A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 47

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---- _sb._ == journey. RG. 52

---- == custom, proceeding. Alys. 7072. Ritson's AS. viii. 158, 188

Farforth, _adv._ == far. RG. 448

---- == entirely [ferforth]. RG. 242

Farm, _v. a._ RG. 378

Farthing, _sb._ == the coin so called. RG. 507

Fast, _adj._ == firm, sure. Wright's L. P. p. 37

---- _adv._ == quickly. RG. 490; strongly. Id. ibid.

Fast, _v. n._ == abstain from food. 2512 B. part, 'fasting.' RG. 545. AS.


---- _sb._ 2511 B.

Fasten, _v. a._ Pol. S. 214. Ps. xcii. 1

Fasting, _sb._ RG. 405

Fastlic, _adv._ == firmly. Creed of St Athan. 101

Fastness, _sb._ == castle. Ps. xvii. 3

---- == firmness. Ps. lxxii. 4

Fastrede, _adj._ == firm in counsel. O. and N. 211

Fat, _adj._ RG. 429

---- _v. a._ == fatten. Pol. S. 150

Father, _sb._ RG. 382

Fatherless, _adj._ RG. 142

Fatte, == fetched. See Fetch

Fathom, _sb._ [fedme]. Alys. 546

Fatness, _sb._ Ps. cxlvii. 14

Fawning, _sb._ == flattery, deceit. Wright's L. P. p. 23

Fax, _sb._ == hair. Wright's L. P. p. 33. AS. feax

Fayly, _adj._ == base, vile. Pol. S. 157. Fr. failli. Vid. Roq.

Fear, _sb._ RG. 402

Feast, _sb._ == festival. RG. 376

Feather, _sb._ RG. 487

Feathered, _adj._ Alys. 5406

Feblesse, _sb._ == feebleness. RG. 442

Fedme, == fathom. _q. v._

Fee, _sb._ == money. RG. 565. AS. feoh

---- == cattle [feh], Wright's L. P. p. 48. Pol. S. 152

Feeble, _adj._ RG. 379, 380. 'feebler.' RG. 372

---- == bad. 'feble wede.' HD. 323

Feebly, _adv._ 1178 B.; [feblelike]. HD. 418

Feed, _v. a._ RG. 375. pret. 'fedde.' 273 B. part. 'ifed.' 300

---- == obtain, conquer. Alys. 3064

Feel, _v. a._ part. 'yvelde.' RG. 185

Feeling, _sb._ == sense of feeling. Fragm. Sci. 333

Fei, == faith. _q. v._

Feide, _sb._ == feud, league. Alys. 97

Feign, _v. a._ == pretend. RG. 421

---- == form. 3 s. pres. 'feinyhes.' Ps. xciii. 9, 20. Lat. fingere

Feintise, _sb._ == deceit, feigning. RG. 39

Fel, _sb._ == skin. RG. 208. AS. fell

Felawrede, _sb._ == fellows.h.i.+p. Alys. 6199

Fele, _adj._ == many. 571 B. AS. feala

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