A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 61

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Grotes, _sb._ == grouts, small pieces. HD. 472. AS. grut

Grouer, _sb._ == grosvair, a kind of fur. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 217

Ground, _sb._ RG. 22

---- _v. a._ == bring to ground. RG. 372

---- == form, const.i.tute. Ps. viii. 4

Groundly, _adv._ == deeply [grundlike]. HD. 651

Groundstathelnes, _sb._ == foundation. Ps. cx.x.xvi. 7

Groundwall, _sb._ == foundation. Ps. lx.x.xvi. 1

Grow, _v. n._ RG. 21; pret. 'greu.' RG. 470

Gruche, _v. n._ == murmur, grumble. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211. Fr. groucer

Grudge, _v. n._ Ps. lviii. 16

Grudging, _sb._ O. and N. 423

Grulde, _vb._ == struck. O. and N. 142. Probably from AS. 'grillan,' to provoke, and hence to keep on touching or striking, so as to irritate. Cf.

the ??e???e?? ??ad?? of Telestes, ap. Ath. 637 A.

Grund, or Ground, used as an intensifying prefix--'grund-stalworthe.' HD.


Grunt, _v. n._ Alys. 5846

Grys, _sb._ == a kind of fur. Wright's L. P. p. 26. Fr. gris. See the Prompt. Parv. _s. v._ Gryce, and the note there

Guede. A mistake for 'gnede.' _q. v._

Guile, _sb._ RG. 538

---- _v. a._ == deceive. Rel. Ant. p. 116

Guiling, _sb._ == deceit. Alys. 3475

Guilt, _v. n._ == sin, become guilty. Ps. cxviii. 67

Guilt, _sb._ 827 B.

Guiltless, _adj._ RG. 327, 509

Guilty, _adj._ 2123 B.

Guise, _sb._ == fas.h.i.+on. Pol. S. 221

Gulte, _vb._ == offends? O. and N. 1521

Gun, _sb._ Alys. 3268

Guodded, _vb._ == stained. Alys. 2374. Fr. guede, woad

Gut, _sb._ RG. 446, 526

Gutter, _sb._ == waterpipe [goter]. Ps. lxxi. 6

Gwinris, _sb._ == guides. Alys. 7244. Fr. guioneres

Gylofre, _sb._ == gilliflower. Wright's L. P. p. 27

Gyng, _sb._ == host, army, our 'gang.' See Genge

Gyngyvre. See Ginger

Gyour, _sb._ == a guide. Alys. 4810. Fr. guicour. Sec Roq. _s. v._

Gysceres. M. Ode, 135. Probably a mistake for 'gyveres,' avaricious. AS.


Gyve, _sb._ Pol. S. 221. W. gefyn

Gywise, _sb._ == judgment. St Kath. 9


Habit, _sb._ == dress. RG. 150, 434

---- == custom. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175

Hack, _v. a._ RG. 216. Ps. liv. 4

Hahe, == courtyard. See Ha?e

Haie, == wall of a yard. See Ha?e

Hair, _sb._ RG. 560

---- == hairs.h.i.+rt. 259 B.

---- == sackcloth. Ps. x.x.xiv. 13

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 61 summary

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