Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 21

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=156.= =To charge the magazine=: Hold the magazine in the left hand, open end up, rounded side to the right. Take the cartridge in the right hand, thumb on the rim, bullet end pointing to the right; place the rim on the end of the magazine follower; force down the magazine spring and slip the cartridge to the left of the magazine. The next cartridge is similarly slipped in by placing it on the cartridge just inserted and forcing down the spring.

The magazine may be charged with any number of cartridges from one to seven.

Before dismissing the squad, pistols will be inspected, and if found loaded, will be unloaded and magazines withdrawn to prevent loaded or partially loaded magazines being left in the pistol. Except at target practice, on guard duty, or active service, the pistol is habitually carried unloaded with empty magazine.


=157.= The pistol is primarily a weapon for use at very close range.

Its characteristic employment by cavalry is in mounted firing from a horse moving at a rapid gait. Under such conditions its effectiveness is almost negligible at ranges over 25 yards against individuals or over 50 yards against a line in close order except in the hands of exceptionally skilled shots, and the effectiveness rapidly decreases at ranges over 5 to 10 yards. These limitations on the use of the pistol are due not to its short range as a weapon but to the difficulties of directing it accurately under the conditions of use.

While the pistol is a weapon employing fire action, its tactical employment is more nearly a.n.a.logous to that of either the saber or bayonet than to that of the rifle.

=158.= From the preceding paragraph it results that there is no need, in connection with the employment of the pistol as a weapon of mounted combat, for commands that purport to designate a target or to indicate range or other details for the direction of fire. The only commands ordinarily needed are those required for instruction purposes. (See Small-Arms Firing Manual.)

=159.= The effectiveness of the individual trooper in mounted pistol combat depends upon:

(_a_) Thorough familiarity with the weapon and facility in manipulating its mechanism under all conditions. This is acquired by training in the =Manual of the Pistol=. Constant practice is necessary in rapidly drawing the pistol from its holster, loading it, withdrawing magazine, and inserting magazine, at first at a halt, later in motion, and finally at rapid gaits.

(_b_) Skill in firing the pistol. This is acquired by actual practice in the preliminary exercises and range firing as prescribed in the =Small-Arms Firing Manual=.

(_c_) Control of the horse. This is acquired in the =School of the Trooper=.

(_d_) The thorough inculcation in the trooper of the habit of _withholding his fire until within close range_. This can well be accomplished in individual training by exercises in firing or simulating fire at one or more silhouette targets. The trooper approaches at a gait graduated in accordance with his state of training and is required to withhold his fire until he a certain line.

=160.= The other elements that enter into effective use of the pistol as a mounted weapon relate to the formations and tactics employed rather than to individual training. They pertain, therefore, to collective rather than individual instruction.

=161.= If any command be required in connection with the characteristic use of the pistol in mounted combat, it consists simply of an indication of the moment at which fire may begin. For this purpose the command =COMMENCE FIRING= may be employed in any case for which a command may be desirable.


=162.= For this instruction, dismounted, the saber in the scabbard is carried in the left hand.

In the position of attention the saber will be held upright by the side, guard to the front, the shoe of the scabbard resting on the ground close to the left foot and just in front of the heel. The left arm will be extended, the fingers and thumb grasping the scabbard, back of the hand outward.

In the necessary movements on foot with the saber in hand the saber is carried with the hilt to the front and higher than the shoe of the scabbard.

Officers, dismounted, may carry the saber in the hollow of the left arm, elbow bent, forearm horizontal, guard of the saber to the front, blade vertical. An officer or noncommissioned officer habitually draws saber before giving any commands involving the use of that weapon by those under him. Officers and noncommissioned officers out of ranks draw saber only on occasions when the men draw saber unless otherwise prescribed. The saber may be drawn for signaling.

=163.= The saber is intended for mounted combat. The instructor will impress upon the recruit from the first that the use of the saber in war is ordinarily limited to occasions of mounted combat, and that instruction on foot in its use is merely preliminary to the mounted training which the recruit will receive later.

=164.= For dismounted instruction, if the squad is in ranks the instructor causes intervals or distances (pars. 85-88) to be taken before drawing saber.

=165.= 1. =Draw=, 2. =SABER.=

At the command =draw=, grasp the scabbard with the left hand about 4 inches from the mouth, place the left hand against the thigh, and carry the hilt to the front; turn the head slightly to the left without deranging the position and glance at the saber knot; engage the right wrist in the saber knot and give it two turns inward to secure it; grasp the hilt with the right hand and draw the saber about 6 inches from the scabbard and look to the front.

At the command saber, draw the saber quickly, raising the arm to the front and upward to its full length, saber in prolongation of the arm.

Make a short pause with the saber raised, then bring it down with the blade against the hollow of the right shoulder, guard to the front, right hand at the hip, the third and fourth fingers on the back of the grip and the elbow back.

The left hand holds the scabbard as at attention.

This is the position of =carry saber dismounted=.

=166.= 1. =Return=, 2. =SABER.=

At the command return, grasp the scabbard as in draw saber and carry the opening to the front. Carry the saber to the front with arm half extended until the thumb is about 6 inches in front of the chin, the blade vertical, guard to the left, the thumb extended along the side of the grip, the little finger joined with the others.

At the command saber, move the wrist to opposite the left shoulder, lower the blade and pa.s.s it across and along the left arm, point to the rear. Turn the head to the left, fixing the eyes upon the opening of the scabbard: raise the right hand and insert the blade in the scabbard and push it home. Disengage the wrist from the saber knot and resume the position of attention.

=167.= Being at =carry saber=: 1. =Present=, 2, =SABER.=

Without changing the position of the left hand, execute at the command saber what is prescribed in par. 166 at the command =return=, except that the grip is held in the full grasp. The saber is said to be held in the full grasp when all four fingers grasp the grip, the thumb extending along the back in the groove, the fingers pressing the back of the grip against the heel of the hand.

Officers at the command: 1. =Present=, execute =present saber= as described above; at the command: 2. =SABER=, they lower the saber until the point is 12 inches from the ground and directed to the front, guard to the left, right arm straight, hand beside the thigh.

=Mounted, the point Is lowered to the level of the stirrup.=

=168.= Being at =carry saber=: 1. =Port=, 2. =SABER.=

Carry the right foot about 24 inches to the right, bring the left hand to the position of the bridle hand and raise the saber to a vertical position, guard to the front, grip held in the full grasp, right hand about 12 inches in front of the shoulder.

To resume the carry: 1. =Carry=, 2. =SABER.=

=169.= Being at =carry saber=, or in any position: =GUARD=.

Carry the right foot about 24 inches to the right and bend knees to simulate the position mounted. Incline the body to the front from the waist (not the hips). Let the blade fall to the front to a position nearly horizontal, elbow well away from the body, forearm and saber forming one straight line, guard to the right, point at the height of the adversary's breast, the left hand in the position of the bridle hand. (Fig. 24.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 36, par. 169.]

=170.= Being at =carry saber=: 1. =Inspection=, 2. =SABER=.

Carry the right hand upward, arm half extended until the thumb is at the height of the chin, grip held in the full grasp, blade vertical, guard to the left. Make a slight pause, then loosen the grasp on the grip and turn the saber with the guard to the right. Again make a slight pause, then resume the first position and return to the carry.

=171.= Saber exercise is conducted, and instruction given, as prescribed in the =Saber exercise=. For =Manual of the Saber Mounted=, _see_ par. 245.

=Section 4. School of the Trooper, Mounted.=


=172.= _Object._--The primary object of this school is to train the trooper in horsemans.h.i.+p and in the ready use of his weapons while mounted.

=173.= _The instructor._--It is essential that the instructor (par.

37) be a skilled and experienced horseman, properly mounted. He should always supplement the original explanation of a movement by executing it himself, so that the recruits may actually see the result that is desired and the means by which it is effected.

=174.= _Cautions to instructors._--The instructor must first develop the confidence of the recruit, give him a proper seat, and make him supple on the horse. Progress should be suited to his capacity and exempt him as far as practicable from falls or other accidents.

Instruction in the use of the aids and in the means employed to train the horse to obey them will follow.

When the recruit has acquired confidence in his ability to ride and control his horse he will be instructed in the use of arms mounted.

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 21 summary

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