A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 6

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Alinlaz. See Anlace

All, _adj._ RG. 373, == the whole

---- RG. 371, == every one of a number gen. s. 'alles,' used adverbially, == very, entirely. RG. 17; 73 B. gen. pl. 'alre,' 1332 B. 'aller,' RG. 135

All, _adv._ RG. 367, et pa.s.sim

Allerfurst, == first of all. Alys. 1569

Allermost, _adv._ RG. 44

Alliance, _sb._ RG. 89, 295; [enlyance]. RG. 12

Allong, == during the whole of; 'al longe day.' 403 B. 'allonge ni?t.' 595

Allout, _adv._ == entirely. 1940 B.

Ally, _v. a._ RG. 65

Allyng, _adv._ == entirely. RG. 48. AS. eallunga

Almatour, _sb._ == almoner. Alys. 3042

Almesse, _sb._ == alms. RG. 330

Almightand, == almighty. Creed. 33

Almighty, _adj._ 1041 B.

Almost, _adv._ RG. 389. Ps. cxviii. 87

Almsdeed, _sb._ Rel. S. iv. 39

Almsful, _adj._ 1676. B.

Almshede, _sb._ RG. 498

Alnil, == and only? Pol. S. 201

Alond, _adv._ == on the land. RG. 389

Alone, _adj._ 59 B.

Along, _adv._ == straight on, 'to go along.' Alys. 3410

---- == lengthwise [o lonke]. Pol. S. 156

Alothe, _v. n._ == become loathsome. O. and N. 1275

Alour, _sb._ == corridor. Alys. 7210. _pl._ 'alurs.' RG. 192. Fr. aller

Alout, _v. n._ == bow. RG. 476

Alre, _gen. pl._ of 'all,' forms numerous compounds with adjj. in the superlative degree,--thus 'alre-hecst,' == highest of all. O. and N. 687; 'alre-mest,' ib. 684; 'alre-necst,' ib. 685; 'alre-wrste,' ib. 121; &c.


Als, == as. HD. 306, == as if. HD. 508

Alsauf, _adv._ == without fail. RG. 391

Also, == besides. RG. 369

---- == as. RG. 561. HD. 1872

---- == as if. HD. 468

Alswa, _adv._ == also, in like manner. O. and N. 237

---- == as if. O. and N. 146

Altar, _sb._ 2215 B.

Altherbest, == best of all. HD. 182

Alto, _adv._ 99 B.

Alumere, _adj._ == bright. Wright's L. P. p. 68

Al?are, _adv._ == already. 917 B.

Am, == them. Ps. v. 12

Am, _vb._ == 1s pret. of 'be.' 337 RG.

Amad, _part._ == amaied or dismayed. Alys. 1749. K. Horn. 586

---- == mad. Pol. S. 156

Amaistre, _v. a._ == reduce to subjection. Pilate 60

Amanse, _v. a._ == curse. RG. 474. AS. amansumian, lit. to disjoin, hence to excommunicate

Amar, _v. a._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211

Amarstle, _v. a._ == to stuff full? Wright's L. P. p. 111. AS. amaestan

Ambesas, _sb._ == two aces, the lowest throw on the dice. Hence 'to caste an ambesas,' == to have bad luck, to fail in a thing. 492 . 450 B. See Roq. _s. v._ Ambezas

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