Dramatic Technique Part 85

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Old Woman._ He is going to give her to Executioner as wife.

Zira dumb with horror.

Violent scene of cursing and cajoling.

Finally she rebels.

The Old Woman agrees with Hajji whenever he appeals to her.

He finally calls in the Guard, and makes them guard door.

[Altered during At sundown they are to take the girl to rehearsal. Executioner's house.

The guard,--eunuchs Ungrateful child!

of Mansur--take the Zira in tears. Hajji off.

daughter away at once.

Hajji remains on the scene, smiling in a self-satisfied fas.h.i.+on.] _Curtain_


_The Sultan's Audience Hall (The Caliph's Diwan). (Large set.) Sultan seated on a Divan.

His Vizier by his side.

Dances of Women.

Sultan melancholy. He says to Vizier that all these dances are nothing to the faded rose in his hand.

Hour for audience strikes.

The women dismissed.

The gates are opened to the crowd.

The various dignitaries enter.

The Executioner and the Guard come and kneel to the Sultan.

Different cases for trial called.

First of all the old Sheikh is called.

His whereabouts have been ascertained through the Guide.

The Sheikh is carried in on his litter and with greatest difficulty descends to do obeisance to the Sultan._

_Sultan. Sultan asks him how he, an exile, dare enter Sheikh. the city, defying the decree of his late Executioner. uncle.

Crowd, etc._ Sheikh says he came on peaceful mission, not to rob.

He is old; one of many robbers. No longer of consequence.

Came to pray at shrine and give alms, the shrine where he had prayed in his youth.

Invokes protection of High Priest.

Sultan says Sheikh must be imprisoned.

If High Priest proves that Sheikh came to give alms and to repent, he shall be released forthwith.

Meanwhile, for his many sins, a short repentance in prison will not be harmful to his soul.

_The Goaler comes forward and with two guards drags the lame man off.

The Sheikh goes, blessing the Sultan for his wisdom and justice.

The Sultan says: "Send to the High Priest at once to see if this old man spoke true."_

_Sultan. This should be some comic trial with a A Peasant with Two difficult question to solve, Such as: "Should Wives._ a man honour his first wife more--who is old [This scene was cut at and ugly, but devoted--or his second wife rehearsal, as having whom he mistrusts but adores for her beauty?"

nothing to do with the Or something of the kind drawn from Arabian story. Instead of Nights.

which, Hajj was introduced by a speech of Mansur's. See play.]

The Sultan is puzzled He has no answer.

Who can solve the riddle?

_Hajji, pus.h.i.+ng through the crowd,--"Let me, oh Sire!"--throws himself before Sultan._

_Hajji. Hajji decides in a witty, whimsical way.

Sultan. The Sultan amused by him. Who is he?

Others_ Hajji says he is a Fakir.

He plays some tricks.

/ While doing one, addresses the Executioner as a slave, asking him to bring a table.

[Cut:] < pretends="" not="" to="" know="" who="" executioner="" is,="" and="" begs="" his="" pardon="" when="" he="" is="" told="" of="" his="">

He then gets near the Sultan.

Does a trick with a sword.

Tries suddenly to stab the Sultan.

The Sultan wears a coat of mail.

The has failed.

Hajji is surrounded at once.

He is to be cut to pieces.

The Sultan says "Stay!

This man shall be made an example of.

I have heard there are rumours of sedition, and conspiracies against my person.

Therefore I wear this coat of mail.

I shall have this man burnt in my pleasure gardens tomorrow and the public shall be admitted to the spectacle.

This shall show conspirators I am in earnest; mean to uphold my uncle's policy.

Take this man away."

Hajji appeals, he turns to the Executioner.

The Executioner says he does not know him.

Hajji says he does.

He can prove it. He was in the house of the Executioner. In his pay.

Executioner: "The man is mad."

The Sultan fixes Executioner with his eye.

Sultan says he will sift matter to bottom.

Hajji shall be tortured.

The truth shall be wrung from him.

[Hajj is gagged here:] "At once?" asks the Gaoler.

Sultan: "No--let him starve the night first."

Tonight (_smelling the rose_) Sultan has other affairs of import to tend to.

Tomorrow (_with a meaning look_) he expects the Executioner to carry out the tortures himself.

The Executioner bows.

(_To Goaler_) "Take the man away!"

Hajji is dragged off, screaming.

The Sultan to his Vizier: "Oh Mesrur!

Mesrur! (Abu Bakr) When does the sun set?"

"Another half an hour, sire."

"Half an hour! Oh, would it were that now?

Why can I not make the sun set--I--the Sultan?

Bring forward the next case."



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Dramatic Technique Part 85 summary

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