Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 60

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. . -- -- . . What is the (R. N., etc.)? What is the (R. N.. etc.)?

(All methods but Interrogatory. Interrogatory.

ardois and semaph.o.r.e.) P Affirmative. Affirmative.

RN Range. Range.

RT Right. Right.

SSS Support going forward. Support needed.

SUF Suspend firing. Suspend firing.

T Target. Target.


=48.= For use with General Service Code or semaph.o.r.e hand flags.

AM--Ammunition going forward (if signaled from the rear to the front).

Ammunition required (if signaled from the front).

CCC--Charge (if signaled from the rear to the front).

About to charge if no instructions to the contrary.(if signaled from the front).

CF--Cease firing.

DT--Double time, rush, or hurry.

F--Commence firing.

FL--Artillery fire is causing us losses.

G--Move forward (if signaled from the rear to the front).

Preparing to move forward (if signaled from the front).




M--Bring up the horses (if signaled from front to rear).

Horses going forward (if signaled from rear to front).

O--What is the (R. N., etc.) Interrogatory. (Ardois and semaph.o.r.e only.) ..--..--What is the (R, N., etc.)? Interrogatory. (All methods but Ardois and semaph.o.r.e).





SSS--Support going forward (if signaled from the rear to the front).

Support needed (if signaled from the front.)

SUF--Suspend firing.



=49.= For use with General Service Code or semaph.o.r.e hand flags.

........--Error. (All methods but Ardois and semaph.o.r.e.) A--Error. (Ardois and semaph.o.r.e only.) AD--Additional.

AKT--Draw ammunition from combat train.

AL--Draw ammunition from limbers.

AM--Ammunition going forward.

AMC--At my command.

AP--Aiming point.

B (numerals)--Battery (so many) rounds.

BS (numerals)--(Such.) Battalion station.

BL--Battery from the left.

BR--Battery from the right.

CCC--Charge (mandatory at all times). Am about to charge if not instructed to contrary.

CF--Cease firing.

CS--Close station.

CT--Change target.



DT--Double time. Rush. Hurry.

F--Commence firing.

FCL (numerals)--On 1st piece close by (so much).

FL--Artillery fire is causing us losses.

FOP (numerals)--On 1st piece open by (so much).

G--Move forward. Preparing to move forward.

HHH--Halt. Action suspended.

IX--Execute. Go ahead. Transmit.

JI--Report firing data.

K--Negative. No.


L--Preparatory. Attention.

LCL (numerals)--On 4th piece close by (so much).

LOP (numerals)--On 4th piece open by (so much).


LL--Left from the left.

LR--Left from the right.

LE (numerals)--Less (so much).

MD--Move down.

ML--Move to your left.

MR--Move to your right.

MU--Move up.

MO (numerals)--Move (so much).

N--Annul, cancel.

O--What is the (R. N., etc.)? Interrogatory. (Ardois and semaph.o.r.e only.) . . -- -- . . -- What is the (R. N., etc.)? Interrogatory. (All methods but Ardois and semaph.o.r.e.) P--Affirmative. Yes.

PS--Percussion. Shrapnel.

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 60 summary

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