A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 59

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---- _adv._ == will. Alys. 6267

Goods, _sb._ [G.o.d]. RG. 495

Goodman, _sb._ == husband

---- == a good man. RG. 257

Goodness, _sb._ RG. 434, 436

Goose, _sb._ HD. 702

Gore, _sb._ == a narrow slip let into a woman's dress, hence the dress itself, as in the phrase 'geynest under gore.' Wright's L. P. p. 29. ON.

gara, to rend

Gorge, _v. a._ == devour, feed. Alys. 5625

---- _v. n._ Alys. 5625

Gorger, _sb._ == gorget. Alys. 3636

Goshawk, _sb._ Alys. 483

Goshorne ? Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Gospel, _sb._ RG. 470

Gothele, _v. n._ == make a noise, as water does when a hot iron is placed in it. Fragm. Sci. 140. ON. gutla

Goule, _v. n._ == howl. HD. 164, 454. ON. gola

Gout, _sb._ RG. 564, 564

Govern, _v. a._ RG. 398

---- _sb._ == government. 1792 B.

Grace, _sb._ 'year of grace.' RG. 382

---- == pardon. RG. 563

Gracious, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 52

Grade, _sb._ == a cry. Alys. 5740

Grain, _sb._ [grein]. == a small piece. Wright's L. P. p. 38

Gram, _adj._ == angry. HD. 2469, 214. AS. gram

Grame, Grome, == anger. Pol. S. 199

---- == sorrow. Pol. S. 219. AS. grama

Grandsire, _sb._ RG. 311

Grange, _sb._ HD. 764. Fr. grange, from Lat. granum

Grant, _v. a._ RG. 447, 477, 208

Grape, _sb._ 417

Gra.s.s, _sb._ RG. 43

Gra.s.shopper, _sb._ [gressop], Ps. lxxvii. 46; civ. 34

Grate, _sb._ == firegrate. Body and Soul, 204

Graueth, _vb._ == clothes? Wright's L. P. p. 61. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 217. AS.


Grave, _v. a._ == dig. Ps. vii. 16

---- == bury. HD. 613; part 'graven.' HD. 2528

---- _sb._ == sculpture. Ps. lxxvii. 58

---- == image. Ps. cv. 19

Grave, _sb._ Body and Soul, 98

Gravel, _sb._ K. Horn, 1521. Gael. gairbheil. See Phil. Soc. Proc. vol.

iv. p. 257

Grayking, _sb._ == graying, or early dawn. Alys. 5413; 'griking.' Ps. xlv.


Grease, _sb._ RG. 410

Great, _adj._ RG. 377; [grot]. RG. 26; 'great heart,' == anger. RG. 309

---- _v. n._ == become great. Alys. 452

Greave, _sb._ == magistrate. HD. 266. AS. gerefa

Grede, _v. n._ == cry out. RG. 559; pret. 'gradde.' O. and N. 934. AS.


Grede, _sb._ == breast of a mantle. Alys. 4187; [i-grede]. O. and N. 1641.

AS. greada

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