A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 14

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---- == dest.i.tute, impoverished. RG. 511, 388

Barefoot, _adj._ RG. 434

Baret, _sb._ == quarrel. O. and N. 408. HD. 1932. ON. baratta

Barge, _sb._ Alys. 852

Bark, _v. n._ Alys. 1935

Barking, _sb._ Alys. 4966

Barm, _sb._ == yeast. Rel. S. vii. 30. AS. bearme

Barm, == bosom. K. Horn. 728. AS. bearm

Barman, _sb._ == kitchen-porter. HD. 868. See 'bermannen,' in Gloss. to La?.

Barmhatres, == breast-cloths. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176. AS. bearm, haeter

Barn, _sb._ RG. 496

Baron, _sb._ RG. 369, 511

Baronage, _sb._ [barnage]. HD. 2947

Barony, _sb._ == estate of a baron. RG. 479

---- == order of barons. RG. 535

Barrel, _sb._ Alys. 28

Barrow, _sb._ == wheel cart. 899 B.

Baru, _sb._ == a gelt boar. RG. 207

Basilisk, _sb._ == a kind of serpent. Ps. xc. 13

Basin, _sb._ == helmet. Pol. S. 189. Alys. 2333. Fr. bacinet

Basnet, _sb._ == a light helmet. Alys. 2234

Bast, == b.a.s.t.a.r.d. RG. 431, 516. Always preceded by 'a'

b.a.s.t.a.r.d, _adj._ RG. 412

Baston, _sb._ == a kind of verse. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175

Bat, _sb._ == club. Alys. 78

Batchelor, _sb._ RG. 453

Batchelry, _sb._ == order of batchelors, the youth. RG. 76

---- == prowess. RG. 192

Bate, _v. a._ == make to abate, put an end to. Body and Soul, 167

Bath, _sb._ RG. 7

Bathe, _v. a._ Alys. 2708

---- _v. n._ Rel. S. v. 210

Battailing, _sb._ == fighting. Alys. 100

Battailer, [batelur], _sb._ == warrior. Alys. 1433

Battle, _sb._ RG. 369, 514

Baudekyn, _sb._ == a stuff made of silk and gold, so called from Bagdad, Ital. Baldacco, where it was made. Alys. 202

Bawmed, == embalmed. Alys. 4670

Bay, _v. a._ == listen to, render fortunate. Wright's L. P. p. 27. Fr.

bayer. Vid. Roq.

---- _v. a._ == to bait (a boar), pret. 'bede.' Wright's L. P. p. 27

---- _sb._ == baiting, 'bay of bor.' Alys. 4376

Bay, == boy. Alys. 4376

Be, _v. n._ 402 B. [beo], 403 B. [beon], 404 B. [bon], O. and N. 262.

[ben], Wright's L. P. p. 24. [buen], ib. p. 25

---- _pres. ind._ 1 s. 'am.' O. and N. 276

2 s. 'art.' O. and N. 561. 'is.' Ps. 1. 6

3 s. 'is.' O. and N. 570. 'esse.' Ps. xci. 16. 'bes.' Ps. cxlvi. 10; cxxvii. 2

1 pl. 'buen.' Wright's L. P. p. 25

3 pl. 'aren.' Wright's L. P. pp. 34, 22; 'both.' O. and N. 568.

'beth.' RG 368. 'beoth.' 411 B.

---- _pres. subj._ 2 s. 'bo.' O. and N. 566

3 s. 'bo.' O. and N. 1376. 'beo.' O. and N. 1531

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