A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 67

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---- _adj._ == h.o.a.ry. Alys. 5031

---- _sb._ == an old man. Alys. 6752

h.o.a.rd, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 54. O. and N. 1222

h.o.a.rfrost, _sb._ Fragm. Sci. 232

Hoa.r.s.e, _adj._ [hose]. O. and N. 504. AS. has

Hog, _sb._ Alys. 1885

Hohful, _adj._ == full of care. O. and N. 1290. AS. hohfull

Hoke, _v. n._ == move tortuously? O. and N. 377. ON. hoka

Hoker, _sb._ == scorn. RG. 272, 285. AS. hocer

Hokerly, _adv._ RG. 417

Hoket, _sb._ == a plaything. Alys. 7000. Fr. hochet

Hold, _adj._ == firm. HD. 2780; friendly. RG. 456, 383. AS. hold

Hold, _sb._ [i-hold], == a hold, residence. O. and N. 621

Hold, _v. a._ RG. 368; 3 s. pres. 'hal' == holds. RG. 289; 'halt.' RG. 12, 36; pret, 'huld.' RG. 367; part, 'halle.' Alys. 2327

---- _v. n._ == to hold with a person. Wright's L. P. p. 32

Holde, _sb._ == plenty. Ps. xviii. 11

Hole, _sb._ HD. 1813

Holer, _sb._ == adulterer, libertine. RG. 26. Fr. holier. See Roq.

Holiness, _sb._ RG. 332

Hollow, _adj._ RG. 131, 251

Holm, _sb._ == holm oak. Alys. 4945

Holy, _adj._ RG. 392, 503; comp. 'holier.' RG. 239

Holyday, _sb._ Rel. S. vii. 62

Holyman, _sb._ RG. 255

Homage, _sb._ 'do homage.' RG. 388

Home, _sb._ RG. 375; [ham]. O. and N. 1529; [heom]. O. and N. 1532

Homeward, _adv._ RG. 260, 269

Honest, _adj._ == honourable. Alys. 158

Honey, _sb._ c.o.k. 44

Honour, _sb._ RG. 20

---- _v. a._ RG. 80, 367

Hood, _sb._ == state, person, or hypostasis. Creed of St Athan. 15. AS.


Hood, _sb._ == covering for the head. Wright's L. P. p. 52

Hooded, _adj._ [ihoded]. O. and N. 1175

Hook, _sb._ HD. 752

Hooked, _adj._ [i-hoked]. O. and N. 1673

Hop, _v. n._ == go [huppe], RG. 537. AS. hoppian

---- == hop; 3 s. pres. 'hupth.' O. and N. 379; pret. 'hupte.' O. and N.

1634; 'hoppede.' RG. 278

Hope, _sb._ RG. 404

---- _v. n._ pret. 'hopede.' RG. 182, 558

---- == to hope to, trust in. M. Ode, st. 15

Hopper, _sb._ == a large basket. Ps. lx.x.x. 7. From AS. hop, an osier

h.o.r.e, _v. a._ == pray. Wright's L. P. pp. 37, 50. Fr.

Hori, _adj._ == filthy. Rel. Ant. ii. pp. 176, 191. AS. horig

Horn, _sb._ HD. 700

Horned, _adj._ Ps. xcvii. 6

Horre, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 177, possibly a filthy place, cavern. AS.


Horse, _sb._ RG. 375, 404

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 67 summary

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