A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 62

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Hail, _adj._ == wholesome. Alys. 7036. AS. h?l

Hail, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 216. AS. hagol

---- _v. n._ [haweli]. 683

Hake, _sb._ (the fish). Wright's L. P. p. 31

Hal, _adj._ == whole. HD. 2370

Hale, _sb._ == a hollow. O. and N. 2. AS. hal, hol

Half, _adj._ RG. 3

---- _sb._ == side. Pol. S. 217

---- _v. a._ == divide in half. Ps. liv. 24

Half, _sb._ == behalf. 1688 B.

Halfendele, _sb._ == half part. RG. 390, 5

Halfman, _sb._ RG. 401

Halfpenny, _sb._ Alys. 3116

Halidom, _sb._ == sacrament. 2290 B. AS. haligdom

Halihingness, _sb._ == sanctification. Ps. xcv. 6

Halimote, _sb._ == court, Pol. S. 154. AS. halle gemot

Halke, _sb._ == corner. K. Horn, 1119. AS. heal

Hall, _sb._ RG. 390

Hallow, _v. a._ pret. 'halwede.' RG. 469; 'halewe.' 319 B.; part.

'y-hallowed.' RG. 416

Halo, _sb._ [halewe]. 2166

Halt, _v. n._ == walk lamely. Wright's L. P. p. 48

Halter, _sb._ 1174 B.

Halwe, _sb._ == the Saints. RG. 82, 255

Halwei, _sb._ == balsam. c.o.k. 82. See La?. iii. 501. AS. hael and hwaeg, == whey

Hame, _sb._ == skin. Alys. 391. ON. hamr

Hammer, _sb._ RG. 99

Hand, _sb._ RG. 369; 'to go on hand,' == to attempt to deceive. O. and N.


Handaxe. RG. 26. HD. 2553

Handfull, _sb._ Ps. cxxv. 6

Handiwork, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 60

Handle, _v. a._ RG. 435. St Swithin, 60

Handmaiden, _sb._ Ps. cxxii. 2

Handtame, _adj._ == mild, mansuetus. Ps. x.x.xiv. 9

Handtameness, _sb._ Ps. xliv. 5

Handwork, _sb._ Ps. cx.x.xvii. 8

Hang, _v. a._ 3 s. pres. 'hoth.' O. and N. 1121; pret. 'honge.' RG. 473; part. 'yhonge.' RG. 174

---- == make to hang down. Pol. S. 154

---- _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 68

Hans, _sb._ == a quant.i.ty. Alys. 1571. MG. hansa

Hap, _sb._ RG. 447. ON. happ. W. hap

Harat, _sb._ == stable or stud of horses. c.o.k. 35. Fr. haras. Probably from Lat. 'hara.' See the Prompt. Parv. _s. v._

Hard, _adj._ RG. 391

---- _v. a._ == harden; part, 'yharded.' RG. 352

Hardily, adv. RG. 375

Hardish, Hardy, _v. a._ == encourage. RG. 426. Alys. 3343

Hardissy, _sb._ == boldness. RG. 204

Hardy, _adj._ RG. 452

Hare, _sb._ RG. 376

Harlas, _sb._ == plinth. c.o.k. 67. Fr. orle. See Cotgr. and Roq. _s. v._

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