The Articles of Faith Part 55

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=1.= What is Theology? (State, 1, derivation of the word; 2, extent of the science.)

=2.= Compare Theology and Religion.

=3.= Define the "Articles of Faith." (Give:--1, circ.u.mstance of their origin, see note, p. 24; 2, their readoption by the Church; 3, their necessary incompleteness as an expression of our belief.)

=4.= Name the standard works of the Church.

=5.= State the incidents connected with the parentage, birth, and youth of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

=6.= Give the circ.u.mstances of Joseph Smith's prayerful search for truth.

=7.= Describe his first vision.

=8.= What prominent feature of modern sectarian teaching, regarding the personality of the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, was disproved by this vision?

=9.= How was Joseph's statement of his vision received by sectarian teachers of that time?

=10.= Describe the visitations of Moroni to Joseph Smith. (Give:--1, dates; 2, most important messages delivered by the angel.)

=11.= Describe the re-establishment of the Church through the ministry of Joseph Smith in the present dispensation.

=12.= Relate the circ.u.mstances of the martyrdom of Joseph and his brother Hyrum.--(Doc. and Cov. cx.x.xv.)

=13.= Show the importance of the Divine authenticity of Joseph Smith's calling, in respect to the claims made for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

=14.= Summarize the evidence of Divine authority in the work accomplished by Joseph Smith.

=15.= Give instances of the fulfillment of ancient prophecy in his work.

=16.= Show the Divine source of Joseph Smith's authority in the priesthood.

=17.= Show the validity of the claim made, that he was a true prophet.

(Give:--1, the Lord's test of a true prophet; 2, give instances of important prophecies uttered by Joseph Smith and already fulfilled.)


G.o.d and the G.o.dhead.

=1.= Show that the exercise of faith in G.o.d is dependent upon a knowledge of His existence.

=2.= State what you know of the general belief of mankind as to the existence of G.o.d.

=3.= Summarize the evidence on which our belief in the existence of G.o.d is founded.

=4.= Give evidence drawn from human history and tradition.

=5.= Show how the exercise of reason affords evidence of the same.

=6.= Give the evidence of revelation (1, instances recorded in the Bible; 2, Book of Mormon instances; 3, examples from modern revelation).

=7.= Show that the G.o.dhead is a Trinity.

=8.= What do you understand by the scriptural declarations concerning the unity of the G.o.dhead?

=9.= Give evidence of the personality of each member of the G.o.dhead (with scriptural references).

=10.= Summarize the most important of the Divine attributes as attested by scripture.

=11.= Define:--1, Idolatry; 2, Atheism; 3, Theism, with its varied modifications.

=12.= Show that atheism is of comparatively modern development.

=13.= Show that a belief in G.o.d is natural and necessary amongst human-kind. (See pp. 49, 53.)

=14.= In what way does the idolatry of heathen nations support a belief in the existence of G.o.d?

=15.= Show the close relations.h.i.+p between atheism and immaterialism.



=1.= Give the scriptural proofs of man's free agency (quote evidence from each of the standard works of the Church).

=2.= Show that man's accountability for his acts is just, in view of his rights of free agency.

=3.= What is sin? (1, Compare wilful sins with those committed in ignorance; 2, give scriptural evidence of the Lord's plan of dealing in the two cases.)

=4.= Show that punishment for sin is ordained of G.o.d.

=5.= Give a statement of scriptural teachings regarding the duration of punishment in the hereafter. (State the Lord's definition of endless and eternal punishment.)

=6.= Give scriptural proofs of the personality of Satan (1, his former position in heaven; 2, his t.i.tle before his fall; 3, his expulsion from heaven; 4, his present opposition to the purposes of G.o.d; 5, his predicted fate).

The Fall.

=7.= Describe the condition of our first parents in Eden.

=8.= What important commands were given them by the Lord?

=9.= Give the scriptural statements concerning Satan tempting Eve.

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The Articles of Faith Part 55 summary

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