A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 106

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Reken, _adj._ == wise, prudent, excellent. Wright's L. P. p. 27. Ritson's AS. viii. 156. AS. recan, to order or direct; part. 'recen'

Reken, _adv._ == quickly. 2103 B. AS. recene

Release, _v. a._ RG. 500

Relics, _sb._ == remains. Ps. x.x.xvi. 37; in the ecclesiastical sense, as the 'relics of saints.' RG. 177, 255

Relieve, _v. a._ Ritson's AS. xviii. 38

Rem, _sb._ == cream. Marg. 32. AS. ream. Germ. rahm

Rem, _sb._ == sorrow, injury. O. and N. 1214. Cf. AS. reomig, sad

Reme, _v. n._ == call out, cry. Rel. S. iv. 22. AS. hreman. Another form of 'scream'

Reme, _v. a._ == leave, evacuate. K. Horn, 1312. AS. rumian

---- == make room, clear a pa.s.sage. Alys. 3347. AS. rman

Remnant, _sb._ Alys. 5707

Remove, _v. a._ RG. 533; part. 'iremewed.' RG. 550

---- _v. n._ Alys. 7238

Removing, _sb._ Alys. 7821

Rent, _sb._ RG. 370. Fr. rente. Lat. reditus

Rent, _sb._ == stream, course. c.o.k. 83, AS. rent

Repent, _v. n._ 101 . RG. 350

Repentant, _adj._ RG. 291

Reprove, _v. a._ Ritson's AS. xviii. 46

Respite, _sb._ 637 B. Fr. respit. Lat. respectare

Response, _sb._ 825 B.

Resset. See Recet

Rest, _sb._ 1130 B.

---- _v. a._ Wright's L. P. p. 52

Resting, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 29. Alys. 2807

Restore, _v. a._ RG. 319, 500

Resurrection, _sb._ 363

Rette, _v. a._ == impute, reckon. Alys. 7247. ON. retta

Reume, _v. a._ == speak. Alys. 4237. See Reme, _vb._

Reure, _sb._ == a robber, reaver. HD. 2104

Reve, _v. n._ == swear? K. Horn. 1368. ON. rifja, recitare?

Reve, _sb._ == sheriff or reeve. HD. 1627. M. Ode, st. 129. AS. gerefa

Reve, _sb._ == depredation, spoiling. O. and N. 458. AS. reaf

Rever, _sb._ == robber. AS. reafere

Reverence, _sb._ 115 B. Alys. 793

Reverye, _sb._ == robbery. RG. 193

Revest, _v. a._ == put on. RG. 537; part. 'irevested.' St Swithin, 139

Reving, _sb._ == robbery. Ps. xvi. 12. M. Ode, st. 128

Rewe, _sb._ == streak. 2218 B. Probably the same as 'row'

---- _v. n._ == show a streak? 'Ere the dai _rewe_.' Pol. S. 239

Reynes, _sb._ == realms. Wright's L. P. p. 31

Re?el, _sb._ == dress. O. and N. 562. AS. hraegl. Cf. O. Eng. 'night-rail,'

for a night-dress

Rhinoceros, [rinocertis]. Alys. 6529

Rhyme, _sb._ HD. 21

Rib, _sb._ RG. 22

Ribald, _sb._ Pol. S. 155, 237. Fr. ribald; from OHG. hrpa, a prost.i.tute.

See Burguy on this word

Ribaldry, _sb._ [ribaudye] == a ribald story. Alys. 21

Rich, _adj._ RG. 377; [ruche]. RG. 13

Riche, _sb._ == kingdom. Wright's L. P. p. 94. O. and N. 357

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