A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 20

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Bis, _sb._ == purple. Wright's L. P. p. 26. Fr. bis. Lat. byssus

Bisay, _v. a._ == recommend, say. RG. 422

Bisayen, == treated. See Besee.

Bischriche, _v. a._ == shriek at. O. and N. 67

Biscunien, _v. a._ == shun. M. Ode, 77

Bise, _sb._ == north wind. HD. 724. OHG. bisa

Bisend, _v. a._ == send after. RG. 491

Bishop, _sb._ RG. 376

Bishopric. RG. 414, 417

Bismere, _sb._ == blasphemy. Body and Soul, 110. [busemere]. RG. 12, 379.

AS. bismer

Bisne, _adj._ == blind. O. and N. 78. AS. bisen

Bisoht, == sought out, got ready for. Pol. S. 220

Bisokne, _sb._ == beseeching. RG. 495

Bispel, _sb._ == proverb. O. and N. 127. AS. bispel

Bistad, _sb._ == a dwelling. Wright's L. P. p. 38

Bistand, _v. a._ == stand by a person; hence, to press or urge them. O.

and N. 1436

Bistolen, _part._ == stolen, crept onwards. M. Ode, 9

Bisyhed, == the state of being busy. Alys. 3

Bit, _sb._ == a morsel. RG. 207

Bit, _sb._ == bottle. Ps. lxxvii. 13. [bite]. Body and Soul, 34. AS. bitte

b.i.t.c.h, _sb._ Alys. 5394

Bite, _v. a._ Alys. 5435

Bite, _sb._ Alys. 5436

Bite, _v. a._ == drink. HD. 1731. Cf. bohem. 'piti,' potus; 'pitka,'

potatio, &c. Gr. p???

Bitell, _v. a._ == excuse. O. and N. 263

Biti?t, == arrayed. O. and N. 1011. AS. biaeht. See Gloss. to La?. s. v.

Bito?e, == employed. O. and N. 702. AS. biteon. See Gloss. to La?. s. v.

Bitter, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 87

Biturn, _v. a._ == turn. RG. 210

Bituxen. See Betwixt.

Biwene, _v. a._ == discover, recognize. O. and N. 1507

Biwente, _vb._--'hire bi-wente.' == turned her about. K. Horn, 329. In pa.s.s. 'ai bewent' == let them be turned back. Ps. vi. 11. AS. wendan

Biwere, _v. a._ == protect. O. and N. 1124. AS. bewerian

Biweved, == covered. RG. 338.

---- == woven? Alys. 1085

Biwin, _v. a._ == win. RG. 75, 420

Biwit, _adv._ == out of one's wits. RG. 528

Biwite, _v. a._ == defend. Rel. S. v. 252. AS. bewitan

---- == know? Alys. 5203

Biwrye, _v. a._ == cover. Alys. 6453. AS. wreon.

Black, _adj._ RG. 433, 522

Blacken, _v. n._ == become angry. HD. 2165

Blame, _v. a._ RG. 163

---- _sb._ RG 272, 432

Blandis.h.i.+ng, _sb._ == blandishments. St Kath. 164

Blanis ? Alys. 6292

Blanket, _sb._ 1167 B. Fr. blanchet

Blast, _v. n._ == blow, puff. Alys. 5349

Blast, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 190. Ps. cxlviii. 8

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