A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 10

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Ash-wednesday. RG. 542

Ashunche, _v. a._ == shun, detest. Wright's L. P. p. 38. AS. ascunian

Asiwe, _v. a._ == follow. Alys. 2494

Ask, _v. a._ RG. 89. pret. 'ascode.' RG. 550. 'askede'

Aske, == ashes, _q. v._

Asking, _sb._ == prayer. Ps. xix. 7

Aslawe, _part._ == slain. RG. 317

Asleep, _adv._ RG. 417, 547

Asoke, _vb. a._ == forsook. K. Horn. 69

Asluppe, _vb._ == slip away from. Wright's L. P. p. 38

Asperant, _adj._ == bold. Alys. 4871

Aspide, _sb._ == asp. Ps. xc. 13

Aspill, _v. a._ == spill. 356 B.

Aspy, _v. a._ part. 'aspie,' == aspied. RG. 553

---- _v. n._ RG. 549

---- _sb._ == spy. RG. 557

a.s.s, _sb._ RG. 404

a.s.sail, _v. a._ [asayly]. RG. 394; part. 'asayled.' RG. 387

a.s.sault, _v. a._ [asayly]. RG. 177

a.s.sault, _sb._ [asayt]. RG. 380. [asaut]. RG. 409

a.s.say, _v. a._ == essay, try. RG. 34. [a-syghe]. Alys. 3879

a.s.semble, _v. a._ Pol. S. 188

a.s.sent, _v. n._ RG. 96

---- _sb._ Alys. 1480

a.s.shreynt, _part._ == caught, deceived. Alys. 4819. AS. ascrencan

a.s.sign, _v. a._ RG. 502. 347 B.

a.s.size, _sb._ == judicial inquest. RG. 429

---- _sb._ == commodities, goods. Alys. 7074

a.s.soign, _vb. a._ == excuse, hence as a legal term 'to put in a plea for delay and non-appearance.' RG. 539. Fr. essoiner

---- _sb._ == a plea for non-appearance at a trial. [asoyne, a sothne].

RG. 539

a.s.soil, _v. a._ == absolve. RG. 464, 501

a.s.soiling, _sb._ RG. 501

a.s.suage, _v. a._ 1454 B.

a.s.sumption, _sb._ (Feast of the). RG. 570

Astand, _v. n._ == stand still, delay. [astonde] 1920 B. 3 pl. pret.

'astunte' RG. 546. 'astynte' RG. 128

Asteynte, _part._ == attainted. Alys. 880

Astiune, _sb._ == a precious stone. c.o.k. 88. Probably the 'astios' of Plin. H. N. x.x.xvii. 48

Astoned, == astonished. RG. 396

Astore, _v. a._ == store (a place). RG. 375, 385, 395

---- _adv._ == plentifully. Alys. 2110, 5002

Astrangle, _v. a._ == to strangle. RG 342

Astrengthy, _v. a._ == strengthen. RG. 342

Astride, _adv._ Alys. 4445

Astromyen, _sb._ == astronomer. Alys. 136

Astronomy, _sb._ Alys. 137

Astye, _v. n._ == move, or stir. RG. 317 AS. astigan

Asunde. See Aswunde

Aswink, _v. a._ == swink for, earn by labour. 1665 B.

Aswunde, _part._ == worn out, decayed. O. and N. 1478. 'asunde.' O. and N.

534. AS. aswindan

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