A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 130

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---- _v. a._ == reckon, account. O. and N. 791, 340; 3 s. pres. 'tolth.'

RG. 366

Teller, _sb._ == relator. Alys. 1577

Teme, _v. n._ == be a witness? Wright's L. P. p. 32

---- _v. a._ == summon as a witness. M. Ode, st. 54. AS. teama

Temper, _v. a._ == rule, restrain. RG. 72

---- _sb._ RG. 429

Tempest, _sb._ RG. 378

Temple, _sb._ RG. 14

Ten. RG. 430

Tence, _sb._ == cause of quarrel. Alys. 3025. Fr. tence, tenser

Tende, _v. a._ == light, kindle. RG. 407; part. 'tende.' RG. 534. AS.


Tender, _adj._ RG. 315

Tenor, _sb._ Alys. 2977

Tenstringed, _adj._ Ps. cxliii. 9

Tent, _sb._ Alys. 4302

Tenth, _adj._ RG. 416, 473

Teo, _vb._ == draw. See Te

Term, _sb._ == set time. 1536 B.

Terrene, _adj._ Alys. 5685

Teste, _sb._ == head. Alys. 7112

Teyte, _adj._ == lively. HD. 1841. ON. teitr

Tha, == they. Ps. cxxiii. 3

---- == them. Ibid. 6

Thah. See Though

Thakke, _v. a._ == thwack. c.o.k. 140. AS. acian

Than, _adv._ of comparison. RG. 459. See Then

Thane, _sb._ HD. 2260. pl. 'thavenes'? RG. 202

Thanene. See Thence

Thank [thonc]. _sb._ RG. 485. Wright's L. P. p. 37

---- _v. a._ RG. 452

Thankfully, _adv._ Pol. S. 156

Thanking, _sb._ Alys. 4065

Thar, _v. impers._ == it needs. See Th.o.r.e, _v. n._

Tharmide, _adv._ == therewith. O. and N. 1368

Tharne, _v. a._ == lose, be deprived of. HD. 2492, 1912. See Gloss. to Ormulum, _s. v._ arnenn

---- == endure. HD. 1687. See the Avowyng of Arthur, st. 66, v. 15

Thas, == takes? See Take

Thas, That. See under The

That, == done? See The, _v. a._

That, _conj._ RG. 377, et pa.s.sim

Thave, _v. a._ == give. HD. 296; [thau]. Fragm. in Warton H. E. P. vol. i.

p. 22. Cf. 'thane' and 'cayn' in Havelok

---- == bear, sustain. HD. 2696. AS. afian

_THE._ _def. art._

_sing._ N. 'the.' RG. 115; 'tho.' RG. 12. 'theo.' Alys. 2325

G. 'thare.' O. and N. 28

D. 'than.' O. and N. 125, 133; 'then.' RG. 543; 'thon.' O. and N.

135; fem. 'thare.' O. and N. 1581; 'there.' Wright's L. P. p. 95

A. 'then.' RG. 542; 'thun.' RG. 508

_plur._ N. 'theo.' Alys. 3411; 'the.' RG. 42

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