A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 21

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Blaze, _sb._ 1254 HD. AS. bl?se, blsan

Blear, _v. n._ == become bleareyed. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211

Bleat, _v. n._ Ps. lxiv. 14

Bled, blete, _sb._ == foliage. O. and N. 1040, 57. AS. blaed

Bleed, _v. n._ RG. 560

Bleike, _adj._ == pale. HD. 470. AS. blac. ON. bleikr

Blench, _sb._ == a trick? O. and N. 378. ON. blekkja

Blench, _v. n._ == avoid (a thing). O. and N. 170

---- == flinch from [blinche]. 2184 B.

---- == deceive. Ritson's AS. viii. 23

---- == give way? (of a s.h.i.+p) K. Horn, 1461. Another form of 'flinch.' AS.


Bleo, _sb._ == hue, complexion. O. and N. 152. Wright's L. P. p. 35. AS.


Bless, _v. a._ RG. 406

Blessing, _sb._ RG. 421

Blete, _adj._ == bleak? O. and N. 616

Blete, _sb._ See Bled

Blike, _v. n._ == s.h.i.+ne. Wright's L. P. p. 52 AS. blican

Blinch. See Blench

Blind, _adj._ RG. 376, 407

---- _v. n._ == become blind. Rel. Ant, ii. p. 211

Blink, _sb._ 'to make blinks,' == deride a person. HD. 307. See Blench, sb.

Blin, _v. n._ == cease. RG. 566. pret. 'blenyte.' RG. 338. AS. blinnan

Bliss, _sb._ RG. 469

Blissful, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 52

Blissfully, _adv._ Ps. xcvi. 1

Blithe, _adj._ RG. 15

Blithely, _adv._ 89

Blitheful. Ps. cxi. 5

Blive, _adv._ == quickly. RG. 544. See Belive

Blode, _adj._ == pale, dried up. Rel. Ant ii. p. 210. Germ. blode

Blood, _sb._ RG. 388, 416

b.l.o.o.d.y, _adj._ RG. 304, 311

Bloom, _sb._ HD 63

Bloom, _v. n._ Ps. xxvii. 7

Blote, _adj._ == dried. Rel. Ant. ii. p 176

Bloute, _v. n._ == swell out? HD. 1910. ON. blautr. Eng. bloat

Blow, _v. a._ == as 'blow the fire.' HD. 385. Alys. 5030

---- _v. n._ pret. 'blew.' 524

Blow, _vb. n._ part. 'blowe,' == blown, in blossom. O. and N. 1634

Blowing, _sb._ 467

Blue, _adj._ [blo]. Wright's L. P. p. 86

Bo, == be. O. and N. 166, et pa.s.sim. See Be

Bo, == both. _q. v._

Boar, _sb._ RG. 133

Board, _sb._ == table. 122 .; plank. Alys. 6415

Boast, _sb._ RG. 258. pomp. St Swithin, 43

Boast, _v. n._ Alys. 2597

Boasty, _adj._ == boastful. Fragm. Sci. 283

Bobance, _sb._ == boasting. Pol. S. 189 Fr. bobance

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