A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 146

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Verger, _sb._ == orchard. Alys. 1938. Fr. vergier, from 'vert'

Vermin, _sb._ Alys. 6128

Verse, _sb._ 219

Verss, == fresh, _q. v._

Vert, _v. n._ == go to harbour among fern, said of a buck. Ritson's AS.

iii. 8. Fr. vert?

Vestment, _sb._ 954 B.

Vetuse, _adj._ == old. Alys. 7948. Lat. vetus

Vice, _sb._ RG. 195

Victual, _sb._ [vitaile]. Alys. 5817

Vie, _sb._ == life. Marg. 1

Vie, _v. n._ == succeed, do well. Fr. Sci. 319; 658 B. Fr. voie, avoier, to excite, irritate; hence, challenge; and lastly, to succeed in a contest. See Burguy, _s. v._ Voie

Vigorous, _adj._ Alys. 6923

Vigour, _sb._ == strength. Alys. 1431. Lat. vigor

Vigour, _sb._ == idol. See Figure

Vile, _adj._ RG. 435, 506; comp. 'vylloker' == viler. 2500 B.

---- _v. a._ == make vile. part. 'yviled.' RG. 435

Vilely, _adv._ RG. 435, 519

Villany, _sb._ RG. 536, 547

Vilte, _sb._ == vileness. RG. 519

Vine, _sb._ Manuel des Pecches, 884

Vintner, _sb._ RG. 542

Vintry, _sb._ RG. 542

Violence, _sb._ 924 B.

Virgin, _sb._ 2342 B.

Virgin, _adj._ == pure. Alys. 334

Virst. See Thirst

Virtue, _sb._ RG. 86

Virtuous, _adj._ == valorous. Alys. 2408; great, powerful. Ibid. 5244

Vis, _sb._ == visage. Alys. 267, 5954

Visage, _sb._ Alys. 6425

Vision, _sb._ RG. 363, 428

Visitation, _sb._ Manuel des Pecches, 2103

Voice, _sb._ RG. 283

Void, _v. a._ == empty. Alys. 373

Vorsuolwe, == swallow. See Forswallow

Vouchsafe, _v. a._ == vouch a person safe. Pol. S. 199

Vow, _v. n._ Manuel des Pecches, 2806

Vow, _sb._ RG. 477

Vowel, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. 174

Vowson. See Advowson

Voyage, _sb._ RG. 392

Vyen, _part._ == fixed. Fragm. apud Warton, H. E. P. vol. i. p. 21. AS.


Vygour. See Figure

Vyssare, == fisher, _q. v._

Vysseth, _sb._ == fis.h.i.+ng. RG. 264


Wade, _v. n._ == go. RG. 99. HD. 2654; [wede]. HD. 2641. AS. wadan

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