Athaliah Part 13

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What fears my sisters, O what mortal broils!

All powerful G.o.d, are these the sacrifices, The first-fruits and the perfumes we This day should offer at Thy altars?

_One of the daughters of the Choir._

What spectacle unto our timid eyes!

Who could have feared we ever should behold The murderous sword, the homicidal lance Flas.h.i.+ng within the house of peace?


Whence comes it that Jerusalem, Full of indifference to her G.o.d, Is silent in her present danger?

Whence comes it, sisters, that for our protection Brave Abner, at the least, speaks not aloud?


Ah! in a court, in which prevails No other law than force and violence; In which its honours and employments are The price of blind and base obedience, Who will desire, my sister, to lift up His voice for sorrowing innocence?


For whom's that sacred diadem prepared In this confusion--peril violent?


The Lord has deigned to speak; But who can make us understand What to his prophet He has now revealed?

Arms He Himself in our defence?

Or does He arm to overwhelm us?

_All the choir sing,_

O promise! threatening! mysterious gloom!

What evil and what good by turns foretold!

How can we reconcile So much of wrath and love?

_One voice alone._

Sion will be no more; a cruel flame Will burn up all her excellence.

_Another voice._

O G.o.d, s.h.i.+eld Sion; Thy eternal word She holds for her foundations.

_The first_

How all her splendour fades before my eyes.

_The second._

I see on every side her glory radiant

_The first._

Sion is sunk to a profound abyss.

_The second._

Sion, whose brow is in the heavens.

_The first_

What sorrowful abas.e.m.e.nt!

_The second._

What immortal glory!

_The first_

What wailings!

_The second._

What songs of victory!

_A third._

Let us cease from troubling; our G.o.d one day Will reconcile this mystery sublime!

_All three._

Let us revere His anger; trust His love.


G.o.d! of a heart that loveth Thee Who can disturb the peace?

Itself forgetting ever, It seeks, in all, Thy will supreme.

On earth--in heaven even can there bloom Another blessing than the tranquil peace Of a heart that loveth Thee?


_ACT IV.--Scenes I and II_



With a majestic step, beside my mother, Near Zachariah, walks Eliacin.

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Athaliah Part 13 summary

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