Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 63

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=Section 2. The Army of the United States.=

The Army of the United States shall consist of the Regular Army, the Volunteer Army, the Officers' Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the National Guard while in the service of the United States, and such other land forces as are now or may hereafter be authorized by law. (Sec. 1, act of June 3, 1916.)

=Section 3. Rank and precedence of officers and noncommissioned officers.=

The following are the grades of rank of officers and noncommissioned officers:

1. Lieutenant general.

2. Major general.

3. Brigadier general.

4. Colonel.

5. Lieutenant colonel.

6. Major.

7. Captain.

8. First Lieutenant.

9. Second lieutenant.

10. Aviator, Signal Corps.

11. Cadet.

12. (_a_) Sergeant major, regimental; sergeant major, senior grade, Coast Artillery Corps; (_b_) quartermaster sergeant, senior grade, Quartermaster Corps; master hospital sergeant, Medical Department; master engineer, senior grade, Corps of Engineers; master electrician, Coast Artillery Corps; master signal electrician; band leader; (_c_) hospital sergeant, Medical Department; master engineer, junior grade, Corps of Engineers; engineer, Coast Artillery Corps.

13. Ordnance sergeant; quartermaster sergeant, Quartermaster Corps; supply sergeant, regimental.

14. Sergeant major, squadron and battalion; sergeant major, junior grade, Coast Artillery Corps; supply sergeant, battalion, Corps of Engineers.

15. (_a_) First sergeant; (_b_) sergeant, first cla.s.s, Medical Department; sergeant, first cla.s.s, Quartermaster Corps; sergeant, first cla.s.s, Corps of Engineers; sergeant, first cla.s.s, Signal Corps; electrician sergeant, first cla.s.s, Coast Artillery Corps; electrician sergeant, Artillery Detachment, United States Military Academy; a.s.sistant engineer, Coast Artillery Corps; (_c_) master gunner, Coast Artillery Corps; master gunner, Artillery Detachment, United States Military Academy; band sergeant and a.s.sistant leader, United States Military Academy band; a.s.sistant band leader; sergeant bugler; electrician sergeant, second cla.s.s, Coast Artillery Corps; electrician sergeant, second cla.s.s, Artillery Detachment, United States Military Academy; radio sergeant.

16. Color sergeant.

17. Sergeant; supply sergeant, company; mess sergeant; stable sergeant; fireman, Coast Artillery Corps.

18. Corporal.

In each grade and subgrade date of commission, appointment, or warrant determines the order of precedence. (Paragraph 9, Army Regulations, 1913.)

=Section 4. Insignia of officers and noncommissioned officers.=

The insignia of rank appearing on the shoulder straps, shoulder loops, or collar of s.h.i.+rt (when s.h.i.+rt is worn without coat) of officers are as follows:

General: Coat of arms and two stars.

Lieutenant general: One large star and two smaller ones.

Major general: Two silver stars.

Brigadier general: One silver star.

Colonel: One silver spread eagle.

Lieutenant colonel: One silver leaf.

Major: One gold leaf.

Captain: Two silver bars.

First lieutenant: One silver bar.

The grade of noncommissioned officers is indicated by chevrons worn on the sleeve.

=Section 5. Extracts from the Articles of War.=

(Relating to enlisted men.)


ART. 110. Articles 1, 2, and 29, 54 to 96, inclusive, and 104 to 109, inclusive, shall be read and explained to every soldier at the time of his enlistment or muster in, or within six days thereafter, and shall be read and explained once every six months to the soldiers of every garrison, regiment, or company in the service of the United States.


ARTICLE 1. The following words when used in these articles shall be construed in the sense indicated in this article, unless the context shows that a different sense is intended, namely:

(_a_) The word "officer" shall be construed to refer to a commissioned officer;

(_b_) The word "soldier" shall be construed as including a noncommissioned officer, a private, or any other enlisted man;

(_c_) The word "company" shall be understood as including a troop or battery; and

(_d_) The word "battalion" shall be understood as including a squadron.


ART. 2. The following persons are subject to these articles and shall be understood as included in the term "any person subject to military law" or "persons subject to military law" whenever used in these articles: _Provided_, That nothing contained in this act, except as specifically provided in article 2, subparagraph (_c_), shall be construed to apply to any person under the United States naval jurisdiction, unless otherwise specifically provided by law;

(_a_) All officers and soldiers belonging to the Regular Army of the United States; all volunteers, from the dates of their muster or acceptance into the military service of the United States; and all other persons lawfully called, drafted, or ordered into or to duty or for training in the said service, from the dates they are required by the terms of the call, draft, or order to obey the same.

(_b_) Cadets.

(_c_) Officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps when detached for service with the armies of the United States by order of the President: _Provided_, That an officer or soldier of the Marine Corps when so detached may be tried by military court-martial for an offense committed against the laws for the government of the naval service prior to his detachment, and for an offense committed against these articles he may be tried by a naval court-martial after such detachment ceases.

(_d_) All retainers to the camp and all persons accompanying or serving with the armies of the United States without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, and in times of war all such retainers and persons accompanying or serving with the armies of the United States in the field, both within and without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, though not otherwise subject to these articles.

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Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army Part 63 summary

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