A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 48

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Felefold, _v. a._ == multiply. Ps. xi. 9. part. 'felefolded.' Ps. iii. 2

Fell, _adj._ == cruel. Body and Soul, 228. AS. fell

---- _v. a._ RG. 415, 526

Felle, _v. a._ == fulfil? or perhaps a mistake for 'telle.' K. Horn, 1292

Fellow, _sb._ RG. 397, 524

Felon, _sb._ 565 B.

Felony, _sb._ RG. 526

Fen, _sb._ == marsh. RG. 6

---- == mud, dirt. Ps. xvii. 43

Fenestre, _sb._ == window. RG. 312

Feng, _v. a._ == take. RG. 36. 3 pl. pret. 'fongon.' RG. 36

Fenge, _sb._ == a grapple. O. and N. 1283. AS. feng

Fenge, _sb._ == a girl. Wright's L. P. p. 36. ON. fenna

Fennel, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 44. AS. fenol

Feoff, _v. a._ RG. 369, 370

Feorne, _adj._ == ancient. Alys. 6356. AS. fyrn

Feorre, _adv._ == from far. O. and N. 1321

Fer, _adv._ See Far

Ferblet ? Fragm. Sci. 275, 280

Ferd, _sb._ == army. RG. 19, 204. AS. fyrd

Ferdness, _sb._ == fear. Ps. lx.x.xviii. 41

Fere, _v. a._ == carry. Fragm. on Seven Sins, 41

Fere, _sb._ == companion, equal. Wright's L. P. pp. 24, 36. AS. fera, gefera

Fered, _adj._ == afraid. Wright's L. P. p. 24

Feres, _vb. impers._ == it becomes, suits. Ps. lxiv. 2

Ferhede, _sb._ == company. RG. 138

Ferinkli, _adv._ == suddenly. Ps. lxiii. 6. AS. faeringa

Ferlich, _adv._ == wonderfully. RG. 299, 509. AS. faerlic

---- _adj._ == fearful. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Ferly, _sb._ == a wonder. Ritson's AS. viii. 14

Ferth, _sb._ == road. RG. 8. AS. faran. W. ffordd

Festel, _sb._ == a chain. Ps. cxlix. 8. AS fetel

Fet, _sb._ == vat, vessel. Marg. 61. AS. faet

Fetch, _v. a._ RG. 437. pret. 'fette.' RG. 15. 'fatte.' Pol. S. 152. AS.


Fetter, _v. a._ HD. 2758

---- _sb._ HD. 2759

Few, _adj._ [vewe]. RG. 402, 368. pl. 'fone.' Ps. cvi. 39

Fewness, _sb._ Ps. ci. 24

Fewte, _sb._ == fidelity, fealty. Alys. 2911. Fr. feute

Feye, _adj._ == near to die. Wright's L. P. p. 28. AS. faege

Feynes, _sb._ == phnix? Wright's L. P. p. 36

Fickle, _adj._ HD. 1210. AS. ficol

Fiddle, _sb._ 185

Field, _sb._ RG. 380, 565

Fiend, _sb._ HD. 2229

Fierce, _adj._ [fers]. RG. 486, 543

Fiery, _adj._ [fury]. RG. 340, 334

Fifteen. RG. 416

Fifteenth, _adj._ RG. 522

Fifth, _adj._ RG. 400

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