A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 51

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Folewen, _v. a._ == baptize. Marg. 58. AS. fullian, to whiten, baptize

Folht, _sb._ == baptism. Pol. S. 157. AS. fulluht

Foliot, _sb._ == folly. O. and N. 866

Folk, _sb._ RG. 376, 377

Folliche, _adv._ == foolishly. 647 B.

Follow, _v. a._ Wright's L. P. p. 48; pret. 'fulied.' O. and N. 1237

---- == persecute. 3 pl. pres. 'filiyhen.' Ps. cxviii. 157; 'fylegh.' Ps.

vii. 6; pret. 'filiyhed.' Ps. cxviii. 161; part. 'filyhand.' Ps. vii. 2

Folly, _sb._ 156 B.

Fond, _v. a._ == try. RG. 455; part. 'yfonded.' RG. 102. AS. fandian

Fonge, _v. a._ == take up, resume. Pol. S. 216. AS. fon, fangen

Fontstone, _sb._ RG. 247

Food, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 69

Fool, _adj._ == foolish. RG. 568

---- _sb._ 768 B.

Foot, _sb._ RG. 490; pl. 'fet.' RG. 508

Footfast, _adj._ == captive. Ps. ci. 21

Footfastness, _sb._ == captivity. Ps. civ. 18

For, _prep._ == on account of. RG. 58

---- == during (of time). 11 B.

---- _adv._ == because. RG. 366. 16 B.

Forasmuch, _adv._ RG. 454

Forban, _v. a._ == summon. O. and N. 1091

Forbear, _v. n._ RG. 526

---- _v. a._ == s.p.a.ce. Alys. 4509

Forbearing, _sb._ Alys. 3826

Forbeode, _v. a._ == expect, Wright's L. P. p. 23

Forberne, _v. n._ == burn. O. and N. 419. Rel. S. iv. 11

---- _v. a._--part, 'verbarnd.' RG. 378

Forbid, _v. a._ RG. 494

Forbisen, _sb._ == example, fable. O. and N. 244. Pol. S. 197. AS.


Forbisening, _sb._ == parable. Ps. xlviii. 5

Forbreak, _v. a._ == break. RG. 375; part. 'forbroken,' == corrupt, Ps.

xiii. 1

Forbreaking, _sb._ == destruction. Ps. xiii. 3

Forbreide, _v. a._ == offend against, O. and N. 1381. Dan. for-bryde

---- _v. n._ == commit a crime. O. and N. 510

Forbrode, Forbroide, _adj._ == criminal. O. and N. 1379. RG. 21, 205

Forby, _prep._ == beyond. Ps. xx. 7; xliv. 3

Forcast, == cast. Ps. xxi. 11

Force, _v. a._ == take care, heed. Leg. of St Wolstan in Warton, H. E. P.

vol. i. p. 16

Forcleave, _v. a._ == cleave. RG. 17, 401

Forcling, _v. n._ == wither; pret. 'forclonge.' Pilate, 216

Forcome, _v. a._ == antic.i.p.ate. Ps. xvi. 13.

---- _v. n._ == come before. Ps. cxviii. 147

Forcrempe, _v._ == to be convulsed, furious? O. and N. 510. Dan. krampe, a spasm or convulsion

Fordeme, _v. a._ == condemn. O. and N. 1096

Fordit, _part._ == shut up. Body and Soul, 236. AS. fordyttian

Fordo, _v. a._ == destroy. Wright's L. P. p. 71

---- == put away. Ps. lx.x.xviii. 45

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 51 summary

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