Athaliah Part 12

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Your saintly troops and you alone remain?


Twice I have walked around the sacred courts, And all are fled; dispersed without return, Scattered in fear--a miserable crew!

G.o.d by His holy tribe's no longer served:-- E'er since that people Pharoah's steps escaped, An equal panic has not seized on them.


A people in performance loose, and born For slavery--bold against G.o.d alone!

Let us pursue our work. But who retains These children, even in our midst?

_One of the daughters of the choir_

Alas, could we, sire, part ourselves from you?

In the Lord's temple are we aliens?

Around you are our fathers and our sires.


Ha! if to avenge the shame of Israel Our hands may not as Jael's, formerly, Have power to pierce G.o.d's impious enemies' head, Yet we at least may give our lives to Him.

Whilst you are fighting for His temple stormed, We may, at least, invoke Him with our tears.


Eternal Wisdom, in Thy quarrel armed Here, then, are Thine avengers--priests and children!

But Thou sustaining, who can cast us down?

From death Thou canst recall us when Thou wilt!

Thou strikest and Thou healest, Thou destroyest And Thou resuscitatest. We rely Not on our own deserts, but on Thy name, Invoked so frequently, and on Thy oath Sworn to the most devout of all our kings, Within this temple made Thy holy dwelling, And which the sun's duration is to last.

But whence this sacred thrilling of my soul?

Am I transported by the Holy Spirit?

It is so: it inflames me: speaks to me: My eyes are opened, and the times obscure Unveil themselves before me! Levites, lend Your harmony of sounds, and by their swell Support my ecstacy!

_The Choir sing to the sound of every symphony of the instruments._

O let the voice of G.o.d be heard, And to our hearts, His oracle divine, Be as the freshness of the morn Is to the tender gra.s.s in spring.


Heaven, hear my voice. Earth, lend thine ear.

No more, O Jacob, say thy G.o.d doth slumber, O sinners disappear; the Lord's awake.

_Here the symphonies are resumed, and Joad instantly continues._

How into worthless lead pure gold is changed!

Who is that priest slain in the holy place?

Weep, weep Jerusalem, perfidious city, Wretched destroyer of the sacred seers; G.o.d of His love for thee divests Himself; Thy incense in His eyes is incense foul.

Where do you take those children and those wives?

The queen of cities G.o.d has overthrown: Her priests are captives, and her kings disowned.

Temple be overthrown! Cedars cast your flames!

Jerusalem, thou object of my grief, Who in one day has ravished all thy charms?

O who will change, to weep thy miseries, Mine eyes to two fountains of tears?


O holy temple!


O David!


Restore, O G.o.d of Sion, O restore, Thy ancient benefactions in her favour.

_The symphonies resume, and immediately after Joad continues._

What new Jerusalem arises from The desert's depths in dazzling splendour, And bears upon her brow a stamp immortal?


Sing, people of the earth, Jerusalem reborn more grand and beautiful!

Whence on all sides repair to her The progeny not fostered in her bosom?

Lift high, Jerusalem, lift high thy head!

Look on those monarchs of thy marvellous glory: The kings of nations are before thee prostrate, Kissing the dust of thy feet: The people in thy light walk emulous.

Blest, who for Sion with a holy fervour Doth feel his soul expanded!

Heavens scatter your dew, and let the earth Bring forth its Saviour!


Alas! from whence this signal benefaction?

If kings from whom Messiah's to descend--


Let Josabet prepare the diadem Which David's self bore on his sacred brow.

(To the Levites.)

And you, attend me to the place to arm Yourselves, where is concealed from strangers' eyes That formidable heap of swords and lances, Which ever in Philistine's blood were drenched; And which triumphant David, full of years And honours, caused to be unto the G.o.d That had protected him made consecrate.

Could we employ them in a n.o.bler cause % Follow, I will myself distribute them.

_Scene VIII._



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Athaliah Part 12 summary

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