A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 42

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Dwel, _sb._ == s.p.a.ce of time. Rel. Ant, ii. p. 191

Dwele, _v. a._ == deceive. Ps. lvii. 4. AS. dwelian

Dwell, _v. n._ HD. 4. ON. dvelja

---- == delay. HD. 1351

Dwelle, _sb._ == folly. Serm. 13

Dwelling, _sb._ delay. Alys. 5208. HD. 1352

Dwole, _sb._ == error, trick. O. and N. 823, AS. dwola

---- _adj._ == false, deceitful. O and N. 924


Each, _adj._ RG. 369

Eachone. RG. 374

Eager, _adj._ RG. 80

Ear, _sb._ (of corn). RG. 490. AS. ear

Ear, _sb._ (of the body). RG. 492. AS. eare

Eardingstowe, _sb._ == dwelling-place. O. and N. 28. AS. eardungstow

Earl, _sb._ RG. 370

Earldom, _sb._ RG. 523

Early, _adj._ 905 B.

Earn, _v. a._ == gain, realize. O. and N. 1202. AS. earnian

Earnest, _sb._ == earnestness. RG. 121, 401

Earth, _sb._ == the world. Wright's L. P. p. 68.

---- == the ground. HD. 2657

---- == mould. HD. 740

---- _v. n._ == to dwell. HD. 739. AS. eardian

Earthgrine, == earthquake. RG. 530. AS. grynd, an abyss

Earthgrythe, _sb._ == earthquake. RG. 414. ON. gri == vehemence, violent motion

Earthly, _adj._ 440 B.

Ease, _sb._ 1473 B.

Easily, _adv._ 395 B.

East, _sb._ 35

Easter, _sb._ 546 B.

Eastward, _adv._ RG. 41

Easy, _adj._ == slack. Body and Soul, 115

Eat, _v. a._ 143 . pret. 'at.' 274 B. 'ete.' RG 408. part. 'y-ete.' 311

Ebb, _v. n._ Fragm. Sci. 253

Ech, _adj._ == eternal. O. and N. 742. AS. ece.

Eche, _v. a._ == increase. Rel. S. v. 126. AS. eacan

Eche, _sb._ == aches. M. Ode, st. 100

Ederlyng, _sb._ == ancestor? Alys. 1711

Edged, _adj._ [i-egged] (of a sword). RG. 274

Edict, _sb._ RG. 568

Edissehen, _sb._ == quail. Ps. civ. 40. AS. edisc-hen, from 'edisc,' a park

Edmod, _adj._ == mild, humble. Fragm. in Warton, H. E. P. vol. i. p. 21.

AS. eadmod

Edneth. Rel. Ant. i. 114; possibly a mistake for 'endeth,' i.e. comes to an end

Edwyt, _sb._ == scorn. RG. 379. AS. edwite

---- _v. a._ == reproach. Ten. Comm. 8

Eel, _sb._ HD. 897. Alys. 5792

Effte, _vb. a._ == gave. RG. 367

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