Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 31

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_This is one of the movements referred to in par. 468-b._

In the dismounted execution of the movement at quick time the leader commands: 1. =Squad=, 2. =HALT=, as soon as the leading element has advanced to the point where it is desired that the line shall form (par. 339-_a_, _b_, _c_). Only the leading (base) element halts at the command, each rear element halting as it arrives on the line (par.

337-_f_). If executed while marching in double time, the leader similarly commands: 1. =Quick time=, 2. =MARCH=, the reduced gait being taken successively by the elements as they reach their positions (par. 337-_f_). If marching in quick time, and =double time= be included in the command, the command for the increased gait applies only to the rear elements (par. 337-_f_).

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 40, par. 397.]

=398.= To prevent the inversion of twos or troopers in their respective fours the squad in =column of twos or column of troopers= should form line to the left front when the squad is right in front (par. 370), and vice versa.

=399.= =Being in column of twos or troopers, to form column of fours=: 1. =Column=, 2. =MARCH.= (_See_ Def. =Column=.)

The leading element is the base and follows the leader.

=If in column of twos= the rear two of the leading four obliques at a correspondingly faster gait (par. 335) and takes its proper place abreast of, and to the _right or left_ of, the leading two of that four, so that the troopers of the four shall appear from right to left, in the order of their respective numbers. All the other twos take up a correspondingly faster gait than the leading two, and the fours form successively from head to rear in the column in the manner indicated above (par. 331). The leading two of each four, other than the leading four, takes the gait of the head of the column (or halts) when at 4 feet from the corresponding two of the four next in front.

In each four the rear two begins to oblique as the leading two of that four approaches the position where it decreases the gait (or halts).

The leader takes position in front of the guide of the column (No. 2).

Gaits are further regulated as in movements from column into line (par. 337-_a_, _b_).

=Column of fours, from column of troopers= is formed by the same commands and in accordance with the same principles.

=Column of twos from column of troopers= is formed in a similar manner at the commands: 1. =Column of twos=, 2. =MARCH.= The column of twos will be right in front or left in front (par. 370), according as the column of troopers was right in front or left in front prior to the movement.

In the dismounted execution of the above movements in quick time the leader habitually commands: 1. =Squad=, 2. =HALT=, immediately following the command of execution (par. 339-_b_, _c_). Only the leading element halts (par. 339-_f_), each of the rear elements halting when it reaches its prescribed position in the column. If executed in =double time= the leader similarly follows the command of execution by the command for =quick time= (par. 339-_b_, _c_), which is successively taken by the elements, as above. If marching in =quick time=, and =double time= be commanded, only the rear elements take the increased gait, each taking =quick time= on arriving in its place.

(Fig. 41.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 41, par. 399.]

=400.= =Being in column of fours, twos, or troopers, to form line to a flank=: 1. =Fours right (left)=, 2. =MARCH.=

Each, four turns to the right (par. 389). Each rear four regulates on the leading four until the fours unite in line (par. 326), when, unless the leader halts the squad, all take up the march in the new direction _without further command_, regulating on the new guide (pars. 325, 372). If the squad is to form line without advancing in the new direction, the leader gives the preparatory indication for the halt immediately following the second command, so as to add the command halt as the four unite in line.

=In an emergency= a similar movement may be executed from =columns of twos= at the commands: 1. =Twos right (left)=, 2. =MARCH.= Loss of =order= may result. In the absence of other indication, intervals are closed toward the guide (par. 372). A similar movement executed from column of troopers results in a line of foragers, which may be a.s.sembled or rallied to form line (pars. 414, 416).

Gaits are regulated as in par. 337-_d._ (Fig. 36.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 42, par. 400.]

=401.= =Being in line, to face or march the line to the rear=: 1.

=Fours right (left) about=, 2. =MARCH.=

When the movement is executed by =signal= the elements of the column always turn to the _left_ about. The oral command =fours right about= is not accompanied by an arm signal.

Each four turns 180 degrees in the direction indicated (par. 389). The leader, pa.s.sing around a flank of the squad, promptly takes position in front of the guide so as to lead the squad in the new direction (pars. 325, 372).

To face to the rear, the squad is halted as the fours unite in line.

The modifications incident to the execution of the dismounted movement are indicated in par. 391.

Gaits are regulated as in par. 337-_d_.

A dismounted squad may also be marched a short distance to the rear by the _oral_ command and methods indicated in par. 82.

=402.= =Being in column of fours, twos, or troopers, to face or march the column to the rear=: 1. =Fours (twos, troopers), right (left) about=, 2. =MARCH.=

The provision in the preceding paragraph regarding the execution of the movement by signal applies equally to this paragraph. Each four (two, trooper) turns 180 degrees in the direction indicated (par.

389). The leader promptly takes position in front of the guide of the column (par. 325). (Fig. 37.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 43, par. 402.]

=403.= =Being in line to form column of fours, twos, or troopers to the front=: 1. =Right (left) by fours (twos, troopers)=, 2. =MARCH.=

The formation is a successive one. The right element (four, two, or trooper, according to the command) is the base; it moves forward and follows the leader, becoming the leading element of the column.

(_a_) In forming column of fours each four to the left of the base successively obliques to the right (par. 385) at the gait of the base as soon as it has sufficient s.p.a.ce, and resumes the direct march so as to enter the column at 4 feet distance. To avoid losing distance the oblique must be begun in each four when the heads of its horses are opposite the croups of the horses of the four on its right. Gaits are regulated as in pars. 387-_a_, _c_. (Fig. 44.)

(_b_) In forming column of twos or troopers only the elements of the right four move in the manner indicated above. Each of the other elements successively turns to the right (par. 389) and then, after advancing in the new direction, turns to the left so as to enter the column at 4 feet distance (par. 331). Gaits are regulated as in pars.

337-_a_, _c_. The movements described in (_a_) and (_b_) are among those referred to in par. 468-_b_. (Fig. 45.)

(_c_) =Right (left) by fours= is ordinarily unsuited to execution in groups of any size. Should it be necessary to break to the front from the _flank_ of such a unit, column of fours to the front may be formed by executing =fours right (left)= and then changing the direction of march of the head of the column. The oral commands: 1. =Fours right (left), column left (right)=, 2. =MARCH=, and 1. =Fours right (left), column half left (right)=, 2. =MARCH=, are authorized for this purpose. Gaits are regulated as in par. 337-_d_.

(_d_) For cases that are _not suitably met by (a) or (c) of this paragraph_ the commands: 1. =Right (left) forward, fours right (left)=, 2. =MARCH=, are authorized. The right four is the base and moves forward following the leader, who promptly takes position in front of the guide of the column (pars. 325, 374). The second four from the right starts to move as in fours right (par. 391), its guide decreasing the pace until the right four has partly cleared the second four, when the latter four, by a movement approximating an oblique, enters the column so as to follow in the trace of the leading (original right) four at 4 feet distance. The other fours execute =fours right= (each slightly decreasing the pace during the turn), and then =column left=, so as to follow the second four at the proper distance. The fours move simultaneously and, except as noted above, all at the same gait (par. 337-_d_).

In the execution of the movement dismounted the right four moves forward; the remainder of the squad executes =fours right, column left=, and follows the right (leading) four at 92 inches distance. The right four takes four short steps just after it, clears the four next on its left, then resumes the full step. (Fig. 46.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 44, par. 403 (_a_).]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 45, par. 403 (_b_).]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 46, par. 403 (_d_).]


=404.= In extended-order drills the troopers habitually march =at ease=, but keep on the alert so as promptly to conform to the indications of the leader and the movements of the guide.

The rifles of dismounted troopers in extended order are carried as in par. 61.

=405.= Foragers may be formed when the squad is in any authorized formation (par. 468) or in disorder, when it is moving at any gait or is halted. The extension is effected toward the direction of march.

When possible the deployment should be made upon ground protected from hostile view and fire. Whatever the method employed for the extension, the leader controls the movements of the base (par. 323). The other troopers, moving at a _gallop_, form =foragers= in accordance with the methods indicated.

The squad, deployed as =foragers=, is marched to the front and halted, obliques, resumes the original direction, executes changes in gait and changes of direction, by the commands and methods prescribed for the squad in =line=.

=406.= The appropriate subst.i.tution of =skirmishers= for =foragers=, is made in the commands for movements in extended order, dismounted (par. 368-_c_). The skirmishers move at a run to their positions on the line of foragers.

=407.= A greater or less interval than 3 yards between foragers may be ordered, the words =at (so many) yards= being added to the preparatory command so as immediately to follow the word =foragers= or =skirmishers=.

=408.= =Being in line, to form foragers=: 1. =Foragers=, 2. =MARCH.=

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 31 summary

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