A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 147

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Wag, _v. a._ == move. HD. 89. AS. wagian

---- _v. n._ [wawen]. Alys. 1164. Fr. Sci. 342

Wager, _sb._ Pol. S. 218

Wagh, _sb._ == a wall. Ps. lxi. 4. AS. wah

Wail, _v. n._ pret. 'waile.' Alys. 4653

Wailing, _sb._ Alys. 7883, 2365

Wain, _sb._ RG. 416. AS. w?gen

Wait, _sb._ == musician. Alys. 4312, 7769

---- == sentinel. Ritson's AS. viii. 143

Wait, _v. a._ == watch. Wright's L. P. p. 91

Waiten, _v. n._ == keep watch. HD. 1754

Wake, _v. a._ == awaken, pret, 'wei?te.' 446 ; 'wight.' Alys. 2925

---- _v. n._ == be awake. 681 B. AS. wacan

Wake, _v. a._ == watch. 2215 B. AS. waeccan

Waken, _v. n._ == awake. HD. 2164

Waker, _sb._ == a person apt to wake. Fr. Sci. 286

Wale, _v. a._ == choose. Wright's L. P. p. 33. Germ. wahlen

Walk, _v. n._ K. Horn, 981; pret. 'welk.' Wright's L. P. p. 100. AS.

weallian. Germ. wallen, to go

---- == travel; part. 'iwalken.' Marg 49

Walken, == welkin, _q. v._

Walker, _sb._ == a fuller, or whitener of cloth. 1135 B. AS. wealcere.

Ital. gualcare, to full

Wall, _sb._ RG. 549, 555

---- _v. a._ Alys. 2658

Walled, _adj._ Alys. 6068

Wallyng, == boiling. See Well, _vb._

Wan, _adj._ == pale. Wright's L. P. p. 93; [won]. Ibid. p. 28. AS. wonn, wan

Wand, _sb._ RG. 290. ON. vondr

Wander, _v. n._ Pol. S. 240

Wandreth, _sb._ [wondred] == sorrow. Pol. S. 150. ON. vandraedi

Wane, _v. n._ Ps. ix. 7. AS. wanian

Wane, _sb._ == want. M. Ode, 179; [wone]. Wright's L. P. p. 30. AS. wana

Wanene. See When and Whence

Wanhope, _sb._ == despair, want of hope. RG. 323

Want, _v. n._ == wish? RG. 468

Want, _v. n._ == be wanting. pret. 'wondede.' Ps. xxii. 1

Want, _v. a._ == be without, lack. Wright's L. P. p. 44. AS. wana, a deficiency

War, _sb._ RG. 374

---- _v. n._ == [worry], make war. RG. 370; pret. 'werrede.' RG. 77

---- _v. a._ == war against a person or thing. pret. 'worrede.' RG. 371, 70; part. 'ywerred.' RG. 3; 'iworred.' Ibid.

Ward, _sb._ == guard. RG. 461

---- == division of an army. Alys. 1996

---- _v. a._ RG. 41, 491

Warden, _sb._ RG. 314, 436

Ware, _sb._ == wares. HD. 52; reward. Pol. S. 192. AS. waru

Ware, _sb._ == thing, affair. Moral Ode, st. 32 (Hickes); but the Egerton MS. st. 34, reads 'gare,' i. e. gear

Ware, a collective term, 'watres ware.' Ps. xvii. 16; 'windes ware.' Ibid.

v. 11; probably the AS. ware

Ware, _sb._ == spring. Ps. lxxiii. 17. Lat. ver. O. Engl. veer

Ware, _adj._ Wright's L. P. pp. 30, 103; [yware]. RG. 388; [iwarte]. O.

and N. 1219. AS. w?r

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