A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 43

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Efne, == in the evening. O. and N. 313

Eft, _adv._ == after. RG. 367

Eft, _sb._ pl. 'evetis.' Alys. 6126; 'eveten.' M. Ode, 138. AS. efete

Eftsoon, _adv._ RG. 397

Egging, _sb._ == incitement. Wright's L. P. p. 106. AS. eggian

Ehte, _sb._ == goods, property. Alys. 1507; [ei?te]. O. and N. 1151; [eyghtis]. Alys. 1573. AS. ?ht

Eight. RG. 1, 385

Eighth, _adj._ RG. 473

Eighteen. RG. 407

Eighteenth, _adj._ RG. 436

Eighty. RG. 478

Eirmonger, _sb._ == eggseller. St Swithin, 69

Eisliche, _adj._ == fearful. M. Ode, 142. AS. egeslic

Either, _adj._ [eithe]. RG. 62; [aither]. 434

Eke, _adv._ == also. RG. 374, 378; [ekyn]. RG. 165

Eke, _v. a._ == increase. See Eche.

Eker, _sb._ == watercress, weed. Alys. 6175. AS. eacerse

Eke, _v. a._ == to avenge? RG. 474. Probably an error for 'wreke.' See the parallel pa.s.sage in the Life of Beket, 1948 B., where the reading is 'wreke'

El, == else. _q. v._

Elbow, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 322

Elde, _sb._ == age. RG. 379, 421

---- _v. n._ == become old [ealdi]. M. Ode, st. 1

Elder, _adj._ RG. 367

Elders, _sb._ [elderne]. RG. 11

Eldest, _adj._ RG. 370, 381

Eldrynges, _sb._ == elders. Alys. 4948

Element, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 124

Elephant, _sb._ == the animal. Alys. 854

---- == a horn of ivory. Alys. 1182

Eleven, [enlene]. RG. 441

Eleventh, _adj._ [endlefte]. RG. 414, 408

Elf, _sb._ pl. 'elvene.' RG. 130

Elidelik, _adj._ ('eldelike' in MS.) == elderly. Ritson's AS. viii. 39

Eling, _adj._ == wretched. 637 . Dan. elendig. ON. eligr

Ell, _sb._ RG. 429

Else, _adv._ [elles]. Wright's L. P. p. 36. [el]. RG. 451. 'El' is the old nominative, of which 'else' or 'elles' is the genitive used absolutely.

Cf. the old Lat. gen. 'alias'

Elsewhere, _adv._ RG. 395

Ely, _sb._ == oil. Marg. 60

Embe, _prep._ == concerning, for; 'embe no?t' == in vain. St Kath. 214

Emcristen, _sb._ == equal or even Christian. M. Ode, st. 148

Eme, _sb._ == uncle. HD. 1326. AS. eam.

Emerald, _sb._ Alys. 7030. Wright's L. P. pp. 26, 35

Emperor, _sb._ RG. 440

Empery, _sb._ == empire. RG. 85

Empoison, _v. a._ RG. 463

Empress, _sb._ RG. 440, 442

Emprise, _sb._ == attempt. Body and Soul, 144

Enchanter, _sb._ RG. 28

Enchantment. RG. 10

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