A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 49

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Fifty. RG. 382

Fight, _v. n._ RG. 455; [fe?e]. Pol. S. 154. pret. 'fo?te.' RG. 400. part.

'yfa?t.' RG. 208

---- _sb._ RG. 173; [fyth]. Wright's L. P. p. 23

Fighter, _sb._ Alys. 5703

Fighting, _sb._ RG. 299

Fightlac, _sb._ == conflict. O. and N. 1697. AS. feohtlac, from 'lac' == play, sport.

Figure, _sb._ [vigour] == an image, idol. Alys. 1524. Ps. xcvi. 7

Fikele, _v. a._ == flatter. RG. 31, 36. AS. ficol

Fikeling, _sb._ == flattery. RG. 30

Fildore, == made of gold thread. Wright's L. P. p. 33. Fr. fil d'or

File, _sb._ == a vile person. HD. 499

Fill, _v. a._ [fulle]. RG. 13. part, 'yfuld.' RG. 120

---- == fulfil. Wright's L. P. p. 99

Fille, _sb._ == thread. RG. 128, 297. Fr. fil

---- == wild thyme. Wright's L. P. p. 44. AS. fylle. Lat. serpyllum

Fillet, _sb._ Pol. S. 154

Filth, _sb._ Alys. 6370

Filthhede, _sb._ RG. 290

Fin, _sb._ Alys. 6591

Find, _v. a._ RG. 463. pret. 'founde.' RG. 374. part, 'yfounde.' RG. 87

Finder, _sb._ Alys. 4794

Finding, _sb._ == invention. Ps. lx.x.x. 13

Fine, _sb._ == end. RG. 413

---- _v. n._ == cease. 129 B.

---- _v. a._ == pay a fine. RG. 528, 511

Finger, _sb._ 1194 B.

Fining, _sb._ == end. Alys. 8015

Fire, _sb._ [fuyr]. RG. 151; [fir]. RG. 108

Firebrand, _sb._ Alys. 6848

Fired, _adj._ == fiery. Ps. cxviii. 140

Fireiron, _sb._ [furire] == a steel for striking a light. 639

Firmament, _sb._ 243

Firren, _adj._ == made of fir. HD. 2078

First, _adj._ 119 B.

---- _adv._ 101 B.; [vorst]. RG. 383

Firstkinned, _adj._ == first-born. Ps. civ. 36

Fish, _sb._ RG. 1, 6

---- _v. n._ St Andrew, 3

Fisher, _sb._ [vyssare]. RG. 265

Fis.h.i.+ng, _sb._ St Andrew, 4; [vysseth]. RG. 264

Fist, _sb._ [fust]. RG. 345

Fitte, _sb._ == match, equal. O. and N. 782. The Prompt. Parv. gives 'Fyt or mete--equus, congruus'

Five. RG. 383, 518

Flaune, _sb._ == pancake. HD. 644. Fr. flan

Flay. See Flea

Flea, _sb._ Pol. S. 238

Flea, _v. a._ == flay [flo]. HD. 612. pret. 'flow.' HD. 2502; part.

'yflawe.' Alys. 894

Flecche, _v. n._ == flinch. 951 B.

Flee, _v. a._ == escape from. RG. 367

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