Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 43

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No. 247. The Chief City of the Province of the G.o.ds.

_Atlantic Monthly_, November, 1891, vol. 68, p. 621. "Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan," 1894.

No. 248. The Most Ancient Shrine in j.a.pan.

_Atlantic Monthly_, December, 1891, vol. 68, p. 780. "Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan," 1894.

No. 249. In a j.a.panese Garden.

_Atlantic Monthly_, July, 1892, vol. 70, p. 14. "Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan," 1894.

No. 250. Of a Dancing Girl.

_Atlantic Monthly_, March, 1893, vol. 71, p. 332. "Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan," 1894.

No. 251. The j.a.panese Smile.

_Atlantic Monthly_, May, 1893, vol. 71, p. 634. "Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan," 1894.

No. 252. Of the Eternal Feminine.

_Atlantic Monthly,_ December, 1893, vol. 72, p. 761. "Out of the East," 1895.

No. 253. The Red Bridal.

_Atlantic Monthly_, July, 1894, vol. 74, p. 74. "Out of the East,"


No. 254. At Hakata.

_Atlantic Monthly_, October, 1894, vol. 74, p. 510. "Out of the East," 1895.

No. 255. From my j.a.panese Diary.

_Atlantic Monthly_, November, 1894, vol. 74, p. 609.

No. 256. A Wish Fulfilled.

_Atlantic Monthly_, January, 1895, vol. 75, p. 90. "Out of the East," 1895.

No. 257. In the Twilight of the G.o.ds.

_Atlantic Monthly_, June, 1895, vol. 75, p. 791. "Kokoro," 1896.

No. 258. The Genius of j.a.panese Civilization.

_Atlantic Monthly_, October, 1895, vol. 76, p. 449. "Kokoro," 1896.

No. 259. After the War.

_Atlantic Monthly_, November, 1895, vol. 76, p. 599. "Kokoro," 1896.

No. 260. Notes from a Travelling Diary.

_Atlantic Monthly_, December, 1895, vol. 76, p. 815. "Kokoro," 1896.

No. 261. China and the Western World.

_Atlantic Monthly_, April, 1896, vol. 77, p. 450.

No. 262. A Trip to Kyoto.

_Atlantic Monthly_, May, 1896, vol. 77, p. 613. "Gleanings in Buddha-Fields," 1897.

No. 263. About Faces in j.a.panese Art.

_Atlantic Monthly_, August, 1896, vol. 78, p. 219. "Gleanings in Buddha-Fields," 1897.

No. 264. Out of the Street: j.a.panese Folk-Songs.

_Atlantic Monthly_, September, 1896, vol. 78, p. 347. "Gleanings in Buddha-Fields," 1897.

No. 265. Dust.

_Atlantic Monthly_, November, 1896, vol. 78, p. 642, "Gleanings in Buddha-Fields," 1897.

No. 266. A Living G.o.d.

_Atlantic Monthly_, December, 1896, vol. 78, p. 833. "Gleanings in Buddha-Fields," 1897.

No. 267. Notes of a Trip to Izumo.

_Atlantic Monthly_, May, 1897, vol. 79, p. 678.

No. 268. The Story of Mimi-Nas.h.i.+ Hochi.

_Atlantic Monthly_, August, 1903, vol. 92, p. 237. "Kwaidan," 1904.

No. 269. The Dream of Akinosuke.

_Atlantic Monthly_, March, 1904, vol. 93, p. 340. "Kwaidan," 1904.

No. 270. A Letter from j.a.pan.

_Atlantic Monthly_, November, 1904, vol. 94, p. 625. "The Romance of the Milky Way," 1905.

No. 271. The Story of Ito Norisuke.

_Atlantic Monthly_, January, 1905, vol. 95, p. 98. "The Romance of the Milky Way," 1905.

No. 272. Stranger than Fiction.

_Atlantic Monthly_, April, 1905, vol. 95, p. 494. "The Romance of the Milky Way," 1905.

No. 273. The Romance of the Milky Way.

_Atlantic Monthly_, August, 1905, vol. 96, p. 238. "The Romance of the Milky Way," 1905.

No. 274. Ultimate Questions.

_Atlantic Monthly_, September, 1905, vol. 96, p. 391. "The Romance of the Milky Way," 1905.

No. 275. Two Memories of a Childhood.

_Atlantic Monthly_, October, 1906, vol. 98, p. 445.



(Nos. 276-280)

No. 276. Le Sourire j.a.ponais.

Traduction de Madame Leon Raynal, _Revue de Paris_, July 15, 1900, Year 7, vol. 4, p. 429.

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