A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 66

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Herre, == higher. See High

Herring, _sb._ HD. 758. Alys. 6589

Hert, == heart? Wright's L. P. p. 31

Herte, == highest. See High

Herying, _sb._ == praise. Ps. cxliv. 21

Hest, _sb._ == command. RG. 493, 556; [hes]. M. Ode, 174

Hestris, _sb._ == condition. Alys. 7611. Fr. estre

Hete, _sb._ == hate. _q. v._

Hethe, _v. a._ == threaten. Wright's L. P. p. 37. ON. haeta. Sw. hota

Hethe, _v. a._ == command; pret. 'hettede.' HD. 551. AS. hatan

Hethele, _sb._ == hot iron. Body and Soul, 204. Cf. the Yorks.h.i.+re 'hottel'

Hething, _sb._ == contempt, scorn. Ps. lxxviii. 4. ON. haung

Heving. See Hoving

Heving, _sb._ == lifting up. Ps. cxl. 2

Hew, _v. a._ Wright's L. P. p. 110; 3 s. pres. 'ho?eth,' O. and N. 455.

AS. heawan

Hide, _v. a._ [hude]. Pol. S. 150; pret. 'hudde.' Alys. 2489; part.

'y-hud.' RG. 87; 'hyd.' Wright's L. P. p. 40

Hide, _sb._ == a skin. RG. 116, 404

---- == a measure of land. RG. 374; a field. Alys. 458. In Wright's L. P.

p. 31, 'in hyde' seems to mean 'in a hiding-place or retreat'

Hidel, _sb._ == hiding-place. Ps. xxvi. 5. AS. hidels

Hiding, _sb._ [huding] == concealment. 1381 B.

Hie, _v. n._ RG. 544; pret. 'hied.' RG. 387. AS. higan

High, _adj._ [heye]. RG. 367; [hoh]. HD. 1361; [he]. Fragm. Sci. 283.

Comp. 'herre.' RG. 473; sup. 'hexte.' RG. 6, 397; 'herte.' RG. 509

Highman, _sb._ [heyme], RG. 288

Highmaster, _sb._ Alys. 270

Highness, _sb._ == high thing. Ps. xli. 8

Hiht, == caught? Pol. S. 150. Dut. 'hechten,' apprehendere (Kil.)

Hill, _sb._ RG. 398

Hilt, _sb._ == handle of a s.h.i.+eld. Alys. 1270

Hind, _sb._ (animal). RG. 376

Hinder, _adj._ == posterior. 638

Hindforth, _adv._ == backwards. Alys. 4710

Hindward, _adv._ Ps. x.x.xix. 15

Hine, _sb._ == low fellow, servant. RG. 485, 540. AS. hina

Hinehed, _sb._ == society. Ps. xxi. 28; ciii. 14. AS. hynden

Hip, _sb._ (part of the body) [hupe]. RG. 322. AS. hyp

Hip, _sb._ == fruit of the wild rose. Alys. 4983. AS. heope

Hippopotamus, _sb._ [ypotamos]. Alys. 5166

Hird, _sb._ == shepherd. Wright's L. P. p. 96

Hire, _v. a._ 1173 B.

---- _sb._ HD. 908

Hire, _sb._ == hireling, man. HD. 997. AS. hra.

Hirmon, _sb._ == servant, domestic. Wright's L. P. p. 50. Pol. S. 157. AS.


Hit, _v. a._ pret. 'hutte.' Alys. 2155

Hither, _adv._ 1329 B.

Hitherward, _adv._ RG. 505

Hi?te, _v. n._ == rejoice. O. and N. 436. AS. hyhtan

Hlad. O. and N. 1574. Perhaps a mistake for 'hald' or 'halt,' == holdeth

h.o.a.r, _v. n._ == become h.o.a.ry. Alys. 1597

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 66 summary

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