The Breeding Birds of Kansas Part 2

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_Aerial Foragers_

Twelve species, Common Nighthawk, Chimney Swift, Eastern Kingbird, Western Kingbird, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Wood Pewee, Bank Swallow, Rough-winged Swallow, Barn Swallow, and Purple Martin, furnish 587 records of breeding. The distribution of clutches (Fig. 1) extends from the last third of March to the first third of August, and the modal date of clutches is in the first third of June. Conspicuous breeding activity occurs from the end of May to the end of June. The peak of nesting essentially coincides with that characteristic of migrants.

Zoogeographic Categories

Three categories of Mayr (1946) are of use in a.n.a.lyzing trends in breeding schedules of birds in Kansas. These categories of presumed ultimate evolutionary origin are the "Old World Element," the "North American Element," and the "South American Element." Not always have I agreed with Mayr's a.s.signments of species to these categories, and such differences are noted. There is some obvious overlap between these categories and those discussed previously.

_Old World Element_

Eighteen species, Red-tailed Hawk, Rock Dove, Great Horned Owl, Hairy Woodp.e.c.k.e.r, Downy Woodp.e.c.k.e.r, Black-billed Magpie, Common Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted t.i.tmouse, Robin, Loggerhead Shrike, Starling, House Sparrow, Bank Swallow, Barn Swallow, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, furnish 969 records of breeding (Fig. 1). Species for which I have records but which are not here listed are the Blue Jay and the Wood Thrush, both of which I consider to be better placed with the North American Element. The distribution of completed clutches runs from mid-January to the first third of August, and shows a tendency toward bimodality. The second, smaller peak is due to the inclusion of relatively large samples of three migrant species (Robin, Bank Swallow, and Barn Swallow). The timing of the breeding seasons of these three species is in every respect like that of most other migrants; if they are removed from the present sample the bimodality disappears, indicating an increase in h.o.m.ogeneity of the unit.

_North American Element_

Twenty-six species, Greater Prairie Chicken, Bobwhite, "flicker,"

Rough-winged Swallow, Purple Martin, Blue Jay, Carolina Wren, Bewick Wren, House Wren, Mockingbird, Catbird, Brown Thrasher, Wood Thrush, Bell Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Prothonotary Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Chat, Eastern Meadowlark, Western Meadowlark, Red-winged Blackbird, Orchard Oriole, Baltimore Oriole, Common Grackle, Lark Sparrow, and Field Sparrow, furnish 1,233 records of breeding (Fig. 1). The distribution of completed clutches runs from the first third of April to the first third of September. The modal date for completion of clutches is June 1.

_South American Element_

Twelve species, Eastern Kingbird, Western Kingbird, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Traill Flycatcher, Eastern Wood Pewee, Eastern Phoebe, Cardinal, Black-headed Grosbeak, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Indigo Bunting, furnish 552 records of breeding (Fig. 1). The curve representing this summary schedule is bimodal, wholly as a result of including the Eastern Phoebe and the Cardinal with this sample.

_Relations.h.i.+p of Schedules to Temperature and Precipitation_

In outlining the ten categories above, attention has been given to certain similarities and differences in the frequency distributions. A slightly more refined way of comparing the frequency distributions is to relate them to other, seasonally variable phenomena. Figure 1 shows the frequency distributions of egg-laying of these ten categories of birds in terms of the regular changes in mean temperature and mean precipitation characteristic of the environments in which these birds live in the breeding season.

Table 9 shows that there are two basic groups of birds according to peak of egg-laying and incidence of precipitation; raptors, birds of Eurasian origin, resident birds, and birds of gra.s.sland habitats tend to have their peaks of egg-laying prior to the peak of spring-summer rains, and the other six categories tend to have their peaks of egg-laying occur in the time of spring-summer rains. Regarding temperature, there are four categories of birds; these are evident in the table.

Some of the correspondences deserve comment. Residents and gra.s.sland species both breed before the rains come and before mean temperatures reach 70F., and this correspondence probably results from most of the gra.s.sland species being residents. Contrariwise, most birds of Eurasian stocks are residents, but not all residents are of such stocks; the two groups are discrete when mean temperature at breeding is considered.

Woodland birds, aerial foragers, and birds of South American evolutionary stocks breed after temperatures surpa.s.s 70F. on the average. Almost all such species are migrants, but many migrants have different temporal characteristics, and the categories thus are shown to be discrete on the basis of temperature at time of breeding.

The change through spring and summer of temperature and precipitation delineates the inception and waxing of the growing season of vegetation and of the subsequent arthropod populations, on which most of the birds feed in the breeding season. The temporal characteristics of growing seasons in North America have been treated by Hopkins (1938) and have been related to timing of breeding seasons in Song Sparrows (_Pa.s.serella melodia_) of the Pacific coast of North America (Johnston, 1954).

Significance of Phylogeny to Breeding Schedules

Evidence from a variety of sources demonstrates that timing of breeding seasons is either broadly or specifically genetically-determined. For some species in some situations major environmental variables are paramount in regulating timing of breeding, but in others the innate, regulatory "clock" is less closely tied to conspicuous exogenous stimuli. The work by Miller (1955a, 1955b, 1960) with several species of _Zonotrichia_ strongly indicates that endogenous timing is most important for these birds, and there is ecological evidence for Song Sparrows that supports the same point (Johnston, 1954, 1956). It is, in any event, possible to treat breeding schedules as species-specific characters, for any one geographic area.

In an attempt to relate a breeding schedule to previous ancestral modes, that is by extension to phylogeny, it is necessary to know how often ancestral adaptations can persist in the face of necessity to adapt to present environmental conditions. It is necessary to know how conservative or how immediately plastic breeding schedules can be. The disadvantage of using available information about configurations of breeding seasons (as shown in Figs. 3 to 9) is that it is extremely difficult to compare visually at one time more than six or eight histograms as to the trenchant similarities and differences regarding times of inception and cessation of breeding, and time of peak egg-laying. It is possible, however, to reduce these three variables to one variable (as described below), which allows the necessary comparisons to be made more easily; this variable may be called the _breeding index_.

_Calculation of Breeding Index_

The chronological year is broken roughly into ten-day intervals numbered 1 to 36. The histogram describing the temporal occurrence of the breeding season of a species in our area usually will lie within intervals 7 to 25. The modal date for completion of clutches is given a value corresponding to the number of ten-day intervals beyond interval 7 (March 1-10); this describes the modal variable. The date of completion of 83 per cent of all clutches is given a value corresponding to the number of ten-day intervals it lies from interval 11 (April 11-20); this describes the 83 per cent variable (and is a measure of the length of the season in terms of its inception). The breeding index can then be calculated as follows:

I = X_{m} + X_{sd},

where: I is the breeding index, X_{m} is the modal variable, and X_{sd} is the 83 per cent variable.

This is obviously an arbitrary scheme to gain a simple measure of beginning, peak, and end of a breeding season. Other schemes could be devised whereby different absolute values would be involved, but the relative nature of the results would be preserved. The values under the present system for 73 species of Kansan birds run from -5 to +22; early modal dates and cessation to breeding give low values, late dates high values.

Within this framework there are other, presumably subordinate, factors that influence the values of breeding indices, as follows:

1. Migratory habit. Any migrant tends to arrive on breeding grounds relatively late, hence migrants ordinarily have higher index values than do residents.

2. Colonial breeding. The strong synchrony of colonially-breeding species tends to move the modal egg-date toward the time of inception of breeding; as a result colonially-breeding species probably have lower index values than they would have if not colonial.

3. Single-broodedness. Species having only one brood per season tend to have shorter seasons than double-brooded species, and their index values tend to be lower than those of double-brooded species.

Migratory habit unquestionably has considerable influence on index values in some species. It is not, however, as important as other matters, such as the condition of the food substratum or sensitivity of the pituitary-gonadal mechanism, in determining timing and mode of breeding activity. The schedule of the Purple Martin is the extreme example showing that time of spring arrival on breeding grounds is not necessarily related to time of inception of breeding. It should be emphasized that the factors leading to northward migratory movement may be involved in timing of the annual gonadal and reproductive cycle.

Figure 2 presents a graphic summary of values of breeding indices for many groups of Kansan birds. The values for species of a given family have been linked by a horizontal line. The length of this line is proportional to the degree to which the index values for the species concerned resemble one another. Note that the plottings for the Picidae, Corvidae, t.u.r.didae, Tyrannidae, and Icteridae each contain one point that is well-removed from a cl.u.s.ter of points. This can be interpreted as a measure of the frequency of adaptive plasticity versus adaptive conservatism; five of the 24 plottings show a plastic character, 19 a conservative. There are 26 plottings that show temporal consistency, all of which may be taken as evidence of adaptive (or relictual) conservatism of the species in question.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 2.--Breeding indices for Kansan birds.

Vertical hash-marks indicate the value of breeding index for a given species; horizontal lines show the range of values of breeding index for families and orders.]


Such patterns of breeding chronology support the idea that seasonal response to the necessities of breeding is conservative more often than plastic. Most students of breeding schedules believe that since these are highly adaptive, they must also be capable of flexibility to meet variable environments within the range of the species. Such thinking receives support when different geographic localities are considered for one species (Johnston, 1954), or when specific features of a special environment are considered (see Miller, 1960; Johnston, 1956).

Yet, if one, relatively restricted locality is considered, as in the present study, evidence of a conservative characteristic in breeding schedules can be detected. This conservatism may result from the historic genetic "burden" of the species; that is to say, previous adaptive peaks may in part be evident in the matrix of contemporary adaptation. Adaptive relicts of morphological nature have been many times doc.u.mented, but characteristics a.s.sociated with seasonality and timing schedules have not.

In any event, genetic relations.h.i.+ps are evident in the configuration of breeding seasons of many species here treated. Thus, any consideration of variation in breeding schedules must be sensitive to the limits, whether broad or restricting, that the heritage of a species sets on its present chronological adaptation.

Regulation of Breeding Schedules

Regulation of breeding schedules in birds always involves some exogenous, environmental timing or triggering mechanism. Broad limits to functional reproductive activity seem to be set by the photoperiod--neuroendocrine system. This basic, predominately extra-equatorial, regulator can be ignored by temperate-zone species only if they possess chronological adaptation to special, aperiodic environmental conditions, as does the Red Crossbill (_Loxia curvirostra_; see McCabe and McCabe, 1933; H. B. Tordoff, ms.), for which the chief consideration seems to be availability of conifer seeds. Environmental phonomena otherwise known to trigger breeding activity include rainfall (Davis, 1953; Williamson, 1956), presence of suitable nesting material (Marshall and Disney, 1957; Lehrman, 1958), temperature (Nice, 1937), and presence of a mate (Lehrman, Brody, and Wortis, 1961). Such regulators, or environmental oscillators, are the "phasing factors" of the physiologic clock that dictate the temporal occurrence of primary reproductive activity.


==================+=================================================== Occurrence of Peak of Egg-laying +-------------------+------------------------------- When When Mean Precipitation is: Temperature (F.) is: +---------+---------+-------+-------+-------+------- Light Heavy < 55="">< 70="" 70=""> 70 ------------------+---------+---------+-------+-------+-------+------- Raptors x x O. W. Element x x Residents x x Gra.s.sland species x x Marshland species x x N. Amer. Element x x Migrants x x Woodland species x x Aerial foragers x x S. Amer. Element x x ------------------+---------+---------+-------+-------+-------+-------

None of the regulators mentioned above has been specifically investigated for any Kansan bird, but it is reasonable to suppose that, in these temperate-zone species, the photoperiod is the most important general phasing factor in seasonal breeding. Although gonadal response and seasonal restriction of breeding are set by the photoperiod, specific temporal relations.h.i.+ps are dictated by more immediate environmental variables.

Table 9, as already noted, shows the gross relations.h.i.+ps between certain groups of birds, certain arbitrary indicators of seasonal temperature-humidity conditions bearing significantly on the growing season, and occurrence in time of peak of egg-laying by the birds involved. Some species and groups of Kansan birds breed chiefly under cool-dry environmental conditions, and some under warm-wet environmental conditions. Within each of these categories some variation occurs. Thus, raptors and boreally-adapted species (the Eurasian zoogeographic element) breed under cool conditions prior to rains, and residents and gra.s.sland species breed under slightly warmer conditions prior to rains; limnic species, species derived from North American evolutionary stocks, and migrants tend to breed in the cooler segment of the warm-wet period, and woodland birds, aerial foragers, and species derived from South American evolutionary stocks tend to breed in the warmer segment of the warm-wet period.

So much, then, for relations.h.i.+ps between birds and their environments at a descriptive level. It would be useful at this point to examine how environmental variables relate to timing of breeding. Certain independent lines of investigation indicate that birds have a well-developed internal timing device; most convincing is the work of Schmidt-Koenig (1960) and the others who have shown that the endogenous clock of birds can be s.h.i.+fted in its periodicity forward or backward in time. This and much other evidence (see Brown, 1960) indicate that many fundamental periodic regulators are extrinsic to the animal; it is thus permissible for present purposes to consider any expression of variation in timing as dependent on environmental oscillators. It is not hereby meant to ignore the fact that differential responses to dominant environmental variables occur within a species, indicating endogenous control over timing of breeding. The work by Miller (1960:518) with three populations of the White-crowned Sparrow, revealing innately different responses to vernal photoperiodic increase, is especially important in this regard. For the moment, however, we may consider exogenous controls only.

Any exogenous control, or environmental variable, can be looked on simply as a timing oscillator. Such variables show regular or irregular periodic activity, and the independent actions as a whole result in the more-or-less variable annual schedule of breeding for any species at any one place. It would seem that some oscillators are linked to one another, but there is a real question concerning the over-all degree to which linkage is present. It is significant that frequency distributions of breeding activity of various species and groups of birds take on the shape of a skewed normal curve. The more information is added to such distributions, the more nearly they approach being wholly normal, with irregularities tending to disappear. This kind of response itself is evidence that most of the variables influencing the distribution are not mutually linked.

This conclusion is warranted if we examine what would happen to frequency distributions if the variables or oscillators regulating timing were linked. The frequency distribution of breeding activity in birds is described by a nonlinear curve (a normal distribution is nonlinear). Let us a.s.sume that each of the environmental variables is a nonlinear oscillator, as is probable. A set of nonlinear oscillators mutually entrained or coupled and operating with reference to a given phenomenon would result in that phenomenon being described by a frequency distribution much more stable than if it were regulated by any one oscillator alone. However, the frequency distribution of a set of coupled nonlinear oscillators is non-normal (Wiener, 1958).

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The Breeding Birds of Kansas Part 2 summary

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