A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 58

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Glads.h.i.+p, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 38

Glaive, _sb._ == a sword. RG. 203. Fr. glaive. Lat. gladius

Gla.s.s, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 31

---- == a mirror. Alys. 4408

Gleam, _sb._ HD. 2122

---- _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 36

Glede, _sb._ == live coal. HD. 91. AS. gled

Glee, _sb._ RG. 272

Gleeman, _sb._ HD. 2329

Gleowinge, _sb._ == gleeing or singing. K. Horn, 1524

Glew, _adj._ == skilful. O. and N. 193. AS. gleaw

Glewe, _vb._ See Glow

Glide, _v. n._ HD. 1851; pret, 'glyt.' Alys. 4252

Glisten, _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 36

Gloterie, _sb._ == gluttony. Body and Soul, 93

Glove, _sb._ Fragm. on Seven Sins, 16

Glow, _v. n._ Fragm. Sci. 141; [glewe]. Wright's L. P. p. 38

Gloze, _v. n._ == flatter, be deceitful. RG. 510; part. 'glozyng.' RG.

497; AS. glesan

Glue, _v. a._ Alys. 6180

Glutton, _sb._ HD. 2104. Lat. gluttus, the throat

Gluttony, _sb._ RG. 330

Gnaist, _v. n._ == rage. Ps. ii. 1. ON. gnista

Gnat, _sb._ Ps. civ. 31

Gnaw, _v. a._ RG. 404, 417. AS. gnagan

Gnede, _adj._ == n.i.g.g.ardly. HD. 97. Body and Soul, 20. AS. gneen

Gnide, _v. a._ == dash to pieces. Ps. xvii. 43; pret. 'gnode.' Ps.

lx.x.xviii. 45. AS gnidan

Gnoste, _sb._ == noise or clamour? Pol. S. 237. ON. gnaust

Go, _v. n._ RG. 13; [gon]. 74 B.; 2 s. pres. 'gest.' O. and N. 836, 536; 3 s. pres. 'goth.' Wright's L. P. p. 61; 'gas.' Ps. lx.x.xix. 6; pret. 'eode.'

RG. 417; 'wende.' RG. 368; 'wode.' 1481 B.; '?eode.' 99 B.; part, 'going.' RG. 538

Go, == good. _q. v._

Goad, _sb._ [gad]. HD. 279. AS. gad

Goat, _sb._ pl. 'geet.' Pol. S. 198

G.o.d. RG. 468

G.o.derhele, _sb._ == happiness. RG. 368

G.o.dhede, _sb._ == goodness. Alys. 7060

G.o.dly, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 38

G.o.dness, _sb._ == G.o.d-head. Creed of St Athan. v. 62

G.o.dson, _sb._ 21

Gold, _sb._ RG. 1, 383

Golnes, _sb._ == lasciviousness. O. and N. 492. Ps. lxvii. 14. AS. gal

Goldfinch, _sb._ Alys. 783

Golokes. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176; perhaps another form of 'galker' == a tub for wort. See Phil. Soc. Trans. for 1855, p. 267

Gome, _sb._ == a man. Wright's L. P. p. 38. AS. guma

Gome, _sb._ == care, thought. RG. 454, 537. AS. gmen

Gome, _sb._ See Game

Gonfanon, _sb._ == banner. Alys. 1963

Goninde, _part._ == gaping, yawning. Marg. 43. AS. geonan

Gonnylde, _adj._ == foolish? Pol. S. 237. See Hall. _s. vv._ Goneil and Gomerill

Good, _adj._ RG. 375, 384; acc. 'G.o.dne.' K. Horn, 753

---- _sb._ 19 B. 'to do good'

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