A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 52

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Fordred, _adj._ == afraid. Wright's L. P. p. 88

Fordrue, _v. n._ == become dry. O. and N. 820. AS. fordrugan

Fordwine, _v. n._ == dwindle away. Pilate, 215. AS. fordwinan

---- _v. a._ == cause to wither; part. 'fordwinnen.' Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211

Fore, _adv._ == before. 31 B.

Fore, _sb._ == track. O. and N. 815. AS. for

---- == business, proceeding? 'hys fore was no?t' == it was all over with him. RG. 386

Forehead, _sb._ 2217 B.

Foremost, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 41

Forene, _adj._ == interior, hidden; 'chambre forene' == a privy chamber.

RG. 310. Fr. foreins. Vid. Roq.

Forest, _sb._ RG. 375

Forester, _sb._ RG. 499

Foretoken. Ps. lxxvii. 43

Foretokening, _sb._ Ps. lxx. 7

Foreward, _sb._ == compact, agreement. RG. 391, 514. AS. foreweard

Forfare, _v. a._ == destroy. Marg. 4; part, 'furfarne.' Marg. 53; 'forfaren.' HD. 1380. The AS. 'forfaran' appears to be only used in the neuter sense == to perish, but 'furfare' is used actively in La?amon

Forfret, _v. a._ == devour. RG. 8. AS. fretan

Forget, _v. a._ RG. 446

Forgetelnes, _sb._ == forgetfulness, oblivion. Ps. ix. 19

Forgive, _v. a._ 1002 B.

Forgiveness, _sb._ RG. 58

Forgnide, _v. a._ == destroy, pret. 'forgnode.' Ps. civ. 16; cvi. 16. AS.


Forgo, _v. a._ RG. 290. pret. 'foreode.' Wright's L. P. p. 23

Forgraythe, _v. a._ == prepare. Ps. xx. 13

Forgraything, _sb._ == preparation, design. Ps. ix. 38

Forgulte ? RG. 1

Forhaht, == despised, hated? Wright's L. P. p. 37. AS. forhiegan?

Forheaded, == beheaded. Alys. 1366

Forhele, _v. a._ == conceal, part. 'forhole.' Alys. 6967. In v. 7349, it seems to be used adverbially, and to mean 'secretly.' AS. forhelan

Forheler, _sb._ == a concealer. Ps. xvii. 31

Forheling, _sb._ == concealment. Ps. xvii. 19

Forhenge, _v. a._ == hang. HD. 2724

Forhoght, _sb._ == contempt. Ps. cxviii. 22

Forhone, _v. a._ == scorn, despise. Ps. xliii. 6. AS. hnan, forhohnes

Forho?e, _v. a._ == despise. O. and N. 1600. AS. forhogian

Fork, _sb._ Alys. 1191

Forlaped, _adj._ == tired with lapping or drinking? Pol. S. 238

Forlength, _v. a._ == lengthen. Ps. cxxviii. 3

Forlere, _v. a._ == learn. O. and N. 924

Forleose, _v. a._ == lose. O. and N. 1664. part. 'forlore.' RG. 243

Forlest, _v. a._ == destroy. Ps. xx. 11. AS. laestan

Forlet, _v. a._ == leave alone. 1997 B. part. 'forlet' == desert. Alys.


---- == allow. Ps. cxxiv. 3

Forleteness, _sb._ == contempt. Ps. cxxii. 3

Forleting, _sb._ == contempt. Ps. cxxii. 4

Form, _sb._ == manner. RG. 388; shape. Pilate, 125

Formanging, _sb._ == changing. Ps. liv. 20. AS. margian

Forme, _adj._ == first. O. and N. 818. AS. forma

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 52 summary

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