A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 15

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3 pl. 'be.' RG. 369. 'bo.' O. and N. 567

---- _pret. ind._ 1 s. 'wes.' Wright's L. P. p. 97

3 s. 'wes.' Wright's L. P. p. 25. 'was.' RG. 374

3 pl. 'were.' Rel. S. v. 178

---- _pret. subj._ 2 s. 'were.' O. and N. 1312

3 s. 'were.' O. and N. 1299

3 pl. 'were.' RG. 374

---- _imper. sing._ 'be.' Wright's L. P. p. 97

---- _part._ 'ibeo.' 434 B.

Beadle, _sb._ HD. 266. [budel.] Wright's L. P. p. 22. pl. 'bedeles.' 987 B. AS. bydel

Beam, _sb._ RG. 288

Bean, _sb._ RG. 497

Bear, _sb._ (the animal). HD. 573

Bear, _v. n._ == incline towards. 362 B.

Bear, _v. a._ == carry. RG. 375. pret. 'bar.' 224 B.

---- == pay, render. RG. 378

---- == produce (as fruit). RG. 352

---- == bring forth a child, part. 'i-bore.' RG. 516. O. and N. 716

Beard, _sb._ 611

Bearing, _sb._ == birth. Alys. 636

Beast, _sb._ RG. 375, 376

Beat, _v. a._ HD. 2763. RG. 453. 3 pl. pret. 'beoten.' St Andr. 69. part.

'bete' == beaten, of gold. Wright's L. P. p. 35

Beauty, _sb._ [bealte]. Wright's L. P. p. 53

Beaver, _sb._ M. Ode, 182

Bebled, == covered with blood. Alys. 3813

Beck, _sb._ == brook. Ritson's AS. viii. 63 AS. becc. Germ. bach

Beck, _v. n._ == beckon. Ps. x.x.xiv. 19

Beckon, [bocken] _v. n._ Pol. S. 149. AS. becnan

Beclip, _v. a._ == embrace. RG. 469. Alys. 7416. AS. beclyppan

Becoll, _v. a._ == blacken. pret. 'becolmede.' K. Horn, 1096. AS. col

Become, _v. n._ == come into existence. RG. 15

---- == suit a person, with 'to.' RG. 36

Bed, _sb._ RG. 377

---- == bedfellow. O. and N. 1498

Bed, _v. a._ HD. 1237

Bedag, _v. a._ == bedew with mud; part. 'bydagged.' Alys. 5485. ON. dogg.

Sw dagg. == dew. Not connected with 'dagged' == cut into slips; vand.y.k.ed, as applied to clothing, which comes from AS. dag

Bede, _v. a._ == pray. RG. 547. 2 s. pres. 'byst.' RG. 337. 3 s. 'bit.' O.

and N. 571. 3 pl. pret. 'baden.' Ps. cv. 19

---- == offer. Ps. lxxi. 10

---- _sb._ == prayer. RG. 571

Bedgang, _sb._ == going to bed. Ps. liv. 3

Bedsister, _sb._ == concubine. RG. 27

Bedyner, _sb._ == servant, officer. Wright's L. P. p. 49. Germ. bedienen

Bee, _sb._ Ps. cxvii. 12

Beech, _sb._ Alys. 5242. [breche]. O. and N. 14? Compare for the insertion or omission of the _r_, AS. 'spraecan,' Engl. 'speak,' 'gin' and 'grin' or 'grinew,' 'groom' and AS. 'guma'

Beef, _sb._ Alys. 5248

Beer, _sb._ [bor], O. and N. 1009

Befal, _v. n._ pret. 'bivel.' RG. 556

Before, _prep._--of place. RG. 443

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