A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 5

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Agast, _v. a._ == frighten. RG. 387

---- _adj._ == frightened. RG. 402. Alys. 3912. MG. us-gaisjan.

Age, _sb._ == saeculum. RG. 9

Agesse, _vb._ == calculate on, expect. K. Horn, 1219

Agin, _v. n._ == begin. O. and N. 1287

Ago, _v. n._ == go. O. and N. 1451. part. 'agonne.' == proceeded. RG. 561

Ago, == gone, neglected. Pol. S. 197

Agrame, _v. a._ == make angry. Alys. 3309

Agrief, _v. a._ Alys. 3785

Agrill, _v. a._ == annoy. [a-grulle]. O. and N. 1108. AS. grillan

Agrise, _v. a._ == terrify. RG. 463. pret. 'agros.' RG. 549. part.

'agrise,' == frightened. RG. 539. 'To agrise him,' == become furious. K.

Horn, 895. AS. agrsan

Aground, or 'alaground,' == on the ground. RG. 378

Ahen, _adj._ == own. O. and N. 1284. AS. agen

Aheve, _v. a._ == lit. lift up; hence, bring up, educate. Marg. 5. AS.


Ahte, _sb._ == property, goods. Wright's L. P. p. 46. AS. aeht

Ahwene, _v. a._ == vex, trouble. O. and N. 1562. AS. a-hwaenan

Aino?e, _adj._ == anew. RG. 397

Air, _sb._ 697

---- == airs, pride, vaunting. RG. 51, 397

Aither, == either. 434

Aiware--Aihwar, == everywhere. O. and N. 216. Moral Ode, st. 42, ed.

Hickes, but the Egerton MS. reads the verse "eier he mai him finde"

Akelde, _vb. a._ pret. == cooled. The other reading is 'acoled,' q. v. RG.


Aken, _v. a._ == reconnoitre. Alys. 3468

Aknee, _adv._ == on the knee's. 993 B. [aknawe]. Alys. 3540

Alaboute, _adv._ 2258 B. Many other compounds of 'all' are thus written as one word, where they are now generally disjoined, thus--'alaground.' RG.


Alamed, _part._ == lamed. O. and N. 1602

Alas! _interj._ RG. 443

Alast, _adv._ == at last. Pol. S. 216

Alb, _sb._ == clothing, lit. a white robe. RG. 347. AS. albe

Albidene, _adv._ == by and by. HD. 730. Wright's L. P. p. 61

Albysi, _adv._ == about, scarcely. RG. 81. The V. L. gives 'unnethe'

Alday, _adv._ == all the day. RG. 197

---- == continually. RG. 92

Aldeman, _sb._ == elder. Ps. civ. 22

Aldest, == oldest. RG. 232

Alderelde, _sb._ == extreme old age. Ps. lxx. 18

Ale, _sb._ HD. 14

Alegge, _v. a._ == to lay down, put down. 1928 B. part, 'aleyd.' == quelled, subdued. Wright's L. P. p. 105

---- (of laws) == to annul. RG. 422. part. 'aleyd.' RG. 144 == 'to confute.' O. and N. 394. AS. a-lecgan

Alesen, _v. a._ == loose. Marg. 24

Alight, _v. a._ == descend, alight. 1897 B. RG. 468. part, 'alight.' RG.

433. AS. a-lihtan

Alighting, _sb._ RG. 430

Alisaundre, _sb._ == the herb alexander, or horse-parsley. Wright's L. P.

p. 26. See the Prompt. Parv. s. v.

Alive, _adv._ 67 B. See Gloss. Rem. to La?amon, p. 442

Alike, _adj._ [iliche]. 1894 B.

---- _adv._ 714

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