Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 54

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The inspection ended, the adjutant places himself about 30 yards in front of and facing the center of the guard and draws saber. The new officer of the day takes post in front of and facing the guard about 30 yards from the adjutant. The old officer of the day takes post 3 yards to the right of and 1 yard less advanced than the new officer of the day. The commander of the guard takes post 8 yards in front of the right trooper, facing to the front, and draws saber.

The adjutant then commands: 1. =Draw=, 2. =SABER=, 3. =SOUND OFF.=

The band, playing, in front of the commander of the guard to the left of the line and back to its post on the right, when it ceases playing.

The adjutant then commands =POSTS=, at which platoon leaders take their posts 3 yards in front of the guides of their platoons, facing to the front, and the commander of the guard takes post 6 yards in front of the leader of the center (right) platoon, facing to the front, and the file closers resume their places 3 yards in rear of the rank. If there be no junior officer of the guard, the commander of the guard takes post 3 yards in front of the center guide.

The commander of the guard and the chiefs of platoon and file closers having taken their posts, the adjutant commands: 1. =Present=, 2.

=SABER=, faces toward the officer of the day, salutes, and then reports, _Sir, the guard is formed_.

The new officer of the day, after the adjutant has reported, salutes with the hand and directs the adjutant, _March the guard in review, Sir._

=861.= The adjutant turns about, brings the guard to a carry, and commands: 1. =Platoons right turn=, 2. =MARCH=; 3. =Guard=, 4. =HALT.= The platoons execute the movement as in the troop, the band takes post in front of the column (Par 806). The adjutant places himself abreast of the first platoon and 6 yards from its left flank; the sergeant major abreast of the second platoon and 6 yards from its left flank.

The adjutant then commands: 1. =Pa.s.s in review=, 2. =FORWARD=, 3.


The guard marches at the walk past the officer of the day, according to the principles of squadron review, the adjutant, commander of the guard, chiefs of platoon, sergeant major, and drum major saluting. The new officer of the day returns the salute of the commander of the guard and the adjutant only, making one salute with the hand.

=862.= The band, having pa.s.sed the officer of the day, turns to the left out of the column, places itself opposite to and facing him, and continues to play until the guard leaves the parade ground. The buglers detach themselves from the band when the latter turns out of the column and remain in front of the guard, commencing to play when the band ceases. In the absence of the band the buglers do not turn out of the column, but continue to play in front of the guard.

=863.= The guard having pa.s.sed 12 yards beyond the officer of the day, the adjutant halts; the sergeant major halts alongside of the adjutant and 1 yard to his left; they then return saber, salute, and retire.

The commander of the guard then, without halting, breaks the guard into column of fours and marches it to its post.

=864.= The officers of the day turn toward each other and salute, the old officer of the day turning over the orders to the new officer of the day.

While the band is sounding off and while the guard is pa.s.sing in review the officers of the day remain at attention.

=865.= If the guard be not divided into platoons the adjutant commands: 1. =Guard right turn=, 2. =MARCH=; 3. =Guard=, 4: =HALT=, and it in review as explained; the commander of the guard is 3 yards in front of its center guide, the adjutant is 6 yards from the rank and abreast of the commander, the sergeant major covers the adjutant and marches abreast of the rank.


=866.= As the new guard approaches the guardhouse the old guard is formed in line at the carry saber, its buglers 3 yards to its right; when the buglers at the head of the new guard arrive opposite the left of the old guard its commander commands: 1. =Present=, 2. =SABER=; both commanders salute and, when the new guard has pa.s.sed the commander of the old guard, the latter commands: 1. =Carry=, 2.

=SABER.= The buglers and guard continue marching without changing direction until the rear of the column has pa.s.sed 9 yards beyond the buglers of the old guard, when the commander of the new guard commands: 1. =Fours right=, 2. =MARCH.=

=867.= The buglers and guard are marched 3 yards in rear of the line of the old guard, when the commander of the new guard commands: 1.

=Fours right about=, 2. =MARCH=; 3. =Guard=, 4. =HALT=; 5. =DRESS=; he then, facing to the front, aligns his guard so as to be on a line with the old guard and commands, =Front=; the buglers of the new guard are 3 yards to the right of the rank.

=868.= The new guard being dressed, the commander of each guard, in front of and facing its center, commands: 1. =Present=, 2. =SABER=, resumes his front, salutes, resumes the carry, faces his guard, and commands: 1. =Carry=, 2. =SABER.=

Each guard is then presented by its commander to its officer of the day; if there be but one officer of the day present, or if an officer acts in the capacity of old and new officer of the day, each guard is presented to him by its commander.

=869.= If another person ent.i.tled to a salute approaches, each commander of the guard brings his own guard to attention if not already at attention. The senior commander of the two guards then commands: 1. =Old and new guards=, 2. =Present=, 3. =SABER.= The junior will salute at the command "Present, Saber," given by the senior. After the salute has been acknowledged the senior brings both guards to the "Carry, Saber."

=870.= After the salutes have been acknowledged by the officers of the day, each guard returns saber by command of its own officer of the guard; the commander of the new guard then directs the orderly or orderlies to fall out and report.

=871.= The commander of the new guard then falls out members of the guard for detached posts, placing them under charge of the proper noncommissioned officer, divides the guard into three reliefs, _first_, _second_, and _third_, from right to left, and directs a list of the guard to be made by reliefs. The sentinels and detachments of the old guard are at once relieved by members of the new guard, the two guards standing at ease or dismounted while these changes are being made. The commander of the old transmits to the commander of the new guard all his orders, instructions, and information concerning the guard and its duties.

=872.= The commander of the new guard then has his own guard fall out, takes possession of the guardhouse and verifies the articles in charge of the guard.

=873.= If considerable time is required to bring in that portion of the old guard still on post, the commanding officer may direct that as soon as the orders and property are turned over to the new guard the portion of the old guard at the guardhouse may be marched off and dismissed. In such case the remaining detachments of the old guard will be inspected by the commander of the new guard when they reach the guardhouse. He will direct the senior noncommissioned officer present to march these detachments off and dismiss them in the prescribed manner.

=874.= In bad weather, at night, or after long marches the music may be omitted, or the buglers may take the place of the band and sound off standing on the right of the guard and the march in review be omitted.

In cases in which an organization, entire or in part, is detailed for guard, it is marched to the parade ground as a single detail (Par.


=875.= For detailed instructions for guards and sentinels see Manual of Interior Guard Duty.


=876.= Guard mounting, dismounted, and relieving the old guard are conducted on the same principles as when mounted, with the following modifications:

(_a_) The men designated for guard fall in, dismounted, on their troop parade grounds; noncommissioned officers not commanding detail, 2 paces in rear of rank.

(_b_) The detail that is to be on the right is marched to the line so that upon halting the breast of the man on the right shall be near to and opposite the left arm of the sergeant major. At the command =DRESS=, the detail dresses up to the line of the sergeant major and its commander, the man on the right placing his breast against the left arm of the sergeant major.

(_c_) When the last detail has formed, the sergeant major takes a side step to the right, draws saber if armed with one, verifies the detail, takes post 2 paces to the right and 2 paces to the front of the guard, facing to the left and causes the guard to count fours.

(_d_) When the sergeant major has reported, the officer of the guard takes post 3 paces in front of the center of the guard, _draws saber_ and _orders saber_, the guard being at order arms.

The inspection which corresponds to that of par. 882 being ended, and the officers of the day, the adjutant, and the commander of the guard having taken their posts, the commander of the guard draws saber with the adjutant and comes to the order.

The adjutant then commands: 1. =Parade=, 2. =Rest=, 3. =SOUND OFF=, and comes to the _order_ and _parade rest_.

(_e_) After the band has sounded off, the adjutant, commander of the guard, and platoon leaders come to attention, and the adjutant commands: 1. =Present=, 2. =ARMS=, faces toward the officer of the day and reports: _Sir, the guard is formed._ The new officer of the day, after the adjutant has reported, returns the salute with the hand and directs the adjutant: _March the guard in review, Sir._ The adjutant carries saber, faces about, brings the guard to an order and commands: 1. =At trail, platoons (or guard) right turn=, 2. =MARCH=; 3. =Guard=, 4. =HALT.=

The guard marches in quick time past the officer of the day, according to the principles as when mounted.

While the band is sounding off and while the guard is marching in review, the officers of the day stand at parade rest with arms folded.

They take this position when the adjutant comes to parade rest, resume the attention with him, again take the parade rest at the first note of the march in review, and resume attention as the head of the column approaches.

(_f_) If the guard be not divided into platoons, the adjutant commands: 1. =At trail, guard right turn=, 2. =MARCH=, 3. =Guard=, 4.

=HALT=, and it in review as explained; the commander of the guard is 3 paces in front of its center guide.

=Section 21. Relieving the Old Guard.=

=360.= As the new guard approaches the guardhouse, the old guard is formed in line, with its field music three paces to its right; and, when the field music at the head of the new guard arrives opposite its left, the commander of the new guard commands: 1. =Eyes, RIGHT=; the commander of the old guard commands: 1. =Present=, 2. =ARMS=; commanders of both guards salute. The new guard marches in quick time past the old guard.

When the commander of the new guard is opposite the field music of the old guard, he commands: =FRONT=; the commander of the old guard commands: 1. =Order=, 2. =ARMS=, as soon as the new guard shall have cleared the old guard.

The field music having marched three paces beyond the field music of the old guard, changes direction to the right, and, followed by the guard, changes direction to the left when on a line with the old guard; the changes of direction are without command. The commander of the guard halts on the line of the front rank of the old guard, allows his guard to march past him, and, when its rear approaches, forms it in line to the left, establishes the left guide three paces to the right of the field music of the old guard, and on a line with the front rank, and then dresses his guard to the left; the field music of the new guard is three paces to the right of its front rank.

=361.= The new guard being dressed the commander of each guard, in front of and facing its center, commands: 1. =Present=, 2. =ARMS=, resumes his front, salutes, carries saber, faces his guard, and commands: 1. =Order=, 2. =ARMS=.

Should a guard be commanded by a noncommissioned officer, he stands on the right or left of the front rank, according as he commands the old or new guard, and executes the rifle salute.

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 54 summary

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