Athaliah Part 15

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Joas! me?


You know the signal grace by which G.o.d, foiling the designs of a bad woman, Already with her dagger in your breast, He chose, and saved you from amid the carnage.

You have not yet eluded all her madness: With the same pa.s.sion she has ever hungered To lose in you the last child of her son, Her cruelty is fixed to reach your death; Under your name a.s.sumed, she hunts you still.

But 'neath your standard I have now arranged A people prompt to vengeance and obedience.

Come, generous chiefs of sacred families, By turns be honoured by the holy priest.

_Scene III._



King, here are the avengers on your foes.

Priests, here's the king that I have promised you.


What, is't Eliacin?


What! that amiable child--


Is true inheritor of Judah's throne, Last born of tristful Ochoziah's children, Reared up, you know it, by the name of Joas.

All Israel wept like you the destiny Of this sweet flower, cut down so soon, and thought That with his brother he was wrapt in death.

Attacked with the perfidious steel like them: But G.o.d knowing how to turn aside the blow, Kept in his heart the life-warmth near extinct, Allowing Josabet to carry him All bleeding in her bosom, and avoid The's vigilance. She having none Except myself the accomplice of her theft, Concealed the child, and reared him in the temple.


Alas! for so much love, so many blessings, Father, how shall I e'er acquit myself?


For other times reserve this grat.i.tude.

Here then behold your king, your only hope!

Till now my care has treasured him for you; You, servants of the Lord, must bear it out.

Informed that Ochoziah's son still lives, The murderess, Athaliah, soon will rush, To hurry him again into the tomb.

Already, without knowing him, she pants To ruin sacred ministers 'tis yours To antic.i.p.ate her fury; now 'tis time To end the shameful slavery of the Jews, To avenge our princes' deaths, exalt our laws, And make our king be owned by our two tribes.

The enterprize is great and dangerous; Attacking on her throne a haughty queen, Who sees a numerous camp of hardy strangers And traitorous Hebrews march beneath her standards!

But G.o.d's my strength, whose interest guideth me.

Think that all Israel lives within this child!

Already G.o.d the avenger troubles her.

Eluding whom, I have a.s.sembled you; She deems us armless here, without defence.

Let us crown quickly and proclaim Joas king: Then, fearless soldiers of the new crowned prince, March and invoke the Arbiter of battles; And rousing in the people's hearts their faith, Even in her palace, seek our enemy.

Then those so long in lazy slumber sunk, Beholding us advance in saintly garbs, Will haste with zeal to follow our example!

A king whom in His temple G.o.d has nourished: Aaron's successor, followed by his priests, Leading the house of Levi to the combat; And in these hands, by all tribes venerated, The arms of David consecrate to G.o.d!

The Lord will scatter terror on His foes.

Bathe without fear in unbelievers' blood!

Strike Syrian, and even Israelite!

From those famed Levites do you not descend, Who, when to Nilus' G.o.d inconstant Israel Paid in the desert adoration vile, The saintly homicides of their own house, Did dedicate their hands in treacherous blood, And by that awful deed acquired for you The rank of sole presiders at the altar?

But now I see you burn to follow me!

Swear on this sacred volume, then, Yore all To live, to combat, and to die for him, The king, whom heaven presenteth you to-day.

{AZARIAH (_at the end of the table, laying his hand the sacred book),_}

Yes, swear we, for our brothers and ourselves, To establish Joas upon his father's throne; That we again will not lay down our arms Until avenged upon his enemies: If any' violator break this vow, O may he feel, great G.o.d, Thy vengeful wrath!

And may with him his children be debarred Thy heritage, as those Thou knowest no more!


And to this law, your ever present guide, Will you not, king, swear always to be true?


Can I not to that law conform myself?


Allow, my son--I still dare call you so-- This tenderness, and tolerate the tears Drawn from my eyes for you with just alarms.

Alas! far from the throne instructed, you Are ignorant of the enpoisoned cup; The drunkenness of unrestricted power; The voice of the enchantress flattery.

Soon will they tell you that the sacred laws, Which sway the common people, bow to kings; That his own will's the sovereign's sole restraint; That all to his supreme magnificence Is to be sacrificed; that unto tears And toils his subjects are condemned; and that They must be governed by an iron sway; Who soon or late, if not subdued, subdue.

And thus from snare to snare, and gulf to gulf, Fouling the lovely chasteness of your morals, At length they bring you to despise the truth By painting virtue in a frightful form; Alas! they have misled the kings most wise!

Swear on this book, before these witnesses, That G.o.d shall always be your first of cares; Stern to the wicked, refuge of the good: That 'twixt the poor and you the Lord shall judge.

Remember you, my son, that in this dress, Like them you were an orphan, like them, poor.

{JOAS (_at the middle of the table, having his hand the sacred book,)_}

I promise to obey the law ordained; G.o.d punish me if I abandon you.


Come, and anoint him with the holy oil; Josabet, appear: you now may show yourself.

_Scenes IV. and V._


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Athaliah Part 15 summary

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