A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 105

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Ransom, _sb._ RG. 374, 433. Fr. rancon

Rap, _sb._ == blow? Body and Soul, 66. Sw. rapp

Rape, _sb._ == haste. K. Horn, 566; [rap]. Rel. Ant. i. 115. ON. rapa, cursitare

Rath, _adj._ soon, early. HD. 2391. Pol. S. 195. comp. 'rather' == sooner.

O. and N. 1240; former. RG. 285. AS. hrae

Rather, _adv._ RG. 459, 397

Raught. See Reek

Raven, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 63. AS. hraefen

Ravish, _v. a._ == rob, despoil a person of. RG. 194. Fr. ravir

Raw, _adj._ Pol. S. 237. AS. hreaw

Ray, _sb._ == striped cloth. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 192

Rayme, _v. n._ == rule, lord it. Pol. S. 150

Razor, _sb._ Ps. li. 4

Reach, _v. a._ == tell. O. and N. 1447; part. 'raht.' Wright's L. P. p.

42. AS. recan

Reach, _v. a._ == hold out to a person, as we say, 'to reach one a thing.'

Pol. S. 157. AS. r?can

Read, _v. a._ HD. 2327. AS. r?dan

Reader, _sb._ 1068 B.

Readily, _adv._ O. and N. 1279

Ready, _adj._ [iredi]. 766 B.

Realm, _sb._ 948 B.

Reap, _v. a._ Pol. S. 152

Rear, _v. a._ == raise up. RG. 369; part. 'yrerd.' RG. 214

Rearmain, _sb._ == a backhanded blow. Alys. 7395

Rearward, _sb._ == the rear. Alys. 7787

Reason, _sb._ RG. 459

Reave, _v. a._ == carry away, despoil of. HD. 2590; pret. 'rafte.'

Wright's L. P. p. 31. 'rewede.' RG. 171, AS. reafian

Rebel, _adj._ RG. 72

Recet, _sb._ == place of refuge. RG. 98, 406; [resset]. Alys. 603

---- _v. a._ == receive into a refuge. RG. 214

Reck, _v. n._ == care. O. and N. 533, 3 s. pres. 'rehth.' O. and N. 1401, pret. 'rau?te.' RG. 390; 'ro?te.' RG. 216. AS. recan

Reckless, _adj._ RG. 287

Reckon, _v. a._ Wright's L. P. p. 68. AS. recnan

Reckoning, _sb._ == account. Sermon 23

Red, _adj._ RG. 383. AS. read

---- _v. n._ == become red. Wright's L. P. p. 34

Red, _sb._ == counsel. RG. 556, 566; [rade]. Alys. 6165. AS. red

Rede, _v. a._ == counsel. RG. 98, 214. AS. r?dan

Redless, _adj._ == without counsel. O. and N. 691

Reed, _sb._ RG. 540. Alys. 5064; [reod]. Alys. 6433

Reedpipe, _sb._ == pen. Ps. xliv. 2

Reek, _sb._ == smoke. Ps. xvii. 9. AS. reac

---- _v. n._ == to smoke. Ps. cxliii. 5

Reeve, _sb._ See Reve

Refuse, _v. a._ Ritson's AS. xvii. v. 122

Rehea.r.s.e, _v. a._ == tell. Alys. 1664

Reign, _v. n._ RG. 29

Reinable, _adj._ == reasonable. RG. 414. Fr. raisnable.

Reioshe, _v. a._ == enjoy? Manuel d. Pecches, 2036. Fr. rejoyer

Rekles, _sb._ == incense. Ps. cxl. 2. AS. recels

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