto. By Leopold Kompert.

From "Scenes du Ghetto."

No. 197. 167. A Legend of Rabbi Loeb. By Daniel Stauben.

No. 198. 168. Loulou. By Lucien Griveau.

No. 199. 169. The Cabecilla; the Story of the Carlist War. By Alphonse Daudet.

No. 200. 170. Tried, Condemned, Executed. By P. Didier.

No. 201. 171. The Man with the Golden Brain. By Alphonse Daudet.

From "Ballades en Prose."

No. 202. 172. The Death of the Dauphin, etc. By Alphonse Daudet.

No. 203. 173. My First Duel. By Carle de Perrieres.

From "Paris-Joyeux."

No. 204. 174. My Two Cats. By Emile Zola.

No. 205. 175. The Khouans. By N. Ney.

From _L'Ill.u.s.tration_, July 30.

No. 206. 176. The Dead Wife.

After S. Juhens' French translation from Chinese.

No. 207. 177. Scenes of Polish Life. By Krazewski.

From "Jermola," _Le Figaro_.

No. 208. 178. Memory of Algeria. By Alphonse Daudet.

From "Tartarin de Tarascon," _Nouvelle Revue_.

No. 209. 179. Anecdote of Baudelaire. "Les Fantaisites." By Pierre Quiroul.

From _Le Figaro_, August 15.

No. 210. 180. Adelaide Neilson. From _L'Ill.u.s.tration_, August 21.

No. 211. 181. A Morning with Baudelaire. By "Theodore de Grave."

No. 212. 182. "L'Enfant de la Balle." By Francois Coppee.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 213. 183. Poetical Illusions. By Maxime du Camp.

From "Souvenirs Litteraires."

No. 214. 184. The Moon's Blessings. By Charles Baudelaire.

No. 215. 185. Patti and Her New Home. By "Adrien Marx."

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 216. 186. The Ghostly Ma.s.s. By Luzel.

From "Veillees Bretonnes."

No. 217. 187. Solitude. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

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Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 41 summary

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