Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 57

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=Section 2. Sketching.=

Noncommissioned officers and selected privates should be able to make simple route sketches. This is particularly useful in patrolling, as thereby a patrol leader is able to give his commander a good idea of the country his patrol has traversed. Sketches should be made on a certain scale, which should be indicated on the sketch, such as 3 inches on the sketch equals 1 mile on the ground. The north should be indicated on the sketch by means of an arrow pointing in that direction. Any piece of paper may be used to make the sketch on. The back of the field-message blank is ruled and prepared for this purpose. The abbreviations and conventional signs shown on the following pages should be used in making such simple sketches.

Field Maps and Sketches.

The following abbreviations and signs are authorized for use on field maps and sketches. For more elaborate map work the authorized conventional signs as given in the manual of "Conventional Signs, United States Army Maps,"; are used.

Abbreviations other than those given should not be used.


A. Arroyo.

abut. Abutment.

Ar. Arch.

b. Brick.

B.S. Blacksmith Shop.

bot. Bottom.

Br. Branch.

br. Bridge.

C. Cape.

cem. Cemetery.

con. Concrete.

cov. Covered.

Cr. Creek.

d. Deep.

cul. Culvert.

D.S. Drug Store.

E. East.

Est. Estuary.

f. Fordable.

Ft. Fort.

G.S. General Store.

gir. Girder.

G.M. Gristmill.

I. Iron.

I. Island.

Jc. Junction.

k.p. King-post.

L. Lake.

Lat. Lat.i.tude.

Ldg. Landing.

L.S.S. Life-Saving Station.

L.H. Lighthouse Long. Longitude.

Mt. Mountain.

Mts. Mountains.

N. North.

n.f. Not fordable.

P. Pier.

pk. Plank.

P.O. Post Office Pt. Point.

q.p. Queen-post.

R. River.

R.H. Roundhouse.

R.R. Railroad.

S. South.

s. Steel.

S.H. Schoolhouse.

S.M. Sawmill.

Sta. Station.

st. Stone.

str. Stream.

T.G. Tollgate.

Tres. Trestle.

tr. Truss.

W.T. Water Tank.

W.W. Water Works.

W. West.

w. Wood.

wd. Wide.


Telegraph Line {Symbol (modified below) {Along improved road {Along unimproved road {Along trail

Railroads {Single track {Double track {Trolley

Roads {Improved {Unimproved {Trail

Fences {barbed wire {smooth wire {wood {stone {hedge

[Page with sketch examples of bridge, streams, house, church, school house, woods, orchards, cultivated land, brush, crops or gra.s.s, cemetery, trees, cut and fill.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Map.]



------------------------+-----+------+-------+-------+-------+-------- No. Sent Time. Rec'd Time. Check.

U. S. ARMY FIELD by. by. MESSAGE. (These s.p.a.ces for Signal Operators only.) ------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Communicated by [Name of sending detachment.]

Buzzer, Phone, Telegraph, Wireless, _From_ ______________________________________ Lantern, Helio, Flag, Cyclist, Foot Messenger, _At_ ________________________________________ Mounted Messenger, Motor Car, Flying Machine. Underscore means used. _Date_ _________ _Hour_ _______ _No_ ________ ------------------------+ _To_ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 57 summary

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