A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 129

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---- == number, reckoning. HD. 2025

---- _v. n._ == shout, speak. Alys. 1415

Talent, _sb._ == disposition. Alys. 1280. Fr. talent

Taleuace, _sb._ == a large s.h.i.+eld. HD. 2323. Fr. talevas. See Roq.

Tame, _adj._ RG. 1. AS. tam

---- _v. a._ Pol. S. 214

Taper, _sb._ RG. 456, 534. AS. taper

Tapnage, _sb._ == secresy. Alys. 7131. Fr. tapin, tapinage

Tar, _v. a._ == cover with tar. HD. 707. AS. tyro, tare

Targe, _sb._ == a combination of s.h.i.+elds, like the Roman testudo. Alys.


Target, _sb._ Alys. 7395. AS. targe. Fr. targe

Tarry, _v. n._ == delay. RG. 109. Fr. tarier

Tarry, _v. a._ == excite, provoke. Ps. cv. 7. AS. teorian. Fr. tarier

Tarrying, _sb._ == delay. RG. 207

Tarryingness, _sb._ == provocation. Ps. xciv. 9

Tarst, == first. HD. 2688. Cf. 'fyrst,' for 'thirst'

Tasting, _sb._ == experience, trial. Alys. 4043

Taughte, _sb._ == gave over to, put in charge of. HD. 2214. See Betake.

AS. tacan. SS. i-taechen

Tavelen, _v. n._ == play at dice. O. and N. 1664. AS. taeflan

Tavern, _sb._ RG. 195

Taw, _v. a._ == dress leather, curry. Rel. Ant. ii. 175. AS. tawian

Tax, _sb._ Pol. S. 151. Fr. taxer. Lat. taxare

Te, == to, with infin. RG. 65

Te, _v. a._ == draw; [teo], St Lucy, 112; draw out, prolong. 'ne te more speche.' K. Horn, 317. 3 s. pres. 'tihth.' O. and N. 1433; == spreads.

1180 B.

---- == educate. part. 'i-to?en.' O. and N. 1723

---- _v. n._ == pull, drag. Wright's L. P. p. 59

---- == go, betake oneself. RG. 40; [teon]. Alys. 6954. part. 'ytyght' == arrived. Alys. 7164. AS. teon

Teach, _v. a._ == 2074 B.; [i-tache]. O. and N. 1345. pret. 'ta?te.' RG.


Teacher, _sb._ Alys. 17

Team, _sb._ O. and N. 774. RG. 261. AS. team

Tear, _sb._ RG. 405; pl. 'tern.' Wright's L. P. p. 81

Tear, _v. a._ 2199 B.; 3 p. pret. 'taren.' Alys. 6876

Teat, _sb._ [t.i.t]. Wright's L. P. p. 35. AS. t.i.te

Teem, _sb._ == brood. RG. 261. AS. team

---- _v. a._ == breed. O. and N. 495

Teen, _sb._ == harm, mischief. RG. 80, 395; [tone]. O. and N. 50. AS.

teona. See Gl. Rem. to La?amon, iii. 440

---- == sorrow. 1567 B.

---- _v. a._ == vex, annoy. part. 'itened.' Pol. S. 149

---- == grieve. Wright's L. P. p. 92

Teenful, _adj._ Ps. lxxvii. 8

Teh, _sb._ == ill-humour. Wright's L. P. p. 111. Gael. 'taoig.' Scotch, 'tig.' Ital. 'ticchio'

Tel, _sb._ == deceit. HD. 190

Teld, _sb._ == tent. Ps. xviii. 6. AS. teld

---- _v. a._ == pitch a tent. Alys. 1975, 3470. part. 'ytielde.' Alys.

3438; 'ytolde.' Alys. 5901

Teldstede, _sb._ == tent-place. Ps. cxix. 5

Tele, _v. a._ == blame. O. and N. 1375. AS. t?lan

Tell, _v. a._ == RG. 41; pret. 'told.' RG. 389; part. 'ytold.' RG. 368

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