A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 57

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---- == nation. Ps. ii. 8. AS. genge

Gent, _adj._ == gentle. RG. 24

Gentle, _adj._ == n.o.ble. RG. 420

Gentleman, _sb._ [gengylman]. RG. 323

Gentrise, _sb._ == n.o.bleness, RG. 46, 434

Georre, _sb._ == anger. M. Ode, 139. AS. eorre, which is the reading of one MS.

Geoter, _sb._ == a caster of metals. Alys. 6735. AS. geotan

Gersoun, _sb._ == treasure. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 217. AS. gersume. ON. gersemi

Gest, _sb._ == gesture, appearance. Alys. 6413

Gest, _sb._ == a tale. HD. 2328. Fr. geste. Lat. gestum

Gestning, _sb._ == hospitality. Alys. 1779

Geswinc, _sb._ == toil. M. Ode, 98. AS. geswinc

Get, _v. a._ == obtain. HD. 792; part. 'igotte.' Pol. S. 203

---- == take. HD. 2762

Geting, _sb._ == generation. Ps. xiii. 6

Ghost, _sb._ == a spirit. RG. 130

---- == spirit, as opposed to body. O. and N. 1396

---- == Holy Ghost. [Gaste]. Ps. i. fin.

Giant, _sb._ RG. 15

Gibbet, _sb._ Alys. 4722

Giddily, _adv._ == foolishly. O. and N. 1280

Giddy, _adj._ == foolish. RG. 68. AS. gidig

Gift, _sb._ 570 B.; [give]. HD. 357

Giglot, _sb._ == a loose girl. Pol. S. 154. AS. gagol

Gigour, _sb._ == a musician, properly a player on the wind instrument called a 'gige.' K. Horn, 1528. Vid. Roq. _s. v._ Gigueour

Gihte, _sb._ == manner? M. Ode, 192. See Gate

Gildert, _sb._ == a snare. Ps. ix. 31. Fr. guille

Gileyspeke, _sb._ == a cunning trick. RG. 553. Fr. guille

Gilmins, _sb._ == some order of Friars? Rel. Ant, ii. p. 175

Gilt, _part._ Alys. 927

Gin, _sb._ == device. RG. 402, 549. AS. grin

Gin, _vb._ == begin. 753 B.

Ging, _sb._ == army. See Genge

Ginger, _sb._ Alys. 6797; [gyngyvre]. Wright's L. P. p. 27

Gird, _v. a._ == cingere. RG. 435; part. 'ygurd.' RG. 174

---- _sb._ == girdle. Alys. 2272

Gird, _v. a._ == strike, smite. Alys. 2299. AS. gyrd, a staff

Girdle, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 35

Give, _sb._ See Gift

Give, _v. a._ [?eve]. RG. 12; pret. '?af.' RG. 17; imper. '?ef.' Wright's L. P. p. 59; part. 'i?ive.' O. and N. 551; 'y?yne.' RG. 430

Giveled, _part._ == heaped together. HD. 814. Fr. gavele. Sir F. Madden also suggests Dut. 'villen,' to flay, as a possible origin of this word.

Others have proposed the Germ. gefullt

Giving, _sb._ Alys. 839

Glad, _adj._ RG. 371; 'gladden.' 1066 B.

---- _v. n._ == be glad. RG. 265

---- _v. a._ == make glad. 1204 B.; part. 'igladed.' Pilate, 130

Gladden, _v. n._ == be glad. Ps. xcvi. 8

Gladful, _adj._ Ps. xlvi. 2

Gladly, _adv._ RG. 112

Gladness, _sb._ RG. 195, 530

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 57 summary

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