A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 9

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Areason, _v. a._ == talk to. Alys. 6751

Areche, _v. a._ == explain. K. Horn, 1258. AS. arecan

Areche, _v. n._ == extend, reach onwards to a thing. Rel. Ant. i. 110; reach, St Andrew, 92. AS. ar?can

Aredde, _v. a._ == rid of. O. and N. 1569

Arehwe, _sb._ == fear. O. and N. 1714

Arenk, _adv._ == in a rank or row. 273

Areu, _sb._ == fear. O. and N. 1496. See Are?

Arewe, _adv._ == in a row. RG. 252

Arewe, _v. a._ == to rue. Pol. S. 188

Are?, _adj._ == afraid. O. and N. 407. AS. earh

Are?the, _sb._ == fear. O. and N. 404

Arge, _adj._ == slow. M. Ode, st. 10. AS. earh

Aright, _adv._ O. and N. 400

Arise, _v. n._ RG. 369, 379. 3 s. pret. 'aros.' RG. 560. 'arist.' Alys.


Ark, _sb._ Ps. cx.x.xi. 8

Arm, _adj._ [areme] == poor, miserable. O. and N. 1160. AS. earm

Arm, _sb._ == a limb. 2136 B.

Arm, _v. a._ RG. 63, 511. part. 'y-armed.' RG. 386

Armour, _sb._ RG. 397

Arms, _sb._ 2087 B.

Arn, _v. n._ == run, pret. 'arnde.' RG. 397. 'orn,' 2158 B. See Urne

Arnement, _sb._ == ink? Alys. 6418. Lat. atramentum. Fr. attrament. Cotgr.

This is Weber's conjecture, who refers to the Sevyn Sages, v. 2776, 'as blak as ani arnement,' in confirmation. And see Rel. Ant. i. p. 302

Arning, == destroying. Alys. 2165. Fr. arner == to enfeeble. Cotgr.

Aroom, _adv._ == aside, out of the way. Alys. 1637

Arost, _part._ == roasted. Pol. S. 151

Around, [aroun] _adv._ == in circ.u.mference. Alys. 6603

Arrive, _v. n._ RG. 371

Arrow, _sb._ RG. 394, 398

Arson, _sb._ == saddle. Alys. 4251. It is properly the bow of the saddle, from Fr. ars == arc, or bow

Arst, == erst, first. RG. 389, 393

Art, _vb._ O. and N. 642

Art, _sb._ [ars]. Alys. 74, 737

Arwe, _adj._ == arrant. Alys. 3340

Aryhed, == laboured. Ps. cxviii. 27. AS. erian, pres. erige

As, == ut. RG. 368

---- == where. RG. 555. St. Andrew, 16

Asad, _adj._ == sad. Pol. S. 212

Ascape, _v. n._ == escape. Pol. S. 190

---- _v. a._ == avoid. Alys. 3775

Aschewele, _v. a._ == frighten. O. and N. 1611. A 'shewel,' or 'shawel,'

was a scarecrow. See O. and N. 1646

Aschend, _v. a._ == injure. 1356 B.

Ascoff, _adv._ == scoffingly. Alys. 874

Aseen, _part._ == seen. Alys. 847

Asele, _v. a._ == seal. RG. 510. [acele.] RG. 496

Asely, == to absolve. RG. 360. See 'a.s.soil'

Asenk, _v. a._ == drown, make to sink, pret. 'asentte.' RG. 416; 'asencte.' ib. 489. La?amon, iii. 19, has 'aseingde.' AS. sencan

Aseven, _adv._ == in 7 parts. RG. 405

Ashes, _sb._ [aske]. RG. 536. [axen]. Pol. S. 203

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